DR. CArmelo A. Alfiler is recognized of his research in pediatric nephrology which has contributed invaluably to the clinical detection, histopathological definition, treatment and prognostication of common and unusual pediatric renal disorders rendering the care of pediatric renal patients more through and better understood.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, UP Manila, M.D Pediatric Medicine, 1968-72
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, B. S. Pre Med. U. P. Diliman, 1964-6
  • UP Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Medical Center, Manila, Internship, 1973
  • UP Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Dept.of Pediatrics, Manila, Residency, 1976-77
  • Philippine Board of Pediatrics, Manila, Diplomate, 1977

Field of Specialization

Pediatric Medicine, Medicine


Alfiler, C.A., Sakai, T., (1976) Discovering the asymptomatic child with renal disease. A Comprehensive health care approach in the prevention of renal disease in children
Philippine Journal of Pediatrics Volume 25

Alfiler, C.A. , (1978) Idiopathic renal hematuria in childhood
Medical Publications in Pediatric Nephrology (Tadasu Sakai, M.D.)

Alfiler, C.A., (1978) Current concepts in childhood acute postcstreptococcal glumerulonephritis
Compilation of medical Publications in Pediatric Nephrology (Tadasu Sakai, M.D.)

Alfiler, C.A. , (1978) New developments in the idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood
Compilation of Medical Publications in Pediatric Nephrology (Tadasu Sakai, M.D.)

Alfiler, C.A., Mabilangan, L.M., (1977) Oral and parenteral penicillin prophylaxis among Filipino rheumatic children
Philippine Journal of Cardiology Volume 5

Alfiler, C.A., (1978) Retrospective clinico-histopathologic correlation in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis in Japan
Compilation of Medical Publications in Pediatric Nephrology (Tadasu Sakai, M.D)

Alfiler, C.A., (1978) Recurrence of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura glomerulonephritis in the transpalnted kidney, Japan
Compilation of Medical Publications in Pediatric Nephrology (Tadasu Sakai, M.D.)

Alfiler, C.A., (1979) Prepuberial cyclophosphamide theraphy and gonadal dysfunction: A case report and review of the literature
Australia Pediatric Journal Volume 15

Alfiler, C.A., Roy, P., Doran, T., Sheldon, A., (1980) HLA-DRW7 and steroid -responsive nephrotic syndrome of childhood
Clinical Nephrology Volume 14

Alfiler, C.A., Bernabe, A. Nerie, N., (1975) A limited neonatal intensive care unit , PGH, 1974
Philippine Journal of Pediatrics

Alfiler, C.A., Sakai, T., (1976) Asymptomatic bacteriuria in children (Detecting the asymptomatic child with kidney disease)
Philippine Journal of Pediatrics

Alfiler, C.A., Briones, T., Bernabe, A. , (1976) Cleidocranial dysostosis
Philippine Journal of Pediatrics

Mabilangan, L.M., Alfiler, C.A., (1977) Oral versus parenteral penicilin prophylaxis among Filipino rheumatic children
Philippine Journal of Cardiology Volume 5

Alfiler, C.A., (1981) Steroid-responsive nephrotic syndrome and hemolytic-uremic syndrome.Relation to HLA antigens
Acta Medical Philippine Volume 17

Alfiler, C.A., (1982) Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome among Filipino children
Postgrad Pediatr Volume 1, No. 5

Alfiler, C.A., Chua, E, , (1984) Clinical Spectra of Primary nephrotic syndrome. A prospective study of 158 Filipino children
JPMA Volume 60

Alfiler, C.A., Gomez, C., (1984) Clinical spectra of primary nephrotic glomerulopathies. A comparative study based on 102 biopsied children
Philippine Journal of Pediatric Volume 34

Alfiler, C.A., (1984) A Prospective study of childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, The initial steroid response and its aftermath
Philippine Journal of Pediatrics Volume 34

Alfiler, C.A., (1987) Pharmacotheraphyof Childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Philippine Journal Nephrol Volume 2

Alfiler, C.A., De la Cruz, P.S., Bonzon, D.D., Salasar, A.S., (1989) Sixteen to sixty month observation of acute glomerulonephitis in children. Emphasis on clinical and laboratory studies
Philippine Journal of Nephrology Volume 3

Magnaye, E.M., Santos, D.B., Alfiler, C.A., (1990) Dipyrimadamole in pediatric glomerulopathies
Philippine Journal Nephrology Volume 5

Alfiler, C.A., (1990) Nephrotic Syndrome,renal failure and recurrent respiratory distress in a young boy
Philippine Journal Nephrology Volume 5

Alfiler, C.A., Manalaysay, M.T., (1991) Non-diarrheal acute renal failure in children 7 year experience at a tertiary hospital
Philippine Journal Nephrol. Volume 6

Alfiler, C.A., Manalaysay, M.T., Elises, J.S., Makalinao, I.R. , (1991) Ceptolithiasis among Filipino children: A hospital experience
Philippine Journal Nephrol. Volume 6

Manalaysay, M.T., Elises., J.S., Bonzon, D.D., Alfiler, C.A., (1992) ACE-inhibitor theraphy reduces proteinuria in non-MCNS nephrotic syndrome
Philippine Journal Nephrology Volume 7

Alfiler, C.A., Elises, J.S., Manalaysay, M.T., (1992) Sublinqual nifedipine controls acute severe childhood renal hypertension
Philippine Journal Nephrol. Volume 7

Papers Presented

Detection of Asymptomatic Renal Disorders in Childhood, 5th International Pediatric Nephrology Congress, Philadelphia, U.S.A

Biochemical Changes in Normal and Malnourished States, PPS-United Laboratories Contest

Clinicohistologic Correlation in the Nephrosis of Filipino Children, PPS-Mead Johnson Research Contest

Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Childhood: New Insights into the Natural History and Prognosis, PPS-Abbott Research Contest

Persistent Glomerulonephritis in Childhood, PPS Abbott Research Contest

An Optimal Therapeutic Program for Initially Steroid Responsive Idiopathic Nephroyic Syndrome, PMA-United Laboratories Research Contest

A Prospective Study of Childhood Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: The Initial Response and its Aftermath, PPS-Abbott Research Contest

Clinical Spectra of Primary Nephrotic Glomerulopathics: A Comparative Study Based on 102 Biopsied Children, PPS-Abbott Research Contest


  • Outstanding Young Scientist (Pediatric Medicine), NAST-DOST, 1982
  • Fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology, Kitasato University Hospital and Kidney Center, UP-PGH, 1975
  • Fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology for Children Sydney, Australia, UP-PGH Dept. of Pediatrics and Royal Alexandra Hospital, 1978
  • Most Outstanding Pediatric Intern, UP-Philippine General Hospital (PGH), 1973
  • Most Outstanding Pediatric Resident, UP-Philippine General Hospital (PGH), 1974-1975; 1975-1976
  • Fellow, Philippine Pediatric Society, 1984
  • Fellow, Phil. Society of Nephrology, 1986
  • Most Outstanding Pediatric Resident, Jose Albert Awardee, 1975-76