Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines, College of Foresty, Department of Science and Technology, Manila Philippines, Doctor Philosophy Wood Science and Technology, 1998

Field of Specialization

Wood Science and Technology


Magcale D.B. and M.E. Delgado, (2005) Wood Density of Tropical Tree Species in the Philippines. State of the knowledge and Data Base Debelopment for Tree Biomass Estimation.
Journal of Tropical Forest Science 17

G.B. Dolotina, G.A. Eusebio, G.P. Guba and A.E. Rectamar, (2009) Digital Wood Moisture Meter Calibrated to Philippine Wood Species
Intellectual Property Office

P.L. Alcachupas & E.O. Bondad., (2003) Properties, Lumber Recovery & Grades of A. mangium at Various Ages
Journal of Tropical Forest Science 9

Edna B. Bauza and Gilberto N. Sapin, (2011) Development of Floor Tiles from Philippines Bamboos
Philippine Journal of Science 140

Elvina O. Bondad, (2011) Comparative Properties Evaluation of yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) Coppice and Planted Stand
Philippine Journal of Science

Rico J. Cabangon, (2013) Generation of Technical Basis for the Development of Standards for Engineered Bamboo (E-Bamboo)
Philippine Journal of Science

Sabañgan, F.B., (1986) Mechanical and Related Properties of Ilang-ilang [Camanga odorata (Lam.) de Wit.]
The Philippine Lumberman XXX II

Tomolang, F.B., (1989) Assessment of End-Use Characteristics of Moluccan sau [albizia falcataria (L.) Fosb.].
The Philippine Lumberman

Tamolang, F.B. and Z.L. Cabral, (1989) Mechanical and Related Properties of Lesser Known Species (LKS)
The Philippine Lumberman

Tamolang, F.B. and E.B. Espiloy, (1989) Mechanical and Related Properties of Gatasan (Garcinia Sp)
The Philippine Lumberman

F.B. Tamolang and Z.L. Cabral, (1994) Physical and Mechanical Properties of SOme Lesser Known Species (LKS) and Their Possible Uses
The Philippine Lumberman

Espiloy, Z.B., M.M. Maruzzo and M. Dionglay, (1989) Properties of Some Philippine Palms
FPRDI Journal

Espiloy, Z.B., M.M. Maruzzo and M. Dionglay, (1990) Properties of Green and Yellow Varieties of Coconut (cocos nucifera L.)
FPRDI Journal

A.R. Floresca, (1991) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta Blume from Paper industries Corporatioin of the Philippines
FPRDI Journal

A.R. Floresca, (1991) Strength and Related Properties of Some Species Under Genus Acacia
FPRDI Journal

(1992) Assessing the Utilization of Yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) for Paper Pulp or Lumber Manufacture

(1993) Relative Density and Shrinkage of Yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb) Different Ages and Height lebels
FPRDI Journal

M.M. Maruzzo, (1995) Tension Wood and its Effects on End-Use Properties of Wood
FPRDI Journal

F.B. Tamolang and A.R. Floresca, (1998) Shrinkage Characteristics of Timer for Use Requiring Dimensional Stability
FPRDI Trede Bulletin

J. Tamayo, (1999) Interrelationship Among Relative Density, Shrinkage and Drying of Philippine Timber
FPRDI Journal

F.B. Tamalong and P.C. Cayabyab, (2002) Strength and related Properties of kamatog [Sympetalandra densiflora (elmer)v.Steen.] and kaatoan bangkal [Anthocephalus chinensis (lamk.) Rich. ex Walp]
FPRDI Journal

E.O. Bondad and P.C. Cayabyab, (2005) Relative density of the Philippine Woods
FPRDI Trade Bulletin Series

E.O. Bondad, (2006) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Mahogany (Switenia macrophylla) and malapapaya (Polyscias nobosa)
FPRDI Journal

Elvina O. Bondad, (2007) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Big Leafed Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) and Malapapaya [Polyscias nodosa (Blume) Seem.]
FPRDI Journal

E.O. Bondad, (2008) Strength Grouping of Philippine Timber for Various Uses
FPRDI Trade Bulletin

Elvina O. Bondad, (2007) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Big-leafed Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) and teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) Thinnings
FPRDI Journal

E.O. Bondad, (2010) Physical and Mechanical Properties Giant ipil-ipil [Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit].
FPRDI Journal

(2010) Interrelationship of Wood Quality Indicators and Bending Properties of Benguet pine (Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon
FPRDI Journal

E.O. Bondad, (2006) Strength and Related Properties of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.
FPRDI Journal

Elvina O. Bondad, (2011) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh
FPRDI Journal

Gil B. Dolotina, (2011) Effect of Species on the Accuracy of FPRDI Wood Moisture Meter
Philippine Forest Products Journal

E.O. Bondad, G.N. Sapin and A.B. Exconde, (2011) Comparative Physical and Mechanical Properties of giant bambbo [Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne] from Malaybalay, Bukidnon (Region X) and Mt. Makiling (Region IV).
Philippine Forest Products Journal

Dwight A. Eusebio and Francisco G. Lapitan, (2012) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus Urophylla and Alstonia macrophylla
Philippine Forest Products Journal

(2002) Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI)
Electrical Resistance Wood Moisture Meter Analog type

Espiloy, Z.B., F. D. Virtucio, C.A. Roxas, E.O. Bondad and C.D. Apolinar, (2007) Abstracts on Philippine Bamboos

Ramon A. Razal, Priscila C. Dolom, Aresna B. Palacpac, Ma. Magdalena B. Villanueva, Sofronio C. Camacho, Rosario B. Bantayan and Stanley C. Malab, (2012) Mainstreaming Engineered Bamboo Products for Construction and Furniture
Philipping Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Nataural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) Los Baños, Laguna and Forestry Development Center University of the Philippines, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Los Baños Laguna

Espiloy, Z.B. and E.O. Bondad, (2007) Utilization of Commercial Bamboos. In Monograph on Production and Utilization of Philippine Bamboos
FPRDI , College of Laguna

Virtucio F.D. and N.K. Torreta, (2006) Furniture and Handicraft Strategy Plant

(2006) How Production Affects the Qualify of Bamboo Poles.
FPRDI College Laguna

(2007) Effect if Species and Needle Electrode on the Accuracy of FPRDI Low-cost Moisture meter
FPRDI Annual Report

G.B. Dolotina, Gerwin P. Guba and Alvin E. Retamar, () Development and Commercialization of a Locally Designed Digital Moisture Meter for Bamboo and Other Non Timber Forest Products

Grecelda A. Eusebio and Gil B. Dolotina, (2011) Situational Analysis of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan for the Development of Moisture meter for Bamboo and other Non-timber Forest Products. FPRDI Library 

Papers Presented

Strength Evaluation of Timber in the Philippines, 2nd Technical Group Meeting on "Strength Evaluation of Timber" Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Assessing the Utilization of yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) for Paper Pulp or Lumber Manufacture, 15th Biennial Conference of the Institute of Foresters of Australia held in Queensland, Australia

Sorption Characteristics of Bagras (Eucalyptus deplugta Blume), International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) World Congress. Tempere, Finland.

Physical Properties of Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta Blume) for Quality Improvement of Its End-Products, International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) all Division 5 Conference held in Pullman, Washington, USA

New Panel Products and Application of Bamboo, First National Conference on Bamboo

Lumber Recovery and Grade of A. mangium at various ages, 3rd USM-JIRCAS International Symposium on "Lignocellulose

Bambusa blumeana, 3rd International Symposium on Surfacing and Finishing of Wood

Development of glue laminate bamboo and bamboo-wood combination, 3rd USM-JIRCAS International Symposium on "Lignocellulose"

Bonding Strength Evaluation of Modified Commercial Glues on Bamboo and Bamboo-Wood Combination, Conference on Wood Adhesives

Physical Properties of silviculturally treated kauayan tinik., IN: Trends and Innovations in the bamboo industry

Bonding Strength Evaluation of Modified Commercial Glue on Laminated Bamboo and Bamboo- Wood Combination, 2005 Wood Adhesive Conference. San Diego, California.USDA,FPL,Madison,USA

Improving Productivity of a Previously Unmanaged Kawayan Tinik (Bambusa blumeana Shultes) Plantation for Poles and Shoots in Ilocos Norte, ACIAR Silvicultural Management of Bamboo in Philippines and Australia for Shoots and Timber

Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Basic Properties of Bamboo, ACIAR Silvicultural Management of Bamboo in the Philippines and Australia for shoots and Timber

Development of Floor tiles from Philippine Bamboos, Wood Adhesives Conference held on Sept 24-27 Nevada USA

Comparative Physical and Mechanical Properties of giant Bamboo [Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f) Backer ex Heyne] from Malaybalay, Bukidnon (Region X) and Mt. Makiling (Region IV), 60th Annual Convention, Global Networking to Meet Global Challenges of the Philippine Association for The Advancement of Science (PhilAAS). World Conference of Science and Technology .

Various Adhesives on Engineered Bamboo, 2013 International Conference on Wood Adhesives

Effect of Species and Needle Electrodes, FPRDI

Frequently Asked Questions on FPRDI Digital Wood Moisture Meter, FPRDI

Comparative Strength and Related Properties of yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) Coppice and Planted Stand. In Program on Convention theme: Sustainable Development and the Role of the Forest Products Industry., 65th International Convention

Effect of Sulvicultural Management on Basic Properties of Bamboo, 29th NAST Annual Scientific Meeting

Sorption Characteristics of Bamboo, Rattan and Vines, NRCP Anual Report

Basic Properties of Timber and Other Non-Timber Forest Products (Module 1), Identification of pests and Diseases on Wood and Non-wood Forest Products

Generation of Technical Basis for the Development of Standards for Engineered Bamboo Products, PCARRD-DOST-GIA

FPRDI-ASTI Digital Moisture Meter, CLSU Training Center, Central Luzaon State University, Science City, Muños, Nueva Ecija

Silvicultural Treatments for Quality Poles, CLSU Training Center, Central Luzon State University, Science City, Muños, Nueva Ecija

Silvicultural Treatments for Quality Poles, FPRDI Technical Poster Competition

Silvicultural Treatments for Quality Poles, 29th Anual Scientific Meeting of the Academy of Science and Technology

Giant Bamboo for Housing and Construction, DOST-SCS and PAC'S Symposium in observance of the Science and Technology Week

Glue Laminated Bamboo and Bamboo Wood Combination, FPRDI Anniversary

Effect of Silvicultural Treatments on Bamboo's, 4th National Bamboo Congress. University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Yemane Coppice, DOST-SCS and PAC's Symposium

Interrelationship of Shrinkage and Seasoning in Philippine Timbers, FPRDI Poster Competion. FPRDI Anniversary.FPRDI, College, Laguna.

Development and Commercialization of Locally Designed Digital Wood Moisture Meter, FPRDI Poster Competition and STARRDEC Poster and Paper Competition

Development of Floor Tiles from Philippine Bamboo, FPRDI Poster Competion

POPEYE Kawayan Technology, PACS Symposium

Comparative Physical and Mechanical Properties of giant bamboo [Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne], 60th Annucal Convetion, Global Networking to Meet Global Challenge of the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science (PhilAAS). World Conference of Science and Technology

Sorption Characteristics of Bamboo, Rattan and Vince, 79th General Membership Assembly and Policy and Scientific Forum held at Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila, CPP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City

Investigation on the Effects of Humidity on Composite Construction Materials, FPRDI Library, College, Laguna

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Lesser-Used Species, ITTO Project-submitted to Engr. A. Mosteiro

Strength and Grading of Structural Sizes of Lumber, FPRDI Library, College, Laguna

Suitability of Adventitious Roots of Climbing Pandan (Freyunetia spp.) for Furniture, Gandicraft and Packaging, FPRDI Library. College, Laguna

Effect of Age on the Utilization of yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) for House Construction., FPRDI, College, Laguna

Electrical Properties of bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta Blume)., FPRDI Library, College, Laguna

Situational Analysis of Region III for the Piloting of the FPRDI wood Moisture Meter, FPRDI Library, College, Laguna

Industrial Application of FPRDI Moisture Meter, FPRDI Library, College, Laguna

Wood Quality Evaluation of Teak and Mahogany Thinnings, FPRDI Library. (Contract Research) of Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala). FPRDI Library

Effect of Silvicultural Management on Pole Quality, PCARRD Los Baños, Laguna

Dolotina Situational Analysis of Bohol Province for the Development of Moisture meter for Bamboo and Other Non-timber Species, FPRDI Library

Strength Evaluation of Timber in the Philippines, 2nd Technical Group Meeting on "Strength Evaluation of Timber" Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Assessing the Utilization of yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) for Paper Pulp or Lumber Manufacture, 15th Biennial Conference on the Institute of Foresters of Australia held in Queenslan, Australia

Sorption Characteristics of Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta Blume), International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) World Congress, Tampere, Finland

Physical Properties of Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta Blume) for Quality Improvement of Its End-Products, International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) all Division 5 Conference held in Pullman, Washington, USA

New Panel Products and Application of Bamboo, First National Conference on Bamboo. Iloilo City

Lumber Recovery and Grades of A. mangium at various ages, 3rd USM-JIRCaS international Symposium on "Lignocellulose"

Bambusa blumeana in Relation to its Finishing Performan, 3rd International Symposium on Surfacing and Finishing of Wood

Bonding Strength Evaluation of Modified Commercial Glues on Bamboo and Bamboo-Wood Combination, Wood Adhesives at the Holiday Inn on the Bay, Harbor Drive, Sandiego, California, USA

Physical properties of silviculturally treated kauayan tinik, Trends and Innovations in the Bamboo Industry

Bonding Strength Evaluation of Modified Commercial Glue on Laminated Bamboo and Bamboo-Wood Combination, Wood Adhesive Conference. Sandiego, California. USDA, FPL, Madison, USA

Improving Productivity of a Previously Unmanaged Kawayan Tinik (Bambusa blumeana Shultes), Plantation for Poles and Shoots in Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. Symposium on Management of Bamboo in Philippine and Australia for shoots and timber.

Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Basic Properties of Bamboo, ACIAR Symposium on Silvicultural Management of Bamboo in the Philippines and Australia for Shoots and Timber

Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Basic Properties of Bamboo, ACIAR Symposium on Silvicultural Management of Bamboo in the Philippines and Australia for shoots and Timber

Development of Floor Tiles from Philippine Bamboo, International Conference on Wood Adhesives

Comparative Strength and Related Properties of yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) Coppice and Planted Stand. Subprogram: Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Hardwoods. Technical Session Abstract page, 65th International Convention: Sustainable Development and the Role of the Forest Products Industry. Portland, Oregon USA

Performance Evaluation of Various Adhesives on Engineered Bamboo, International Conference on Wood Adhesives

Digital Moisture Meter, 5th FAJR International Inventions and Innovations Exhibitions


  • Best poster presentation, University Sains Malaysia and Japana International Research Center of Agricultural Sciences (USM-JIR, 2003
  • Plantation for Quality Poles and Shoots which won 3rd place, Agriculture and Natural Resource, November 9, 2007
  • Finalist, 2008 National Invention Contest, 17-21 Nov. 2008
  • First Place, 21st Regional Symposium on Research and Development Highlights and Technology Investment Forum. Cavi, August 20-21, 2008
  • Outstanding Institutional Service Award, UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources Outstanding Alumni Award, October 9, 2009
  • Qualifier, 8th Regional and National S & T Fora and Competition in Industry and Energy Research and Development, January 29, 2010
  • 1st Place (Regional Award), 8th Regional and National S & T Fora and Competition in Industry and Energy Research and Development, Feb. 25, 2010
  • 3rd Place, 8th Regional and National S & T Fora and Competition in Industry Energy Research and Development, March 17, 2010
  • Winner of the Utility Model Category, Southern Luzon Cluster Invention Contests and Exhibits, Sep. 6-8 2010
  • Best Technical Seminar Paper Award, FPRDI, College, Laguna Borden International Incorporated, July 1986
  • Model Employee- Technical Personnel Category for Exemplary and Outstanding Accomplishments, FPRDI, College, Laguna, Dec. 14, 2001
  • 2002-2003 FPRDI Research Chair Holder Award, Forest Products Research Foundation Inc., May 2003
  • Third Place (Outstanding Creative Research), Technology Application and Promotions Institute (DOST-TAPI), Nov. 21-25, 2002
  • First Place FPRDI Poster Competition "Development of glue laminated bamboo and bamboo-wood combinati, FPRDI, College, Laguna, July 4 2003
  • F.O. Tesoro Technology Transfer Award, LBSCFI, SEARCA Auditorium, July 2006
  • LBSCFI Outstanding R & D Award, F. O. Tesoro Technology Award, Umali Auditorium, SEARCA, Los Baños, Laguna, July 24, 2009
  • Best Technical Paper, FPRDI Anniversary Celebration, July 10, 2009
  • Outstanding technical Poster Award, FPRDI Technical Poster Competition, July 4, 2008
  • 2nd Place, National Invention Contest for the entry "Digital Wood Moisture Meter (FA507) Calibrated to Philippi, Nov. 28, 2010
  • 2011-2012 FPRDI Research Chair Holder Award, 55th FPRDI Anniversary
  • 2013 Dost International Publication Award, DOST, Dec. 12, 2013
  • 2008 Outstanding UPLB-CFNR Alumni-Institutional Service Award, 99th UPLB-CFNR Foundation Day at UPLBCF, July 10, 2009
  • First Place, Poster Competition, FPRDI Anniversary Celebration, FPRDI, College, LAguna, July 10, 2009
  • 3rd prize for their paper Development and Commercialization of Locally Designed Digital Wood Moistur, 8th Regional and National S & T Fora and Competition in Industry and Energy Research and Development, March 17, 2010