Article title: The effect of diets supplemented with different natural foods on growth and feed utilization of snakehead (Channa striata)
Authors: Bustari Hasan, Dian Iriani, Trisla Warningsih, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang and Indra Suharman
Publication title: BIO Web of Conferences 74, November 2023
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Article title: DNA Barcoding and Its Applications: A Review
Authors: Rencellie T. Mampang, Karissa Cate A. Auxtero, Carl Jester C. Caldito, Jair M. Abanilla, Geriell Anne G. Santos, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang
Publication title: Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 44(20):69-78, September 2023
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Article title: Histological Changes in the Hepatopancreas and Stomach of Litopenaeus vannamei Experimentally Induced with White Spot Syndrome Virus Infection
Authors: May Flor Sibonga Muegue, Philip Ian P. Padilla, Ma Ramela Angela Constantino Bermeo, Christopher Marlowe Caipang, Rommel J. Gestuveo, Mary Jane A. Amar, Jane S. Geduspan
Publication title: Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 44(16):63-72, August 2023
Full text available upon request to the author/s.

Article title: Isolation of potential probionts from brackishwater enriched with high level of carbon source
Authors: Christopher Marlowe Caipang, Kathleen Mae Trebol, Indra Suharman, Rolando Jr. Pakingking, Joel Jr. Deocampo
Publication title: Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences, August 2023
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Article title: Phytochemical composition and antibacterial activity of selected medicinal plants in a local community in the Philippines
Authors: Maeryll Krisna A. Abastillas, Thessa Joy R. Bagolcol, Pamela B. Buro, Mark Igor B. Gayoba, Joylyn C. Segurada, Edda Brenda S. Yerro, Mary Lou C. Arabaca, James L. Torres, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang
Publication title: International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), February 2023
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Article title: Antibacterial activities from aqueous and ethanolic extracts of selected succulent plants
Authors: Angelo M. Ordanel, Sherra Jade M. Gangoso, Jedyza L. Andallon, Rhea Mae L. Pacifico, Julie Ann T. Sarabia, Edda Brenda S. Yerro, Mary Lou C. Arabaca, Emily M. Cataluna, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang
Publication title: International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), February 2023
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Article title: Growth and carcass quality of on-growing river catfish Hemibagrus nemurus fed with dietary salted by-catch and fish viscera meal mixtures as fishmeal substitute
Authors: Bustari Hasan, Dian Iriani, Trisla Warningsih, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang, Zainal A. Muchlisin, Indra Suharman
Publication title: Aquaculture Reports 27(1):101343, December 2022
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Article title: Production of ornamental fish in a biofloc-based system using sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) waste as carbon source
Authors: J E Deocampo Jr, J T Fenol, A G M Jimenez, G S Paguntalan and C M A Caipang
Publication title: IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 1118(1):012017, December 2022
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Article title: Distribution of Fish Species in Relation to Water Quality Conditions in Bengawan Solo River, Central Java, Indonesia
Authors: Siti Nurul Aida, Agus Djoko Utomo, Dian Pamularsih Anggraeni, Yoga Candra Ditya, Tuah Nanda M. Wulandari, Muhammad Ali, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang, Indra Suharman
Publication title: Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 31(6), October 2022
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Article title: Phytochemical composition, antioxidant, and antibacterial activity of the Philippine marine green alga (Ulva pertusa)
Authors: Rolando Pakingking Jr., Roselyn Usero, Evelyn Grace de Jesus-Ayson, Dan Joseph Logronio, Christopher Marlowe Caipang
Publication title: International Aquatic Research 14(1):51 - 62, September 2022
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Article title: Proteus mirabilis (MJA 2. 6S)from saline‐tolerant tilapia exhibits potent antagonistic activity against Vibrio spp., enhances immunity, controls NH 3 levels and improves growth and survival in juvenile giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon
Authors: Mary Jane S. Apines-Amar, Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang, James David M. Lopez, Ma. Novie A. Murillo, Edgar C. Amar, Lily Anne G. Piñosa, Fiona L. Pedroso
Publication title: Aquaculture Research 53(16), August 2022
Full text available upon request to the author/s.

Article title: Growth Performance of Tilapia Fingerlings Fed with Phytoadditives from Fruit Wastes (Pineapple, Citrus and Banana) for Aquaculture
Authors: Maria Mojena Gonzales-Plasus, April Boy Barandino, Arlene Avillanosa, Cristopher Caipang
Publication title: Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, January 2022
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Article title: Utilization of a portable glucometer for the measurement of tissue glucose as a stress indicator in ornamental fish
Authors: Christopher M. A. Caipang, Joel E. Deocampo Jr., Jehannie T. Fenol, Francis B. Onayan, Edda Brenda S. Yerro, Christian Le Marjo A. Caipang, Rolando V. Pakingking Jr.
Publication title: Poeciliid Research 11(1), 2021
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