Sex: Male


  • University of Illinois, USA, Ph. d., 1923
  • Oregon State College, USA, B. S., 1920
  • University of Illinois, USA, M. S., 1921

Field fo Specialization

Soil Science

Dr. Porfirio Alexander Miel Aliño is recognized for his outstanding research on the important and diverse coastal ecosystems in the Philippines: the coral reefs. His study on the coral reef community in Bolinao was the basis for the development of a holistic model of the reef structure and its interrelationships. His significant work on the reefs and reef environment as habitats for fish assemblages has important implications for reef fisheries which constitute over 50% of small-scale fishing in the Philippines.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, B.S Marine Biology, 1978
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, M. Sc. Marine Biology, 1983
  • James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, QLD Australia, Ph.D. Marine Biology, 1989

Field of Specialization

Marine Biology, Reef Fisheries, Zoology, Coral Reef Rehabilitation.

Sex: Male


  • Ateneo de Manila, Quezon City, A. A., 1935
  • University of the Philippines, Quezon City, M. D., 1940
  • Northwestern University, USA, M. S. Hospital Administration, 1953

Field of Specialization


Sex: Male


  • Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, 2006
  • Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Master of Science in Physics, 2002
  • Saint Joseph Institute of Technology, Butuan City, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, 1995

Field of Specialization

Semiconductor Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Solid State Physics, Materials Physics, Material Science and Condensed Matter, Solar Cell Technology

DR. CArmelo A. Alfiler is recognized of his research in pediatric nephrology which has contributed invaluably to the clinical detection, histopathological definition, treatment and prognostication of common and unusual pediatric renal disorders rendering the care of pediatric renal patients more through and better understood.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, UP Manila, M.D Pediatric Medicine, 1968-72
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, B. S. Pre Med. U. P. Diliman, 1964-6
  • UP Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Medical Center, Manila, Internship, 1973
  • UP Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Dept.of Pediatrics, Manila, Residency, 1976-77
  • Philippine Board of Pediatrics, Manila, Diplomate, 1977

Field of Specialization

Pediatric Medicine, Medicine