Dr. Lourdes Cruz is recognized for her contributions to the biochemistry of conotoxins. Using the venom from Conus marine snails, her work on biologically active peptides contributed to the development of conotoxins as biochemical probes for examining the activities of the brain. For example, ω-Conotoxin is used for testing calcium channels in neurons. Another one, μ-conotoxin is used as a prohibitor of muscular movement when inspecting actions and synapses. A total of seven Conus venom-based therapeutic products of pain, epilepsy and myocardial infarction reached Phase 1 and preclinical trials on non-human subjects in 2006.
Sex: Female
- University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, B.S. Chemistry, 1962
- University of Iowa, USA, M.S. in Biochemistry, 1966
- University of Iowa, USA, Ph.D. in Biochemestry, 1968
Field of Specialization:
Biologically active compounds from Conus Venums:, Development of biochemical methods for monitoring paralytic shellfish poisons(PSP), Jellyfish Venoms: Biochemistry and Toxinology
Clark, C. , Olivera B.M., Cruz L.J., (1981) A toxin from Conus geography venom which acts on the vertebrate central nervous system
Toxicon Volume 19
Buenaflor, H.G., Mendoza, E.M.T. Cruz, L.J., (1981) Studies of the biochemical nature of Conus magus venom
Kalikasan, Phil. J. Biol.Soc. Volume 10
Jimenez, E.C Cruz, L.J., (1981) Localization of ezymes and protiens in the venom granules of Conus striadius
Bull.Phil. Biochem.Soc. Volume 4
Mclnstosh, M. Cruz, L.J. Hunkapiller M.W., Hood, L.E., Luque, A., Gray, W., Oliver, B.M., (1982) A peptide toxin from conus magus venom
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Volume 218
Jimenez, E.C., Olivera, B.M., Cruz, L.J., (1983) Localization of enzymes and possible toxin precursors in granules form Conus stiatus venom
Toxicon supplement Volume 3
Cruz, L.J, (1983) Biochemical charaterization of toxin from Conus striatus venom.NRCP
Saligang Saliksik Volume 11
Reyes, A.G., Cruz, L.J., (1983) Hemolytic activities from Conus textiles venom
Acta Medica Philipina Volume 19
Lirazan, M.B., Cruz,L.J., (1982) Biochemical characterization of some toxins from Conus striatus venom
Bull. Phil. Biochem.Sco. Volume 5-6
Gray, W.R., Rivier, J.E., Galyean, R., Cruz, L.J, Olivera, B.M., (1983) Conotoxin M1: Dissulfide bonding and conformation states.
J. Biol.Chem. Volume 258
Gray, W.R., Luque, T.A.., Galyean, R., Atherton, E., Sheppard, R.C., Stone, B.L., Reyes, A., Alfrod, J., Mclntosh, M., Oliver, B.M.,Cruz, L.J., Riveir, J., (1984) Conotoxin G1: Disulfide brides, synthesis and preparation of iodinated derivatives
Biochemistry Volume 23
Olivera, B.M. Mclntosh, J.M. Cruz, L.J., Luque, F.A., Gray, W.R., (1984) Purification and sequence of a presynaptic peptide toxin from Conus geography venom
Biochemistry Volume 23
Mclntosh, J.M., Olivera, B.M., Cruz, L.J., Gray, W.R., (1984) carboxyglutamate in a neuroactive toxin
J.Biol. Chem. Volume 259
Olivera, B.M., Mclntosh, J.M. Clark C., Middlemas, D., Gray W.R ., and Cruz L.J., (1985) a sleep-inducing peptide from Conus geographus venom.
Toxicon Volume 23
Cruz, L..J,, Gray W.R., Olivera B.M , Zeikus R.D., Kerr L., Yoshikami, D., and Moczydlowski E., (1985) Conus geograhus toxins that descriminate between neuronal and muscle sodium channels
Journal Biology Chemistry Volume 260;
Gray W.R., Olivera B.M, Cruz L.J., and Rivier, J., (1987) A model for " sleepers peptide (conotoxin GV) and other Gla- containing molecules.Peptide Chemistry, T. Shiba and S. Sakakibara (eds.)
Protein Research Foundation, Osaka Japan
Cruz, L.J., Johnson, D.S., Imperial, J.S., Griffin, D LeCheminant G.W., Miljanich,G.P., Olivera B.M., (1987) Conotoxin and voltage- sensitivity Ca channel subtypes
Molecular Biology - IOnic channels. Current topics in Membranes and Transports Volume 3
Olivera, B.M., Gray, W.R., Cruz L..J.,, (1988) Marine snail venom.
Handbook of Natural Toxins, Vol 3, Marine toxins and Venoms, A Tu (ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc., N.Y., Volume 3
Gray, W.R., Olivera B.M., Cruz L.J.,, (1988) Peptide toxins from venomous Conus snails
Ann. Rev. Biochemistry Volume 57
Zafaralla, G.C. Camilo, C.A., Gray, W.R., Karlstrom, R., Olivera, B.M., and Cruz, LJ., (1988) Phytogenetic specificity of chlonergenic ligands: - Conotoxin SI.
Biochemistry Volume 27
Johnson, D.S., Corpuz,G.P., and Cruz, L..,, (1988) Conotoxins as probes for subtypes of neuronal calcium channels.
Proceedings International Symposium on Protein Structure and Function Relationship
Lecheminant, G.W., Reyes, A.G., and Cruz, L. G., (1989) Conotoxins binding: An assay for muscle subtypes of voltage- sensitivity sodium channels
Transaction National Academy Science & Technology Volume 10
Cruz, L.J., Kupryszewski, Lechiminant, G.W., Gray , W.R., Olivera, B.M., AND Cruz, L.J., (1989) Conotoxin GIIIA, a peptide ligand for muscle Ma channels: Chemical synthesis, radiolabeling and receptor characterization.
Biochemistry Volume 28
Hillyard, R.D., Olivera, B.M., Woodward, S., Corpuz, J.P., Gray, W.R., Ramilo, C.A., and Cruz, L.J., (1989) A molluscivorous Conus toxin:conserved frameworks in conotoxins.
Biochemistry Volume 28
Cruz, L.J.,, (1989) Conotoxins: Biochemical probes for ion channels and receptors.
Natural Toxin Characterization, Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Haack, J.A., Rivier, J., Parks, T.N., Mena, E., Cruz, L.J., Olivera, B.M., (1990) Conantocxins-T; a y- carboxyglutumate-containing pepetide with N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist activity.
Journal Biology Chemistry Volume 265
Olivera, B.M., Hillyard, D.R., River, J., Woodward, S., Gray, W.R., Corpuz, G.P., and Cruz, L.J.,, (1990) Conotoxins: Targeted peptide ligands fron snail venom.
Marine Toxins: Origin, Structure , and Molecular Pharmacology. S. Hall and G. Strichartz (eds.) , ACS Syposium Series, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C
Cruz, L.J, Myers, R.A., Haack, J.A., and Olivera B.M., (1990) Toxins and other biologically active peptides of Conus geographus venom.
Proc. 2nd EurAsia Conference in Chemistry , Seuol, Korea,
Olivera, B.M., Gray, W.R., Zeikus, R., Mclntosh, J.M., Varga, J., Rivier, J., De Santos, V., Cruz, L.J., (1985) Peptide neurotoxins from fish-hunting cone snails
Scince Volume 230
Cruz, L.J., Gray, W., Yoshikami, D., Oliver, B.M.,, (1985) Conus venoms: A rich source of neuroactive peptides
Journal Toxicology-Toxin Review Volume 4
Gray, W.R., Middlemas, D.M., Zeikus, R., Olivera, B. , Cruz, L.J., (1985) Structure-activity relatioship in conotoxins: A model ln : Peptides: Structure and Function, Pronc. Ninth
Amer.Peptides System
Cruz, L.J., Olivera, B.M., (1986) Calcuim channel antagonist,- Conotoxin defines a new high affinity site.
J.Bio.Chem. Volume 261
Rivier, J., Galyean,R., Gray, W.R., Azim - Zonooz, A., Mclntosh, J.M., Cruz, L.J, Oliver, B.M.,, (1987) Neuronal calcium channel inhibitor, Synthesis of -conotoxin in GVIA and effects on 45Ca uptake by synotosomes
Journal Biology Chemistry Volume 262
Balbin-Romero, J., Cruz, J.L., (1987) Actycholinesierase of Conus geography venom: Partial purification and characterizxation
Acta Medica Phili. Volume 7
Conception, G.P., Cruz, L.J., (1987) Prostaglaadin synthetase from Philippines gorgonians
Bull. Phil. BioChem.Soc. Volume 7
Olivera, B.M., Cruz, L.J., Santos De,. V., LeCheminant, G., Griffin, D., Zeikus, R., Mclntosh, J.M., Galyean R., Varga, J., Gray, W.R., Rivier, J., (1987) Neuronal Ca channel antagonists. Discrimination between Ca channel subtypes using - conotoxin from Conus magus venom
Biochemistry Volume 26
Cruz, L.J., Jonhson, D.S, Olivera, B.M.,, (1987) A characterization of the conotoxin target, Evidence for tissue -spectific heterogeneity in Ca channel types
Biochemistry Volume 26
Mc Cleskey, E.W., Fox, A.P., Feldman, D., Cruz, L.J., Olivera, B.M., Tsien, R.W., Yoshikami, (1987) Calcium channel blockade by a peptide from Conus specificity and mechanism
Proceedings, National Academy of Science, U.S.A Volume 84
Yeager, R.E., Yoshikami, J., Rivier,J., Cruz, L.J., Mijanich, G.P, (1987) Transmitter release from presynaptic terminals of the electric organ : Inhibition by the calcium channel antagonist,- Conus toxin
Journal of Neuroscience Volume 7
Cruz, L.J., Lecheminant , G.W., Olivera, B.M., (1987) Biochemical studies of conotoxin GVIA; A peptide toxin inhibiting voltage -sensitive Ca++ channels in.
Integration and control of metabolic processes, pure and applied aspects.
Cruz, L.J., De Santos, V., Zarafalla , G.C., Ramilo, C. A., Ziekus, R., Gray, W.R., Olivera, B.M., (1987) Invertebrate vasopressin/oxytocin homologs, characterization of peptides from conus geographus and conus striatus venoms.
J. Biol. chem. Volume 262
Rivier, J., Galyean, R..,Simon, L. Cruz, L.J., Olivera, B.M. Gray, W.R., (1987) Total synthesis and further characterization of the carboxyglutamate-containng "sleeper" peptide from conus geographus venon.
Biochemistry Volume 26
Woodward, S.R., Cruz, LJ.,Olivera, B.M.,Hillyard, D.R., (1990) Constant and hypervariable region in conotoxin properties.
Embo Journal Volume 9
Olivera, B.M., Rivier, J., Clark., C., Ramillo., C.A., Corpuz., G.P., Abogadie., F.C., Mena., Woodward., S.R., Hillyard., D.R., Cruz., L.J., (1990) Diversity of conus neuropeptides
Science Volume 249
Mena., E.E., Gullak., M.F., Pagnozzi., M.J., Richter., K.E., Cruz., L.J., Olivera., E.E., (1990) Conatoin -G: a novel peptide antagonist to the n-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor.
Neuroscience letters Volume 118
Myers, L.J., Mcintosh, J.M., Imperial, J.S., Williams, R.W. Oas, T. Haack, J.A., Fernandes, J.F., Rivier, J. Cruz, L.J., Olivera, B.M., (1990) Peptides from conus venoms which affect Ca++ entry into neurons.
J. Toxicol.-Toxin Reviews Volume 9
Bautista, G.M. , Lugay, J.C. Cruz, L.J. Juliano, B.O., (1964) Glutamic acid decaboxylase activity as viability index artificially dried and stored rice.
Cereal Chemistry Volume 41
Juliano, B.O., G.B., Cagampang, G.B. , L.G. Cruz, L.J. Santiago, R.S., (1964) Some physicochemical properties of rice in Southeast Asia.
Cereal Chemistry Volume 41
Cagampang, G.B., Cruz, L.J. Espiritu, S.G. Santiago, R.S., (1968) Studies on the extraction and composition of rice proteins
Cereal Chemistry Volume 43
Cruz, L.G., L.B. Glense, and C.P. Berg, (1969) Mutual antagonism in the metabolism of D- valine and D-leucine and antagonism by their analogos.
Cereal Chemistry Volume 136
Cagampang, G.B. ,Cruz, L.J. Juliano, B.O., (1971) Free amino acid in the bleeding sap and the developing rice grain of the rice plant.
Cereal Chemistry Volume 48
Cruz, L.J. Salabao, E. Flores, and B.M. Olivera, (1975) Pyridine nucleotide metabolism: Purification of a nicotinamide-specific deamidase
Kimikal Volume 1
Cruz, L.J. Reyes, A. Corpuz, G. Tecson, E.M. Olivera, B.M., (1975) A study of Conos venom proteins.
NRCP Research Bull Volume 31
Cruz, L.J. Corpuz, G. Olivera, B.M., (1976) A preliminary study of Conos venom protein
Veliger Volume 18
Nacino, F.M. Baretto, C.B. Cruz, L.J., (1975) The effect of citrus oil on tumor production by DMBA.
Kalikasan, Journal of Biochemistry Volume 4
Cruz, L.J., (1977) Quantitative assay for Conus toxin
Acta Medica Philipina Volume 13
Cruz, L.J., Corpuz, G. Olivera, B.M., (1977) Mating, spawning, development and feeding habits of geographus in captivity.
Nautilus Volume 92
Pali, E.S. Tango, O.M. Cruz, L.J., (1979) The venom duct of Conis geographus:Some biochemical and hetologic studies
Bulletin of Philippine Biochemical Society Volume 2
Cruz, L.J. . Gray, W.R. Olivera, B.M., (1978) Purification and properties of a mytoxin from Conus geographus
Archives of Biochemistry Biophysics. Volume 190
Olivera, B.M., Rechstenier, M.C. Ramos, P.M. Curz, L.J. Hillyard, D., (1980) ADP ribosy lation and the pyride nucleotide cylce
Ribosylation of Regulary Enzymes and Protiens
Coloso, R.M., Cruz, L.J., (1980) Preliminary studies in some aspects of amino acid biosynthesis in juveniles of Penaeaus monodon fabicus I. Incoporation of 14c from (U-14 c)-acetate in to amino acid of precipitable proyiens
Bulletin of Philippine Biochemical Society Volume 3
Coloso, R.M. Cruz, L.J., (1980) Preliminary studies in some aspects of amino acid biosynthesis in juveniles of Penaeaus monodon fabicus II. Partial purification and characterization of muscle-L- glutamate dehydrogenase.
Bulletin of Philippine Biochemical Society Volume 3
Hillard, D., Rechestenier, M. Ramos, P.M. Imperial, L.J. Olivera B.M., (1981) The pryridine nucleotide cycle
Studies in Escherichia coli and the human cell line D98/AH2. Volume 256
Cruz, L.J., (1985) Biochemical characterization of some toxins from Conus Striatus Venom.
Bulletin of Philippine Biochemical Society Volume 5, No. 6
Cruz, L. J., () Conus geographus toxins that discriminate between neuronal and sodium channels.
Journal of Biological Chemistry Volume 260
Cruz, L.J., () Peptide toxins from Conud geographus venom.
Toxicon. Volume 23
Cruz, L.J., () Studies on the biochemical nature of Conus magus venom
Kalikasan, Philippine Journal of Biology Volume 10
Cruz, L.J. Reyes, A., () Conotoxin in GI: Disulfide bridges, synthesis and preparation of iodinated derivative.
Biological Chemistry Volume 258
Lirazan, M.B. Grey Craig, A. Shetty R. Walker, C.S. Olivera, B.M. Cruz, L.J., (1999) Multiple bromotryptophan and y-carboxyglutamate residues in a Conus peptide.
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 128, No. (3):
Monje, V,D. Ward, R. Olivera, B.M. Cruz, L.J., (1999) 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene sequences: A comparison od seven Conus species.
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 128, No. (3):
Lirazan, M. Jimenez, E.C. Grey Craig, A. Olivera, B.M. Cruz, L.J., (2002) Conophysin-R, a Conus radiatus venom peptide belonging to the neurophysin family.
Toxicon Volume 40
Jimenez, E.C. Donevan, S. Walker, C. Zhou, L.M. Nielsen, J. Cruz, L.J. Armstrong, H. White, H.S. Olivera, B.M., (2002) Conantokin-L, a new NMDA receptor antagonist.: determinants for anticonvulsant potency.
Epilepsy Research Volume 51
Espiritu, J.D. Cruz, L.J. Cartier, G.E. Olivera, B.M., (2002) Venomous gastropods: Conus, conoideans and other neogastropod families.
Supp.4, Systematics Phylogeney and Biology of the Neogastropoda, 3rd International Workshop on Malacology, Bolletino Malacologico Volume 38;
Ontengco, D.C. Talaue, M. Cruz, L.J. Capal, T.V., (1999) The MICs of betel oil against common clinical pathogens.
Acta Manilana Volume 47
Floresca, MC.Z. Cruz, L. J., (1998) Subtype specificity properties of m-conotoxins for the voltage-gated sodium channels.
Proc. of the 14th Philippine Chemistry Congress
RV Azanza, A dela Roza, EZ Sombrito, FP Siringan, MSD McGlone, GS Jacinto, CL Villanoy, J Duyanen, (2003) Harmful algal bloom (HAB) management lessons from a multidisciplinary research program in Manila Bay, Philippines.
Recent Advances in the Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal Blooms in the South China Sea
ZG Baoanan, DA Lagunzad, RC Pagulayan, (2008) Anatomy of six Philippine cone snails (Conus)
Vita Malacologica Volume 6
(2013) Conotoxins: Biochemical probes for Ion Channels and Receptors
Natural Toxins: Characterization, Pharmacology and Therapeutics
J Michael McIntosh, Julita S Imperial, William R Gray, (2013) Conus Peptides and Their Iodinated
Animal Toxins: Facts and Protocols
Karen Grace V Bondoc, Hyeyoung Lee, Carlito B Lebrilla, Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez, (2014) Corrigendum to “Chemical fingerprinting and phylogenetic mapping of saponin congeners from three tropical holothurian sea cucumbers” [Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 166 (3–4) (2013) 182–193]
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B Volume 175
ADL Mendoza, EZ Sombrito, (2015) A tyrosine containing analog of mu-conotoxin GIIIA as ligand in the receptor binding assay of paralytic shellfish poisons
Toxicon Volume 99
Margaret M Calderon, Nathaniel C Bantayan, Florencia B Pulhin, (2015) Potential of a Forestry Carbon Project for the Magbukun Ayta of Bataan, Philippines
Ecosystems and Development Journal Volume 5, No. 3
EC Jimenez, (2016) Conotoxins as Tools in Research on Nicotinic Receptors
In Toxins and Drug Discovery, Springer Science
Margaret Calderon, Nathaniel Bantayan, Florencia Pulhin, (2016) Can Carbon Forestry Provide a Solution for Community-led Conservation? A Case from the Philippines
Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Hilton Y Lam, Maria Luisa D Enriquez, Francisco M Heralde III, Monet M Loquias, Marco Nemesio E Montaño, Josephine D Agapito, Andrew K Arriola, Isidro C Sia, Kent Jason G Cheng, Carissa May D Enriquez,
Hanaih N Marohomsalic, Jean Ramon D Yap, (2018) Establishing a Blueprint for nature-based Products Development and Conservation for the Philippines
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 52, No. 4
Isidro C Sia, Bernadette L Ramirez, Gracia Fe B Yu, Michael A Kron, (2019) Philippine Medicinal Plants as Sources of Novel Anti-Parasite t-rna Synthetase Inhibitors
Asian Journal of Ethnopharmacology and Medicinal Foods Volume 5, No. 3
David Hooper, Marcelina B Lirazan, Robert Schoenfeld, Brady Cook, Baldomero M Olivera, Pradip Bandyopadhyay, (2002) Post-translational modification: A two-dimensional strategy for molecular diversity of Conus peptides
Peptides for the New Millennium
Bryan John J Subong, Garry A Benico, Arielle Kae L Sulit1a, Christopher O Mendoza1b, Rhodora V Azanza, Elsie C Jimenez, (2017) Toxicity and protein expression of Alexandrium species collected in the Philippine waters
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 146, No. 4
JD Espiritu, GE Cartier, BM Olivera, (2002) Venomous Gastropods: Conus, conoideans and other neogastropod families
Systematics, Phylogeny and Biology of the Neograstropoda, 3rd International Workshop on Malacology Volume 38, No. 4
De Leon MLA, Chua MT, Endoma-Arias MAA, Concepcion GP, (2006) A modified procedure for the preparation of mitoxantrone
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 135
Tiburcio PC, Galvez FCF, Gavino VC, (2007) Determination of shelf life of Spirulina platensis (MI2) grown in the Philippines
Journal of Applied Phycology Volume 19
BB Motin,F Gifford, MA Kron, (2006) A modified Socio-Cultural Development Index (SCDI) for the Aytas of Kanawan, Morong, Bataan, Philippines
Indigenous Perspectives (A Journal of Tebtebba Foundation, Working on Biodiversity & Traditional Knowledge Protection) Volume 8
RM Azanza, F Cariño, AG Blanco, VM Butardo, (2010) Paralytic Shellfish Toxin Concentration and Cell Density Changes in Pyrodinium Bahamans’ - Noctiluca scintillans Feeding Experiments.
Toxicon Volume 55
PC Tiburcio, FCF Galvez, VC Gavino, (2007) Optimization of low-cost drying methods to minimize lipid peroxidation in Spirulina platensis grown in the Philippines
Journal of Applied Phycology Volume 19
JS Imperial, M Watkins, P Chen, DR Hillyard, BM Olivera, (2003) The augertoxins: biochemical characterization of venom components from the toxoglossate gastropod Terebra subulata
Toxicon Volume 42
KG Bondoc, H Lee, C Lebrilla, MA Juinio-Menez, (2013) Chemical Fingerprinting and phylogenetic mapping of saponin congeners from three tropical holothurian sea cucumbers
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Volume 166, No. 3-4
Swapnil Bhatia, Yong J Kil, Beatrix Ueberheide, Brian T Chait, Lemmuel Tayo, Bingwen Lu, John R Yates III, Marshall Bern, (2012) Constrained de novo sequencing of conotoxins
Journal of Proteome Research Volume 11, No. 8
LL Tayo, B Lu, JR Yates, (2010) Proteomic Analysis Provides Insights on Venom Processing in Conus Textile
Journal of Preteome Research Volume 9
Elsie C Jimenez, Reshma Shetty, Marcelina Lirazan, Jean Rivier, Craig Walker, Fe Abogadie, Doju Yoshikami, Baldomero M Olivera, (2003) Novel excitatory Conus peptides define a new conotoxin superfamily
Journal of Neurochemistry Volume 85
Gloria Corpuz, Richard B Jacobsen, Elsie C Jimenez, Maren Watkins, Craig Walker, Clark Colledge, James Garrett, Owen McDougal, Wenqin Li, William Gray, David Hillyard, Jean Rivier, J Michael McIntosh, Baldomero M Olivera, (2005) Definition of the M-conotoxin superfamily: characterization of novel peptides from molluscivorous Conus venoms
Biochemistry Volume 44, No. 22
Ameurfina D Santos, J Michael McIntosh, David R Hillyard, Baldomero M Olivera, (2004) The A-superfamily of conotoxins structural and functional divergence
Journal of Biological Chemistry Volume 279, No. 17
Papers Presented:
- Subtype specificity properties of m-conotoxins for the voltage-gated sodium channels, 14th Philippine Chemistry Congress
- Modern drugs from the Conus arsenal, International Congress on Medical and Applied Malacology, Los Baños Laguna
- Natural Products Research and Bioprospecting, PES: Sustainable Financing for Conservation and Development: Proc National Conference-Workshop on Paymnets for Environmental Services: Direc Inventives for Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation, Manila
- Scientific Research, Biodiversity and Bioprospecting. In: Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on Biological Diversity., Proc. Asia-Regional Capacity Building Workshop on the Implementation of the CBD
- Optimization of low-cost drying methods to minimize lipid peroxidation and determination of shelf life of Spirulina platensis (MI2)(Cyanobacteria) grown in the Philippines, Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology,, Makati City (Philippines)
- Constrained de novo sequencing of peptides with application to conotoxins, International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award Chemistry, National Academy of Science and Technology, 1981
- Achievement Award Chemistry, National Research Council of the Phil., 1982
- Eusebio Garcia Professional Chair in Biochemistry, University of the Philippines, 1985
- Ten Outstanding Women in Nation's Service Award, Lion's Club of the Philippine and Association of TOWNS Awardees, 1987
- Elected Member, National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines, 1987
- Gawad Chancellor Research Award, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2002
- Proclaimed as National Scientist, Malacañang, Manila, 10 N 2006