Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines Los Banos - Graduate School, College, 4031 Laguna, Master of Science in Forestry, 1998

Field of Specialization:

Silviculture, Forest Pathology, Agriculture, Permanent Plot Monitoring


Racelis, D., Camacho, S., Racelis, E., & Luna, A., (2013) Labor-Intensive Harvesting Practices for Malapapaya (Polyscias nodosa)
Journal of Interdisciplinary Network, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Research and Development in ASEAN Universities Volume 2, No. 2

Racelis, E., Luna, A., & Racelis, D., (2013) Biomass and Carbon Accounting of Large-leaf Mahogany (Switenia macrophylla King) and Dipterocarp Plantations in Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines
Journal of Interdisciplinary Networks, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Research and Development in ASEAN Universities Volume 2, No. 2

Malabrigo, P.L., Jr., Umali, A.G.A., Tiburan, C.L., Jr., Pampolina, N.M., Balatibat, J.B., Tinio, C.E., Abaloso, W.P., Luna, A.C., & Bocondin, J.C., (2016) Tree Diversity and Stand Structure of Permanent Biodiversity Monitoring Area in Mount Makiling
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Volume 7, No. 1

Ata, J.P., Luna, A.C., Tinio, C.E., Quimado, M.O., Maldia, L.S., Abaloso, W.P., & Fernando, E.S., (2016) Rapid Assessment of Plant Diversity in Ultramafic Soil Environments in Zambales and Surigao del Norte, Philippines
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Volume 7, No. 1

Razal, R.A., Tolentino, E.L., Jr., Garcia, M.U., Fernando, E.S., Baguinon, N.T., Quimado, M.O., Donoso, L.A., & Luna, A.C., (2003) Status of forest genetic resources conservation and management in the Philippines
Country Reports, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Forest Genetic Resources Programme (APFORGEN) Inception Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Utsugi, H., Okuda, S., Luna, A.C., & Gascon, A.F., (2009) Differences in Growth and Photosynthesis Performance of Two Dipterocarp Species Planted in Laguna, the Philippines
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly Volume 43, No. 1

Maligalig, S.M., Luna, A.C., & Abraham, E.R.G., (2012) Priority Protection, Conservation and Development Areas of Makiling-Banahaw Geothermal Area, Philippines
Abstracts of Papers. 34th Annual Scientific Meeting. Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology.

Abraham, E.R.G., Luna, A.C., & Maligalig, S.M., (2012) Vegetation and Land-Use of Mak-Ban Geothermal Area, Philippines
Abstracts of Papers. 34th Annual Scientific Meeting. Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology

Abraham, E.R.G., Castillo, L.A., Lee, Y.K., Woo, S.Y., Lee, D.K., Jang, Y.H., Sargento, J.O., & Luna, A.C., (2007) Conservation relay: Private sector participation in restoration of degraded forest landscape in Mt. Makiling, Philippines
Forest Science and Technology Volume 3, No. 1

Pascual, J.N., Luna, A.C., & Balatibat, J.B., (2013) Comparative diversity of ground-dwelling ants (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) in two permanent plots in Makiling Forest Reserve, Los BaƱos, Laguna, Philippines
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 35, No. 1

Herrera, K.J.M., Luna, A.C., & Balatibat, J.B., (2009) Effects of forest gaps on foliage insect diversity in the perment field laboratory areas (PFLAS) in Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 31, No. 1

Buena, E.R.L., Luna, A.C., & Balatibat, J.B., (2009) Survey and census of ground lizards in the permanent field laboratory areas (PFLAS) in Mt. Makiling forest reserve
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 31, No. 1

Papers Presented:

  • Assessment of Biomass and Carbon Sequestration of Large Leaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) Plantation of Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve (MFR), Philippines: A Decade After.International Conference on Sustainable Forest Management-The 2nd Forest Science Forum, Beijing, China
  • International Conference on Sustainable Forest Management-The 2nd Forest Science Forum, Beijing China, 36th Scientific Meeting National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). Abstracts of Papers. Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology
  • Tree Growth ad GIS-Assisted Inventory of the Permanent Field Laboratory Areas 2, Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines, 36th Scientific Meeting National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). Abstracts of Papers. Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology
  • Guild Structure in Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve: Its Implications to Silviculture and Natural Resources Management, 28th National Academy of Science and Technology Annual Scientific Meeting
  • Permanent Field Laboratory Areas in Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve: A Model for Sustainable Natural Resource Management, 28th National Academy of Science and Technology Annual Scientific Meeting
  • Possible Link of Endomycorrhizas with Potential Bioinvasive Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) in Permanent Plots of Mt. Makiling Forest, 28th National Academy of Science and Technology Annual Scientific Meeting