Sex: Male


  • Univ. of the Philippines, Manila, A.B, 1912
  • Univ. of the Philippines, Manila, M.S, 1919
  • Yale University, Ph. D, 1928

Field of Specialization:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Santos, F.O., (1920 F) A biochemical study of copra meal Philippine Journal of Science Volume 16/2Santos, F.O., et. al., (1922) The influence of meat upon physical efficiency American Journal of Physiology Volume 60

Santos, F.O., (1923 Jl) Metabolism experiments with Filipino students in the United States Philippine Journal of Science Volume 23/1

Santos, F.O., (1922) Some plant sources of vitamins B and C American Journal of Physiology Volume 59

Santos, F.O., Collado, E.G., (1925 S) Vitamin B in tikitiki extract prepared by the Phil. Bureau of Science Phil. Agriculturist Volume 14/4

Santos, F.O., (1926) The A, B, C of Filipino nutrition Monthly Bulletin of the Phil. Islands Health Service Volume 5

Santos, F. O., et. al., (1928) The nutritive value of Phtlippine cereals: I. The vitamin B content of glutinous rice, dead rice and adlay Philippine Agriculturist Volume 14/8

Santos, F.O., (10 F 1926) La necesidad de mejoras el dietario Filipino La Vanguardia

Santos, F.O., (1928 O) The Japanese Imperial Government Institute for Nutrition Philippine Agriculturist Volume 17/5

Santos, F.O., (1926 F) The need of funds for research Philippine Agriculturist Volume 14/9

Santos, F.O., Collado, E.G., (1926 Mr) The status of nutrition among students in the College of Agriculture Philippine Agriculturist Volume 14/10

Santos, F.O., (1926 Jl) The vitamin B content of some Phil. fruits and vegetables, II Philippine Journal of Science Volume 30/3

Santos, F.O., (1927) Beriberi: its causes and prevention College, Laguna

Santos, F.O., (1929 Jl) Are Filipinos undernourished? Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association Volume 9/7

Santos, F.O., (1927) The most common antiberiberi vitamin containing foods in the Phil. and the role of home garden in the campaign against beriberi Bulletin of the San Juan de Dios Hospital Volume 1

Santos, F.O., (1927) The nutritive value of cane sugar Bulletin of the San Juan de Dios Hospital Volume 1

Francisco Santos and F. T. Adriano., , (1928) The chemical composition of Philippine food materials Manila, Bureau of Printing

Santos, F.O., Collado, E.O., (1928 F) The anti-beriberi vitamin content of sweet potato leaves and shoots Phil. Agriculturist Volume 16

Santos, F.O., (1929 O) Department of Agricultural Chemistry Philippine Agriculturist Volume 18/5

Santos, F.O., (1930) Problems In Filipino nutrition Phil. Islands Medical Association Volume 10

(1930) Some neglected problems In Filipino nutrition Filipino Nurse Volume 4/2

Santos, F.O., et. al. , (1931) Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials College, Laguna Volume 20/6

Santos, F.O., Pidlaoan, N.A., (1931 Mr) The nutritive value of balut: I. Studies on calcium Philippine Agriculturist Volume 19/10

Santos, F.O., (1931 Ag) Obituary: Victor Sulit Philippine Agriculturist Volume 20/3

Santos, F.O., Pidlaoan, N.A., (1932) The food of the male Inmates of Bilibid prison Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association Volume 13

Santos, F.O., (1932) Nutritive values of some Philippine food materlals Welfare Advocate Volume 6/3

Santos, F.O., (1932) Problems on Filipino nutrition Welfare Advocate Volume 6/3

Santos, F.O., (1932) What shall we eat? Welfare Advocate Volume 6/1

Santos, F.O., Collado, E.O., (1932 F) The nutritive value of Philippine cereals; II. Garingen Tapucoy Philippine Agriculturist Volume 20/9

Galvez, N.L., Santos, F.O., (1932 Mr) The amino-acid content of kandule Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 2/1

Santos, F.O., (1932 Jl) Metabolism experiments with Filipino students In the U.S Philippine Journal of Science Volume 23/1

Santos, F.O., Collado, E.G., (1932 O) Some probable effects of one-sided diets. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 2/2-3

Collado, E.G., Santos, F.O., (1932 D) A study of the diet of the Filipino athletes entered in the 1930 Far Eastern Olympic games Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 2/4

Santos, F.O., Caguicla, E.M., Figueroa, W.S., Sevillano, F., (1933) Digestibility with diastase in vitro of Philippine bananas Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 3/3

Santos, F.O., (1934) Studies on Filipino nutrition In the College of Agriculture Agricultural Life Volume 1/8-9

Santos, F.O., Pidlaoan, N.A., (1934 Je) The food of inmates of correctional Institute for women Journal of the Phil. Islands Medical Association Volume 14/6

Santos, F.O., (1934 O) Agricultural chemistry in the service of the state Philippine Agriculturist Volume 23/5

Santos, F.O., (1935 F) Biological chemistry in Philippine agriculture and Filipino nutrition National Research Council of the Philippine Islands Bulletin Volume 35

Santos, F.O., (1935 Mr) Note: Professor Reginald Hart King Philippine Agriculturist Volume 23

Santos, F.O., (1936) Nutrition problems of the Commonwealth Health and Home Volume 1/4

Gutierrez, M., Santos, F.O., (1939) The diet of low-income families In Tondo district, Manila Acta Medica Philippina Volume 1/2

Santos, F.O., Villanueva, P., Silva, J.V., (1936 S) Studies on the plan of nutrition of families of laborers in Sta. Catalina, Ilocos Sur; Paoay, Ilocos Norte and Pototan, Iloilo National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. Bulletin Volume 11

Santos, F.O., Villanueva, I.F., Silva, J.F., (1936 S 9) An Inventory of the Ilocano diet Phil. Herald,Mid-week Magazine

Santos, F.O., Pidlaoan, N.A., (1937 Mr) Chemical analysts of the food of the children in Welfareville Phil. Agriculturist Volume 25/10

Santos, F.O., (1938) The food consumption of one hundred and four families In Paco District, Manila Phil. Journal of Science Volume 66

Santos, F.O., (1939) The present status of nutrition work In the Phil Proceedings of the Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association Volume 6

Santos, F.O.,Gutierrez, M., (1939) A study of the food served to trainees and enlisted men of the Phil. Army in Camp Murphy Acta Medica Philippina Volume 1/2

Santos, F.O., (1939 F) Studies on the plane of nutrition of families of laborers in Calabanga, Camarines Sur Phil. Agriculturist Volume 27/9

Santos, F.O., Demeterio, J.K., (1939 Je) Studies on the food of laborer's families in Macrohon, Leyte Phil. Agriculturist Volume 28/1

Santos, F.O.,, (1939 Jl) Hematological studies on cattle: II. Variations in hemoglobin In Indian Nellore oxen as affected by atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, body temperature and certain chemical components of the blood Phil. Agriculturist Volume 28/2

Santos, F.O., (1939 Ag) The present status of nutrition work In the Philippines Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia Volume 30/8

Santos, F.O., Hamoy, P.S., (1940) The food of 158 families in Ramain, Lanao Philippine Agriculturist Volume 28/9

Santos, F.O., (1949 D) Some research problems in nutrition in the Philippines Nutrition News Volume 2/6

Santos, F.O., Pidlaoan, N.A., (1941 Mr) Studies on the foods of 112 families of laborers of the Phil. Lumber Manufacturing Corp. Catabangan, Ragay, Camarines Sur Philippine Agriculturist Volume 29/10

Santos, F.O., (1941 Ag) A report of the Pacific Science Congress with special reference to subsection VII-C, nutrition and to visits to different universities and research laboratories In the U. S National Research Council of the Philippines. Bulletin Volume 21

Santos, F.O., (1949) The International Rice Commission Conference - Bangkok, Siam, March 7-16, 1949 Nutrition News Volume 2/4

Santos, F.O., (1949 O) The future of nutrition work in the Philippines Nutrition News Volume 2/5

Santos, F.O.,, (1953) Studies on the food intake of twelve families in barrio San Antonio, Los Ba?os, Laguna, Philippines Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association and the Fourth FarEastern Prehistory Congress, Abstracts of Papers


  • Fellow , Univ. of the Philippines, 1919-1922
  • Distinguished Service Medal , UP, 1955
  • Narra Leaf Triangle Award , Y. M. C. A, 1955
  • Colonel Andres Soriano Award in Chemistry , , 1956
  • Gold Medal of Merit and Diploma of Honor as a Distinguished Alumnus , Univ. of the Philippines, 1961
  • Silver Triangle Service Award , Y. M. C. A, 1961
  • Rotary Citation of Merit, The Rotary Club of Malolos, 1962