Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines, Ph.D. Physics, 2004
  • Institut für Technische Optik, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, Postdoctoral fellowships, 2006
  • DTU-Fotonik, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark, Postdoctoral fellowships, 2009
  • Center for Optical Res. and Educ., Univ. of Utsunomiya, Hitachi Fellow, Japan, Postdoctoral fellowships, 2014

Field of Specialization

Optics & Optoelectronics, Nondestructive Testing, Phase Retrieval, Speckle Interferometry, Holography, Coherent Metrology, Lasers, Optics, Photonics, Fringe Processing


Percival F. Almoro, Giancarlo Pedrini, Phanindra N. Gundu, Wolfgang Osten, Steen G. Hanson, (2011) Enhanced wavefront reconstruction by random phase modulation with a phase diffuser
Optics and Lasers in Engineering - OPT LASER ENG , vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 2011 Volume 49

Filipinas, J.C., Almoro, P.F., (2011) Fringe localization using focus measure
Optics Letters Volume 36

Percival F. Almoro, Giancarlo Pedrini, Phanindra N. Gundu, Wolfgang Osten, Steen G. Hanson, (2011) Enhanced wavefront reconstruction by random phase modulation with a phase diffuser
Optics and Lasers in Engineering - OPT LASER ENG Volume 49

Maallo, A.M.S., Almoro, P.F., (2011) Numerical correction of optical vortex using a wrapped phase map analysis algorithm
Optics Letters / DOI: 10.1364/OL.36.001251 Volume 36

Percival F. Almoro, Giancarlo Pedrini, Phanindra N. Gundu, Wolfgang Osten, Steen G. Hanson, (2010) Phase microscopy of technical and biological samples through random phase modulation with a diffuser
Optics Letters Volume 35, No. 7

Justine Patricia L. Carpio, (July 2014) Wavefront watermarking of technical and biological samples using digital random phase modulation and phase retrieval
Journal of Modern Optics

Esmerando Escoto, Joselito Muldera, Lean Dasallas and Elmer Estacio, (2014) Mapping of Temporal Coherence Function for Ultrafast Lasers via Statistical Fringe Analysis of Reconstructed Phase Maps
Optics Communications

Francesca Celine I. Catalan, (2013) Deterministic phase retrieval interferometry
Optics Communications

Giancarlo Pedrini, Wolfgang Osten, and C.S. Narayanamurthy, (2013) Analysis of Bessel beam propagation in free space using digital holographic microscopy
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics

Francesca Celine I. Catalan, Anne Margarette S. Maallo, (2012) Fringe analysis and enhanced characterization of sub-surface defects using fringe-shifted shearograms
Optics Communications

Laura Waller, Mostafa Agour, Claas Falldorf, Giancarlo Pedrini, Wolfgang Osten, and Steen G. Hanson, (2012) Enhanced deterministic phase retrieval using a partially developed speckle field
Optics Letters

Jae Lord Dexter C. Filipinas, (2012) Vibration detection using focus analysis of interferograms
Applied Optics

Mostafa Agour and Claas Falldorf, (2012) Investigation of smooth wave fronts using SLM-based phase retrieval and a phase diffuser
Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid Publications

Jae Lord Dexter C. Filipinas, (2011) Fringe localization using focus measure
Optics Letters

Anne Margarette S. Maallo, (2011) Numerical correction of optical vortex using a wrapped phase map analysis algorithm
Optics Letters

Giancarlo Pedrini, Phanindra N. Gundu, Wolfgang Osten, and Steen G. Hanson, (2011) Enhanced Wavefront Reconstruction by Random Phase Modulation with a Phase Diffuser
Optics and Lasers in Engineering

Giancarlo Pedrini, Fucai Zhang, Anne Margarette S. Maallo, Arund Anand, Phanindra N. Gundu, Wei Wang, Anand Asundi, Wolfgang Osten, and Steen G. Hanson, (2010) Fault-tolerant characterization of phase objects using a speckle-based phase retrieval technique
International Journal of Optomechatronics 4

Jesper Glückstad and Steen G. Hanson, (2010) Single-plane multiple speckle pattern phase retrieval using a deformable mirror
Optics Express 18

Anne Margarette S. Maallo and Steen G. Hanson, (2010) Quantization analysis of speckle intensity measurements for phase retrieval
Applied Optics 49

Giancarlo Pedrini, Phanindra N. Gundu, Wolfgang Osten, and Steen G. Hanson, (2010) Phase microscopy of technical and biological samples through random phase modulation with a diffuser
Optics Letters 35

Anne Margarette S. Maallo and Steen G. Hanson, (2009) Fast-convergent algorithm for speckle-based phase retrieval and a design for dynamic wavefront sensing
Applied Optics 48

Phanindra N. Gundu, and Steen G. Hanson, (2009) Numerical correction of aberrations via phase retrieval with speckle illumination
Optics Letters 34

Giancarlo Pedrini, Arun Anand, Wolfgang Osten, and Steen G. Hanson, (2009) Angular displacement and deformation analyses using a speckle-based wavefront sensor
Applied Optics 48

Steen G. Hanson, (2009) Object wave reconstruction by speckle illumination and phase retrieval
Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid Publications 4

Arun Anand, Vani K. Chhaniwal, Giancarlo Pedrini and Wolfgang Osten, (2009) Shape and deformation measurements of 3D objects using volume speckle field and phase retrieval
Optics Letters 34

Giancarlo Pedrini, Arun Anand, Wolfgang Osten, and Steen G. Hanson, (2008) Interferometric evaluation of angular displacements using phase retrieval
Optics Letters 33

Steen G. Hanson, (2008) Random phase plate for wavefront sensing via phase retrieval and a volume speckle field
Applied Optics 47

Steen G. Hanson, (2008) Wavefront sensing using speckles with fringe compensation
Optics Express 16

Wilson Garcia, and Caesar Saloma, (2007) Colored object recognition by digital holography and a hydrogen Raman shifter
Optics Express 15

Arun Anand, Giancarlo Pedrini and Wolfgang Osten, (2007) Wavefront sensing with random amplitude mask and phase retrieval
Optics Letters 32

Giancarlo Pedrini and Wolfgang Osten, (2007) Aperture synthesis in phase retrieval using a volumespeckle field
Optics Letters 32

Giancarlo Pedrini, and Wolfgang Osten, (2006) Complete wavefront reconstruction using sequential intensity measurements of a volume speckle field
Applied Optics 45

Marilou Cadatal, Wilson Garcia, and Caesar Saloma, (2004) Pulsed Full-Color Digital Holography with a Hydrogen Raman Shifter
Applied Optics 43

Abregana, T.J.T., & Almoro, P.F., (2016) Object localization using the statistical behavior of volume speckle fields
Optical Engineering Volume 55, No. 12

Abregana, T.J., & Almoro, P., (2015) Effects of object spatial frequency on the performance of the multiple-plane phase retrieval method
Proceedings of the 33rd Physics Congress of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, Vigan City

Abregana, T.J., Hermosa, N.P., & Almoro, P.F., (2017) Digital micromirror device as amplitude diffuser for multiple-plane phase retrieval
Proc. SPIE 10330, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VI, 103300G

Abregana, T.J., & Almoro, P.F., (2016) Multiple Diffusers as Agents of Intensity Diversity for Phase Retrieval
In: Imaging and Applied Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America), paper JW4A.56

Almoro, P.F., & Abregana, T.J.T., (2015) Enhanced axial localization of rough objects using statistical fringe processing algorithm
Proc. SPIE 9660, SPECKLE 2015: VI International Conference on Speckle Metrology

Abregana, T.J., & Almoro, P.F., (2013) Phase object localization using the statistical behavior of reconstructed wavefronts
Proc. SPIE 8883, ICPS 2013: International Conference on Photonics Solutions, 88830D 

Papers Presented

Complete deformation analysis of transparent samples using digital shearography and holography, Ninth International Symposium on Laser Metrology, Volume: 7155

Coherence length measurement for ultra-short laser pulses using digital holography and statistical fringe analysis, 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology, Springer, Nuertingen, Germany

3D shape measurement using deterministic phase retrieval and a partially developed speckle field, SPIE 8384, 83840Q, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Investigation of smooth wave fields using SLM-based phase retrieval and a phase diffuser, 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, Bremen

Reconstruction of wavefront from a photonic crystal fiber using speckle phase retrieval, Photonics 2010, Guwahati, India

Complete wavefront reconstruction at infrared wavelength using speckle phase retrieval, European Optical Society (EOS) Annual Meeting

Comparison and unification of speckle-based phase retrieval and holography with applications in phasefront alignment and recognition, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, Nürtingen, Germany, Springer

Computerized laser wavefront alignment with aberration correction using a speckle-based phase retrieval method, Technical Digest of the 3rd International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging

Phase error correction in wavefront curvature sensing via phase retrieval San Diego, U.S.A., SPIE 7064, 70640F

Power loss due to beam splitter cascade in the simultaneous sampling of a volume speckle field for phase retrieval, SPIE 7155, 71551J

Complete deformation analysis of transparent samples using shearography and holography, SPIE 7155, 715536

Phase retrieval using a random amplitude mask for wavefront sensing, SPIE 6617, 66170J

Wave front phase and amplitude reconstruction techniques using multi-intensity patterns, SPIE 6341, 63411C

Thickness evaluation for volume refractive objects using phase maps and statistics-based localization, 31st Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) Physics Congress, Cebu City

Dynamic Referencing in Pinhole Scanning Phase Retrieval, 31st SPP Physics Congress, Cebu City

Wavefront reconstruction with denoising using lateral displacements of a random phase mask, 31st SPP Physics Congress, Cebu City

Digital watermarking of retrieved phase maps, 31st SPP Physics Congress, Cebu City

Coherence evaluation for femtosecond lasers using digital holography and statistical fringe analysis, 31st SPP Physics Congress, Cebu City

Digital watermarking of reconstructed wavefronts via mutliple-plane phase retrieval technique, NIP BS Applied Physics thesis

Pinhole phase retrieval and dynamic referencing, NIP BS Applied Physics thesis

Holograms for the Investigations of 3-D objects, Compressive Stress Loading and Sub-Surface Defects, 80th National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) General Membership Assembly, Manila

Coherence length measurement for femtosecond lasers using digital holography and statistical fringe analysis, 30th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) National Physics Congress

Watermarking of reconstructed wavefronts, 30th SPP

Interferometric evaluation using deterministic phase retrieval and speckle illumination, 30th SPP

Wavefront reconstruction using single-beam phase-shifting speckle illumination, 30th SPP

Precise reconstruction distance in digital holography using focus quantifiers, 30th SPP

Axial Localization of Phase Objects Using a Statistical Contrast Algorithmq, 30th SPP

Rough object distance measurement and fringe localization using focus measures, 29th SPP National Physics Congress, NIP-U.P. Diliman

Enhanced characterization of sub-surface defects using fringe-shifted shearograms, 29th SPP

Optical vortex tracking using standard deviation of phase maps with application in deformation analysis, 29th SPP

Interferometric vibration detection using fringe visibility quantifier, 29th SPP

Deformation analysis using spatial evolution of fringe densities, 29th SPP

Let there be diffused light: Novel methods for object wavefront reconstruction, 29th SPP

Enhanced detection of sub-surface defects using statistical variation of numerically phase-shifted shearograms, 31st PAASE Symposium, NIP-U.P. Diliman

High Resolution Technique for the Evaluation of Object Tilt and Rotation Using Amplitude Variance of Reconstructed Wavefronts, 31st PAASE

A Statistical Approach to Object Localization in Digital Holographic Microscopy in the Presence of Residual Aberration, 31st PAASE

Computer Generated Holograms of Optical Vortices, 31st PAASE NIP-U.P. Diliman

3D tracking of Optical Vortices using a Statistical Algorithm for Phase Map Analysis, 31st PAASE

Enhanced strain analysis using statistics of axial shearograms, 78th National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) General Membership Assembly, Manila

Enhanced object localization using axial variation of phase maps, 78th NRCP, Manila

Phase map analysis using axial behavior of reconstructed wavefronts, NIP Masteral thesis (as adviser)

Enhanced object localization using axial variation of reconstructed phase maps, Victor Angelo Gonzalez

Effects of Illumination Wavelength and Diffuser Roughness Height on Speckle Formation and Phase Retrieval, 28th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) (Physical Society of the Philipines) National Physics Congress, Antipolo City

Object boundary detection using speckle-based phase retrieval, 28th SPP

Wavefront sensing using correlations of two speckle intensity measurements and a Shack Hartmann-based algorithm, 28th SPP

Shearographic inspections of glossy objects and transparent materials using speckle illumination and a diffuser, NIP Undergraduate thesis

Evaluation of a Diffusing Mask as Speckle Generator in Digital Shearography, 27th SPP, Tagaytay City, Philippines

Development of a Simplified Model for Deformation and Strain Analyses via Digital Shearography, Proc. 27th SPP

Quantization Analysis and a Design for Parallel Speckle Recording for Phase Retrieval using a Volume Speckle Field, Proc. 27th SPP

3D Object Slope Measurement Using a Geometric Model of Digital Shearography, 29th Annual Philippine–American Academy of Science and Engineering Meeting and Symposium–Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City

Automated Strain Analysis of Transparent Samples Using Shearography and a Diffusing Mask, 29th Annual Philippine–American Academy of Science and Engineering Meeting and Symposium–Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City

Quantization analysis and a design for parallel speckle recording for phase retrieval using a volume speckle field, NIP Undergraduate thesis

Quantization analysis and a design for parallel speckle recording for phase retrieval, 76th NRCP, Manila Hotel

Phase retrieval based on the constraints taken from parallel capture of intensity patterns of a volume speckle field, National Physics Congress, Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP)

Strain analysis of transparent samples using digital shearography and holography, SPP

Characteristics of amplitude masks for wavefront sensing, SPP

Influence of CCD pixel size on sampling of volume speckle field for phase retrieval, SPP

Frequency analysis of phase retrieval using a volume speckle field, U.P.

Application of digital shearography in the analyses of surface deformation and photoelastic strain, SPP

Height sensitivity in 3D object shape measurement using dual-illumination phase shifting digital holography, SPP

Three-dimensional optical shape measurement using dual-illumination phase-shifting digital holography, U.P

Deformation analysis using Lensless Fourier digital holography, U.P

Phase retrieval using a volume speckle field and synthetic apertures, SPP

A technique to control chromatic dispersion of full-color digital hologram reconstructions, SPP

Full-color digital holography, U.P

Multicolor three-dimensional microscopy with digital holography, U.P

In-line semiconductor laser with optical feedback, U.P.

Pulsed full-color digital holography using hydrogen Raman shifter, U.P.

Measurement of three-dimensional deformations using phase-shifting digital holographic interferometry, Science Diliman

Pulsed multicolor digital holography using hydrogen Raman shifter, SPP

Digital holographic microscopy, SPP

Digital holograms for beginners, SPP

Phase-shifting digital holographic interferometry, U.P.

Digital holography with a 635nm semiconductor laser diode, U.P.

Surface profiling of silicon wafers using digital speckle pattern interferometry, SPP

Effects of hologram size on image quality, SPP

Holography using a 639nm laser diode and a digital photo-camera, SPP

Reconstruction of 3-D objects via phase-shifting digital holography, SPP

Measurement of 3-D deformations using phase-shifting digital holographic interferometry, SPP

Optical recognition of fingerprints, SPP

Application of optical correlation in fingerprint identification, U.P.

Optical correlation using Van der Lugt holographic filters, U.P.

Optical pattern recognition using holographic films, SPP

Holographic studies on human femur with internal fixations, SPP

Detection of sub-surface defects in vinyl tiles using double-exposure holographic interferometry, SPP

Measurement of solid object deformation using double-exposure holographic interferometry, U.P.

Evaluation of printed circuit boards using double-exposure holographic interferometry, spp

Measurement of microscopic deformations using double-exposure holographic interferometry and the Fourier transform method, Science Diliman