Dr. James Patrick Abulencia’s is recognized for his important contributions in the field of graduate work focused on examining the effects of fluid shear stress on physiological systems. He joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at Manhattan College in February 2007, and is currently an associate professor primarily teaching material and energy balances, thermodynamics, fluids, and unit operations laboratory.

Sex: Male


  • Manhattan College New York, New York, BS Chemical Engineering, 1997
  • Johns Hopkins University Maryland, Ph.D. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2003

Field of Specialization

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Mohan, A., Sola, E., Abulencia, J.P., () Denitrification of an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Manuscript in preparation

Abraham, N.S., Caraccio, A., K. McDonnell, K., Ruffini, N., Gallardo, S., Abulencia, J.P., () Hexavalent Chromium Removal using Coconut Derived Activated Carbon Manuscript in Preparation

Abulencia, J.P., Tien, N., McCarty, O.J.T., Plymire, D., Mousa, S.A., Konstantopoulos, K., (2001) Comparative Antiplatelet Efficacy of a Novel Nonpeptide GPIIb/IIIa Antagonist (XV454) and Abciximab (c7E3) in Flow Models of Thrombosis Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis & Vascular Biology Volume 21, No. 1

Abraham, N.S., Abulencia, J.P., () New Approaches for Preparing U.S. Engineering Students in a Global Economy Manuscript in preparation

Abraham, N.S., Caraccio, A., . McDonnell, K., N. Ruffini, N., Gallardo, S., Abulencia, J.P., () Hexavalent Chromium Removal using Coconut Derived Activated Carbon Manuscript in Preparation

McCarty, O.J.T., Abulencia, J.P, Mousa, S.A., Konstantopoulos, K., (2004) Evaluation of Platelet Antagonists in In-Vitro Flow Models of Thrombosis Methods of Molecular Medicine Volume 93

Mousa, S.A., Abulencia, J.P., McCarty, O.J.T., Turner, N.A., Konstantopoulos, K., (2002) Comparative Efficacy Between the GPIIb/IIIa Antagonists, Roxifiban and Orbofiban, in Inhibiting Platelet Function in Flow Models of Thrombosis Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Volume 39

Abulencia, J.P., Gaspard, R., Healy, Z.R., Gaarde, W.A., Quackenbush, J. Konstantopoulos, K., (2003) Shear-Induced Cyclooxygenase-2 via a JNK2-Dependent Pathway Regulates Prostaglandin-Receptor Expression in Chondrocytic Cells Journal of Biological Chemistry Volume 278, No. 31

Abraham, N.S., Abulencia, J.P., () Use of LITEE Lorn Manufacturing Case Study in a Senior Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research (in press)

Abulencia, J.P., Gaspard, R., Quackenbush, J., Konstantopoulos, K., (2002 O) Microarray Analysis of the Chondrocytic Cell Line T/C-28a2 under Dynamic Fluid Shear Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Houston, TX

Griffon, D.J., Abulencia, J.P., Ragetly, G.R.,. Fredericks, L.P., Chaieb, S., (2010) A Comparative Study of Seeding Techniques and Three-Dimensional Matrices for Mesenchymal Cell Attachment Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, (online advance in print)

Abulencia, J.P., Gallardo, S., Abraham, A. Caraccio, A., Ruffini, N., McDonnell, K. Tanala, F., (2010) Sustainability of Water Resources for the Poor Consilience ?The Journal of Sustainable Development Volume 4

Abulencia, J.P., Theodore, L., (2009) Fluid Flow for the Practicing Chemical Engineer


  • Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, 1997
  • Epsilon Sigma Pi, Highest Academic Honor in Manhattan College, 1997
  • Theta Alpha Kappa, National Religion Honor Society, 1997
  • Pi Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Honor Society, 1997
  • Summer Scholar in Residence, New York University, 2010
  • Deans List, Manhattan College, (1993-1997)
  • Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, 1993
  • Presidential Scholarship, Manhattan College, 1993-1997
  • Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation, 1997
  • Omega Chi Epsilon, National Chemical Engineering Honor Society, 1996
  • MARC Travel Award, FASEB, 2002
  • Travel Award, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2002
  • Balik Scientist Awardee, DOST, 2008