Sex: Male
- Doctor in Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University Japan, 2017
- Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering University of the Philippines, 2012
- Bachelor of Science in Ceramics Engineering, Mindanao State University, 2007
Field of Specialization:
Rechargeable batteries
Plasma process
Electrophoretic deposition (EPD)
Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Photoluminiscent noble metal
Advanced ceramics
Multi-layer ceramic capacitors
Article title: Binder-Free α-MnO2 Nanowires on Carbon Cloth as Cathode Material for Zinc-Ion Batteries
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz, Lyn Marie De Juan-Corpuz, Mai Thanh Nguyen,Tetsu Yonezawa , Heng-Liang Wu, Anongnat Somwangthanaroj and Soorathep Kheawhom
Publication title: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(9): 3113, 2020
Recently, rechargeable zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) have gained a considerable amount of attention due to their high safety, low toxicity, abundance, and low cost. Traditionally, a composite manganese oxide (MnO2) and a conductive carbon having a polymeric binder are used as a positive electrode. In general, a binder is employed to bond all materials together and to prevent detachment and dissolution of the active materials. Herein, the synthesis of α-MnO2 nanowires on carbon cloth via a simple one-step hydrothermal process and its electrochemical performance, as a binder-free cathode in aqueous and nonaqueous-based ZIBs, is duly reported. Morphological and elemental analyses reveal a single crystal α-MnO2 having homogeneous nanowire morphology with preferential growth along {001}. It is significant that analysis of the electrochemical performance of the α-MnO2 nanowires demonstrates more stable capacity and superior cyclability in a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) electrolyte ZIB than in an aqueous electrolyte system. This is because DMSO can prevent irreversible proton insertion as well as unfavorable dendritic zinc deposition. The application of the binder-free α-MnO2 nanowires cathode in DMSO can promote follow-up research on the high cyclability of ZIBs
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Article title: Acid mine drainage formation and arsenic mobility under strongly acidic
conditions: Importance of soluble phases, iron oxyhydroxides/oxides and nature of oxidation
layer on pyrite,
Authors: Carlito Baltazar Tabelin, Ryan D. Corpuz, Toshifumi Igarashi, Mylah Villacorte-Tabelin, Richard Diaz Alorro, Kyoungkeun Yoo, Simit Raval, Mayumi Ito, Naoki Hiroyoshi
Publication title: Journal of Hazardous Materials 399: 122844, November 2020
Acid mine drainage (AMD) formation and toxic arsenic (As) pollution are serious environmental problems encountered worldwide. In this study, we investigated the crucial roles played by common secondary mineral phases formed during the natural weathering of pyrite-bearing wastes—soluble salts (melanterite, FeSO4·7H2O) and metal oxides (hematite, Fe2O3)—on AMD formation and As mobility under acidic conditions (pH 1.5–4) prevalent in historic tailings storage facilities, pyrite-bearing rock dumps and AMD-contaminated soils and sediments. Our results using a pyrite-rich natural geological material containing arsenopyrite (FeAsS) showed that melanterite and hematite both directly—by supplying H+ and/or oxidants (Fe3+)—and indirectly—via changes in the nature of oxidation layer formed on pyrite—influenced pyrite oxidation dynamics. Based on SEM-EDS, DRIFT spectroscopy and XPS results, the oxidation layer on pyrite was mainly composed of ferric arsenate and K-Jarosite when melanterite was abundant with/without hematite but changed to Fe-oxyhydroxide/oxide and scorodite when melanterite was low and hematite was present. This study also observed the formation of a mechanically ‘strong’ coating on pyrite that suppressed the mineral’s oxidation. Finally, As mobility under acidic conditions was limited by its precipitation as ferric arsenate, scorodite, or a Fe/Al arsenate phase, including its strong adsorption to Fe-oxyhydroxides/oxides.
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Article title: Binder-Free Centimeter-Long V2O5 Nanofibers on Carbon Cloth as Cathode
Material for Zinc-Ion Batteries,
Authors: Lyn Marie De Juan-Corpuz,Ryan Dula Corpuz, Anongnat Somwangthanaroj, Mai Thanh Nguyen,Tetsu Yonezawa, Jianmin Ma and Soorathep Kheawhom
Publication title: Energies 13(1): 31, 2020
Recently, rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries (AZBs) have attracted extensive interest due to their safety, abundance, low cost, and low toxicity. However, aqueous electrolytes require a polymeric binder to prevent dissolution of the active material in addition to its binding properties. This study highlights binder-free, centimeter long, single-crystal, V2O5 nanofibers (BCS-VONF) on carbon cloth, as the cathode material for AZBs synthesized via a simple one-step hydrothermal process. BCS-VONF in 3.0 M Zn(OTf)2 exhibit promising electrochemical performance with excellent capacity retention. Even in the absence of a binder, BCS-VONF were found to be very stable in 3.0 M Zn(OTf)2. They will not yield to the dissolution and detachment of the active material on the current collector. The novel strategy described in this study is an essential step for the development of BCS-VONF on carbon cloth, as a promising cathode material for AZBs
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Article title: Improved pyrolysis behavior of ammonium polyphosphate-melamine-
expandable (APP-MEL-EG) intumescent fire-retardant coating system using ceria and dolomite as additive for I-beam steel application
Authors: Joshua B.Zoleta, Gevelyn B. Itao, Vannie Joy T. Resabal, Arnold A. Lubguban, Ryan D. Corpuz, Mayumi Ito, Naoki Hiroyoshi, Carlito Baltazar Tabelin
Publication title: Heliyon 6(1): e03119, January 2020
This study describes the effects of ceria (CeO2) and dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] additives on the pyrolysis behavior and fire resistive property of conventional intumescent flame retardant (IFR) coating system for I-beam steel substrate called ammonium polyphosphate-melamine-expandable graphite (APP-MEL-EG) system. The fire resistance of various formulations was evaluated using the standard vertical Bunsen burner fire test. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to understand the degradation of coating formulations. Observations by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) demonstrated that significant amounts of additives favored the formation of homogeneous compacted char structures, which were predominantly composed of carbon (C), phosphorus (P) and oxygen (O). These three main components of the char were also found to be in various binding combinations with other lighter elements like nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) as illustrated by the attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy results. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) further suggest that polyethylene([(CH2–C2H2–CH2)n−]) free radicals were abundant on the char surface for the two best formulations and the binding energy of this radical promoted the formation of aromatic carbon chains that enhanced the char's thermal stability. This means that the selection of appropriate additives and combinations of flame-retardant ingredients could significantly change the morphology of the char layer and improve its thermal stability during fire exposure.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: Annealing induced a well-ordered single crystal δ-MnO2 and its electrochemical performance in zinc-ion battery,
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz, Lyn Marie Z. De Juan, Supareak Praserthdam, Rojana Pornprasertsuk, Tetsu Yonezawa, Mai Thanh Nguyen & Soorathep Kheawhom
Publication title: Scientific Reports 9: 15107, 2019
Herein, the formation and electrochemical performance of a novel binder-free turbostratic stacked/ well-ordered stacked δ-MnO2-carbon fiber composite cathodes in deep eutectic solvent (DES) based zinc-ion battery (ZIB) is reported. Results of morphological, elemental, and structural analyses revealed directly grown and interconnected δ-MnO2 crumpled nanosheets on a carbon fiber substrate. Moreover, an improvement via a simple annealing strategy in the stacking, surface area and conductivity of the δ-MnO2 sheets was observed. Annealing induces the rearrangement of δ-MnO2 sheets resulting in the transformation from turbostratic stacking to a well-ordered stacking of δ-MnO2 sheets, as indicated by the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) hexagonal single crystal pattern. Besides, the formation of the well-ordered stacking of δ-MnO2 sheets exhibited improved electrochemical performance and cyclability, as cathode material for ZIB. The novel strategy described in this study is an essential step for the development of binder-free δ-MnO2-C fiber composite with a well-ordered stacking of δ-MnO2 sheets. This study also demonstrated comparable electrochemical performance between the turbostratic δ-MnO2 sheets and the well-ordered stacked δ-MnO2 sheets.
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Article title: Hematite-catalysed scorodite formation as a novel arsenic immobilisation strategy under ambient conditions
Publication title: Carlito Baltazar Tabelin, Ryan D. Corpuz, Toshifumi Igarashi, Mylah Villacorte-Tabelin, Mayumi Ito, Naoki Hiroyoshi
Scorodite is an important mineral not only for arsenic (As) removal from industrial wastewaters but also in the mobility and final fate of As in waste rocks, contaminated soils and sediments, and mine tailings. Because of the mineral's high As-loading capacity and stability, numerous studies have been done to understand its formation. Unfortunately, most of these studies were limited to elevated temperatures (>70 °C), so the processes involved in scorodite formation under ambient conditions remain unclear. This study provides evidence of the catalytic effects of hematite on the formation of scorodite at 25 °C in a pyrite-rich natural geologic material. Scorodite peaks were detected in the XRD patterns of the leaching residues with and without hematite, but those in the former were stronger and more pronounced than the latter. These results suggest that the formation of scorodite was catalysed by hematite, a generalisation that is further supported by strong characteristic IR absorption bands of scorodite at 819 cm–1 (As–O bending vibration), 785 and 725 cm–1 (As–O stretching vibrations), and 2990 cm−1 (OH-vibration) as well as the distinct XPS binding energies of Fe(III)–As (709.7 eV), As(V)–O (44.8, 44.31 and 43.7 eV), O2− (530.5 eV) and coordinated water (531.3 eV) in scorodite. This phenomenon could be attributed to three possible mechanisms: (1) more rapid precipitation promoted by the “seeding” effect of hematite particles, (2) additional supply of Fe3+ from hematite dissolution under acidic conditions, and (3) enhanced oxidations of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and As(III) to As(V) on the surface of hematite.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: Porous ZnV2O4 Nanowires for Stable and High-rate Lithium Ion Battery Anodes
Authors: Lyn Marie Z. De Juan-Corpuz, Mai Thanh Nguyen, Ryan D. Corpuz, Tetsu Yonezawa*, Nataly Carolina Rosero-Navarro, Kiyoharu Tadanaga, Tomoharu Tokunaga, and Soorathep Kheawhom
Publication title: ACS Applied Nano Materials 2(7): 4247-4256, 2019
Porous ZnV2O4 nanowires (NWs) were successfully prepared by hydrothermal reaction followed by calcination. Despite the porous structure, these porous ZnV2O4 NWs are single crystal with {220} facets and a wire direction along the c-axis. On the basis of an electrochemical test, these porous ZnV2O4 NWs have better cycling stability and higher specific capacity (i.e., 460 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles and 149 mA h g–1 after 1000 cycles using 1 and 5 A g–1 current densities, respectively) compared to other morphologies (i.e., spherical and coral-like morphologies). As a ternary transition metal oxide, the produced porous ZnV2O4 NWs undergo phase transformation without compromising the resulting capacity. On the other hand, the CV curves at different scan rates indicate a pseudocapacitive electrochemical behavior of the porous ZnV2O4.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: CeO 2-dolomites as fire retardant additives on the conventional intumescent coating in steel substrate for improved performance,
Authors: Joshua Zoleta, Gevelyn Itao, Vannie Joy Resabal, Arnold Lubguban, Ryan Corpuz, Carlito Tabelin, Mayumi Ito and Naoki Hiroyosh
Publication title: MATEC Web Conferences 268: 04009, 2019
Multiple combinations of CeO2-Dolomite as fillers and Intumescent Flame Retardant (IFR) ingredients were used to optimize the intumescent coatings designed for I-beam steel substrates. The influenced of fillers and various combinations of flame-retardants on the fire protective performance of the coatings were evaluated using vertical Bunsen burner fire test and various characterization techniques. Formula C and Formula F having 1:1 and 2:2 CeO2-Dolomite ratio, obtained the lowest substrate temperature around 150oC and 150.4oC, respectively after 90 minutes fire exposure. Also, the morphological structures of intumescent char observed by SEM-EDX, demonstrated that Formula C and Formula F stimulated the formation of homogeneous and more compacted surface structure. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provide the binding energies of C and O constituents, it was observed that [-(C2H4)n-] was the most important free radical as it could promote the formation of aromatic carbon chain in the char surface. Finally, the findings of this study revealed that the selection of appropriate fillers and combinations of flame-retardant ingredients significantly influenced the morphological structure of the char layer, of which, Formula C and Formula F produced a char with higher thermal stability, resulting to a more fire resistive IFR coating during fire exposure.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: Synthesis of positively charged photoluminescent bimetallic Au-Ag nanoclusters by double target sputtering method on a biocompatible polymer matrix
Authors: Ryan D. Corpuz, Yohei Ishida, Mai Thanh Nguyen, and Tetsu Yonezawa
Publication title: Langmuir 2017 33(36): 9144-9150, 2017
Herein, we report a novel positively charged photoluminescent Au–Ag bimetallic nanocluster synthesized using 11-mercaptoundecyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide as the capping ligand by means of “green” double-target sputtering method on a biocompatible polymer matrix. The photoluminescent Au–Ag bimetallic cluster showed emission tunability from blue to near infrared (NIR) regions with respect to change in the composition.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: Synthesis of cationically charged photoluminescent Coinage Metal Nanoclusters by Sputtering over Liquid Polymer Matrix
Authors: Ryan D. Corpuz, Yohei Ishida and Tetsu Yonezawa
Publication title: New Journal of Chemistry 41: 6828-6833, 2017
This study demonstrates a novel synthesis of cationically charged photoluminescent noble metal nanoclusters of Au, Ag, and Cu; these are known plasmonic elements utilizing 11-mercaptoundecyl-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonium bromide as a stabilizing and capping ligand via sputtering deposition over a liquid polymer matrix.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: Controlling an electrostatic repulsion by oppositely charged surfactants towards positively charged fluorescent gold nanoclusters
Authors: Ryan D. Corpuz, Yohei Ishidaa and Tetsu Yonezawa
Publication title: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18: 8773-8776, 2016
A novel positively charged fluorescent gold nanocluster was successfully synthesized using the shortest cationic thiol, thiocholine. Effective control of electrostatic repulsion by the introduction of an anionic surfactant afforded a nanocluster that showed blue fluorescence emission.
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Article title: Water-Dispersible Fluorescent Silver Nanoparticles via Sputtering Deposition over Liquid Polymer Using a Very Short Thiol Ligand
Authors: Yohei Ishida, Ryota Nakabayashi, Ryan D. Corpuz, Tetsu Yonezawa
Publication title: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 518: 25-29, 2017
We have developed a novel physical approach for size-controlled synthesis of metal nanoparticles via sputtering deposition over liquid matrix. Here we report a novel water-dispersible, negatively charged fluorescent silver nanoparticles through this method with a very short anionic thiolate ligand. Our previous result showed that multiple hydrogen bonds between carboxylic groups in surface ligands resulted in a very poor dispersilibity of formed nanoparticles, however neutralized sodium 3-mercaptopropionate used in this work could overcome this limitation. We successfully obtained NIR fluorescent, water-dispersible silver nanoparticles for the first time among physical-based approach. Results presented here therefore will widen the spectrum of novel and environmental-friendly strategy for functionalized metal nanoparticles or fluorescent clusters.
Full text available upon request to the author
Article title: Electrophoretic fabrication of ZnO/ZnO-CuO composite for ammonia gas sensing
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz and Jason Rayala Albia
Publication title: Materials Research 17(4): 851-856, 2014
Nanostructured deposits of ammonia (NH3) sensitive ZnO and ZnO-CuO composites were fabricated on a graphite electrode via electrophoretic deposition (EPD). Deposition was done by holding the applied voltage and deposition time constant at room temperature. Testing of sensing properties of the deposits was conducted using Wheatstone bridge circuit. SEM micrographs show a more open structure and more exposed surface area of the pure ZnO deposit compared to the ZnO-CuO deposit. The average particle size deposited at 500V for ZnO and ZnO-CuO were 241nm and 260nm respectively; whereas at 750V the average particle size is 195nm and 276nm, respectively. Deposits with greater surface area, smaller particle sizes and thicker deposits exhibit high gas sensitivity. On the other hand, addition of CuO resulted to a more compact and dense surface structure and decreased gas sensitivity. Thus, particle size and the surface structure of the deposits dictate the sensitivity of the material.
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Papers Presented:
Article title: Photoluminescent Bimetallic Nanoclusters by Sputtering Technique
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz
Conference title: 8th International Colloids Conference, Fudan University, Shanghaii,
China, 10-13 June 2018
Article title: Synthesis of cationic mono- and bi-metallic nanoparticles with unique photo fluorescent property via sputtering method
Authors: I. Akita, Y. Ishida, R. D. Corpuz and T. Yonezawa
Conference title: The 98th Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan, Nihon University,
College of Science and Technology, Chiba, Japan, 20-23 March 2018
Article title: Sputtering Technique: A greener strategy to produce photoluminescent
bimetallic nanoclusters
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz
Conference title: The Energy Materials and Nanotechnology Meeting on Ceramics, Las Vegas, USA, 27 February–10 March 2018
Article title: Synthesis of cationically charged photoluminescent bimetallic Au-Ag nanocluster with tunable emission by double target sputtering method
Authors: R. D. Corpuz, Y. Ishida and T. Yonezawa
Conference title: The Chemical Society of Japan Hokkaido Section 2017 Summer Study Presentation, Asahikawa National College of Technology, Asahikawa,
Hokkaido, Japan, 22 July
Article title: Synthesis of Cationically Charged Photoluminescent Noble Metal Nanoclusters by sputtering over liquid polymer matrix
Authors: R. D. Corpuz, Y. Ishida and T. Yonezawa
Conference title: The 15th Annual meeting of Society of Nano Science and Technology Hokkaido Citizen Activity Center, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 10-12 May 2017
Article title: Effect of Cationic Thiol Ligand and Anionic Surfactant on the Synthesis of Fluorescent Gold Nanocluster
Authors: R. D. Corpuz, Y. Ishida and T. Yonezawa
Conference title: The 64th SPSJ (The Society of Polymer Science, Japan) Annual Meeting, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan , 27-29 May 2015
Article title: Electrophoretic Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Silica-Stainless Steel
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz
Conference title: 5th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications (EPD 2014), Hernstein Castle, Austria, 5-10 October 2014
Article title: Electrophoretic Classification of Ultrafine Silica Particles in Dilute Aqueous Suspensio006E
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz
Conference title: 5th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications (EPD 2014), Hernstein Castle, Austria, 5-10 October 2014
Article title: Electrophoretic Classification of Ultrafine Silica particles in Dilute Aqueous Suspension
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz
Conference title: Baku World Forum of Young Scientists 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-31 May
Article title: Porous Single Crystal ZnV2O4 as Anode Material for Lithium-ion Battery
Authors: L. M. D. Corpuz, and R. D. Corpuz,
Conference title: The First International Ceramics Research Colloquium “Ceramics: Innovation for Education and Community Building”, Iligan Institute of Technology, Mindanao State University, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines, 18-19 September 2018
Article title: Electrophoretic Classification of Ultrafine Silica Particles in Dilute Aqueous Suspension and Its Application on Superhydrophobicity of Stainless Steel Substrate
Authors: Ryan Dula Corpuz
Conference title: Ceramics Forum of the 1st Ceramics Engineering Week Celebration, College of Engineering amphitheater, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines, 10 February 2014
Article title: Modified Silica Superhydrophobic Coating on Stainless Steel
Authors: L. M. Z. De Juan and R. D. Corpuz,
Conference title: Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas
Article title: Fabrication of Highly Ordered Alumina Template
Authors: R. D. Corpuz and L. M. Z. De Juan,
Conference title: MICROSPHIL 2012 “Advancing National Development Through Microscopy Research” the 12th Scientific Conference and General Assembly, CSB International Hotel, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines, 29-30 March.
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