
Sex: Male

  • Master of Science in Aquaculture, Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
  • Bachelor of Sciene in Fisheries Major in Fish Processing, Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology

Field of Specialization
Aquaculture Fisheries
Fisheries Science
Aquaculture management
Marine Aquaculture
Aquaculture nutrition
Fish Biology
Aquatic Science


Article title: Anthropogenic activities inside the mangrove conservation and rehabilitation area: A case of Davao Occidental, Philippines.
Authors: John Paul Relacion Pacyao and Shahara T. Barail
Publication title: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 8(5): 294-298, October 2020

The present study determined and evaluated the anthropogenic activities of the local settlers living near Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) - Mangrove Rehabilitation Areas in the 4 selected Coastal Barangays of Davao Occidental namely Brgy. Tubalan, Brgy. Buhangin, Brgy. Sto. Rosario and Brgy. Tanglad. A self- structured survey questionnaire was formulated to know the perception of the local settlers on the issue concerning anthropogenic activities on the mangrove ecosystem near the PNAP areas. Gathered data include socio-demographic profile, issues and concerns, and perception including the activities of the local settlers lived near the area. A purposive sampling technique was done during data gathering. Results revealed that majority of the respondents are male, married and in the age ranges from 30 – 40 years old. These respondents confirmed that majority of the local settlers living near PNAP areas were converting the mangrove area into residential (90.38%), converting into fishpond with 25.75% and utilizing as ports for fishing boats like in the case of Brgy. Sto. Rosario. Other anthropogenic activities include improper waste disposal, grazing of astray animals, among others. Moreover, the effects brought by these anthropogenic activities include gradual destruction of the mangrove ecosystem, and high mortality of mangroves. Though these areas were negatively affected, best practices were likewise noticed such as the conduct of regular coastal clean-up and mangrove planting activity. Through this, it is suggested to intensify the awareness efforts (such as IEC campaign) of all concerned organizations and institutions, and by entering a multi-partite agreement among key players and coming-up with one resolution of protecting these ecosystems. Likewise, a regular monitoring among these mangrove ecosystems is being encouraged.
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Article title: Management Strategies Employed under PNAP Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in Davao del Sur, Philippines
Authors: John Paul Relacion Pacyao and Vic Marco Paolo F. Gencianeo
Publication title: International Journal of Current Research 10(07):71091 - 71094, August 2018

This study was conducted in the 5 selected coastal barangays of Davao del Sur namely Brgy. Tagabuli, Sta. Cruz, Brgy. Punta Biao, Digos City, Brgy. Bucana, Hagonoy, Brgy. Balasinon, Sulop and Brgy. Bagumbayan, Malalag. These barangays were the Program Partners during the implementation of the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) – Mangrove Rehabilitation Project due to suitability requirements. These were also declared by the Philippine Government as the identified Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in the region. The purpose of this study was to assess the current status of the mangroves planted under PNAP, and determined its contributing factors behind its survival and mortality rates. Research questionnaire was also used in data gathering for socio-profiles of the project beneficiaries and management interventions employed. Results of the study revealed that Brgy. Punt Biao, Digos City (98.7%) and 95.85% in Brgy.Bucana, Hagonoy exhibited high survival rates. In terms of area orientation, these Barangays is a midland zone, and hence, expected minimum to high survival rates since planted mangroves in these areas were not directly exposed over strong winds and waves actions. However, lowest survived mangroves were recorded in Brgy. Balasinon, Sulop with 10.22% due to wave fluctuations and other climatic conditions in general. Results further revealed that Mangrove mortalities may result from different factors: change in nutrient availability, grazing animals, deforestation, feral pigs, sea level rises, storms and strong winds, shoreline erosion, altered tidal flows, and climate change which is mainly caused by human pollution and disorderness. Different management strategies includes direct planting method, and regular visitation, cleaning and overall monitoring in the different mangroves areas at least once a month or twice a month. Replanting mechanisms of mangroves were also realized and being practiced in some study areas. Hence, this could be the reason why Brgy. Punta Biao and Brgy. Bucana recorded excellent number of mangroves survived.
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Article title: Secondary Productivity of the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP): Mangrove Rehabilitation Area in Brgy. Bagumbayan, Malita, Davao del Sur, Philippines
Authors: John Paul Relacion Pacyao and Helenrina O. Macandog
Publication title: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research 3(3): 38-41 , July 2018

This study was conducted to determine the secondary production of mangrove under PNAP Area of Brgy. Bagumbayan, Malalag, Davao del Sur. There were two sampling stations established in the area. In each station contains 3 transect lines with an interval of 50m and within the transect line a 10x10m plot was established. Quadrat method was also employed. Result revealed that there were 15 species of secondary productivity found in the area which composes of 613 individuals and was classified and identified according its taxonomic classification. Majority of this species commonly belongs to the Phylum Arthropoda, Molluska, Echinodermata and Chordata. The PNAP mangrove species were composed of Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina and Sonneratia alba wherein the identified species used mangroves as habitat, nursery and breeding grounds. The result further showed that there was no significant difference between the species diversity and abundance of mangrove secondary productivity in PNAP mangrove area (P<0.05).
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Article title: Success Indicators of the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) - Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in Davao del Sur, Southern Philippines
Authors: John Paul Relacion Pacyao and Marlyn Bersabe Llameg
Publication title: Open Science Journal 3(1), February 2018

The study was conducted to evaluate success indicators of the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) – Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in Davao del Sur. The growth increment of mangroves(cm/day) and survival and the physico-chemical parameters of the different project sites were recorded. A questionnaire was employed to gather in socio-demographic profile, best practices employed, benefits and institutional factors. The study employed one shot sampling. The growth increments of mangroves in Punta Biao (0.0032 cm/day) was comparable with Bucana (0.0031 cm/day) but were significantly higher than the rest of the project sites.Sto. Rosario exhibited the lowest growth increment of 0.0007 cm/day. In terms of survival, Bucana and Punta Biao showed the highest survival rate of 96.87% and 99.62%respectively, while San Isidro obtained the lowest mean value of 13.71%. Two (2) types of area orientation found in the different project sites, midland and tidal/mud flats. Soil types were clay loam and sandy clay. High survival and high growth increment were observed in midland area with clay loam substrate while low survival observed in seaward areas with sandy clay substrate. The pH ranged from 6.46-7.23 while salinity ranged from 23ppt-35ppt. Some of the contributing factors that influenced higher survival rate of PNAP Mangrove Rehabilitation Project in Davao del Sur include the used of matured mangrove propagates, staking prior to mangrove planting, regular monitoring at least every other day and carefully scraping epiphytes (e.g. barnacles and oysters) during mangrove’s early stage. This practices observed in all project sites regardless of percentage rate recorded.
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