Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, College, Laguna, B. Agriculture, 1921
  • University of the Philippines, College, Laguna, B. S. A., 1923
  • University of California, USA, M. S., 1932
  • University of California, USA, Ph. D., 1934

Field of Specialization:



Cendana, S.M.,, (1922 Mr) The banana weevil
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 10, No. 8

Cendana, S.M., (1935) Inhibited hatching, a developmental aberration in the genus Coccophagus (Aphelinidae, Hymenoptera) and its cause
National Research Council of the Philippine Islands Bulletin , No. 12

Cendena, S,M.,, (1937 S) Recent physical changes in the water of Laguna de Bay and their effect on the lake fauna
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 26, No. 4

Cendana, S.M., (1937) Studies on the biology of Coccophagus, a hymenopterous genus parasitic on non-diaspidine Coccidae
University of California, Publications in Entomology Volume 6

Cendana, S.M., (1938) Termites, their ways and mtehods of combating them
Agricultural Life Volume 5, No. 11

Cendana, S.M., (1939) Parasites of the olive scale, Saissetia oleae (Bernard), in the Philippines
National Research Council of the Philippines, Bulletin , No. 23

Cendana, S.M.,, (1940 ) Biology of Kaloula picta (Dumeril et Bibron) with special reference to its development and breeding habits
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 28, No. 8

Cendena, S.M., (1947 Jl-Ag-S) A biological study of Empoasca flavenscens Fabricius (Cicadellidae, Homoptera)
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 31, No. 1

Cendana, S.M.,, (1949) Some problems of biological control in the Philippines
Seventh Pacific Science Congress, Auckland, New Zealand Volume 4

Cendana, S.M., (1949 Ap-Je) Treatment of structural bamboo with DDT as a preservative against powder-post beetles
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 32, No. 4

Cendana, S.M.,, (1953) A biological study of Bactrocera umbrosia (Fabricius) (Trypetidae, Diptera)
Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress Volume 3

Cendana, S.M.,, (1953) The bionomics of the nangka fruitfly, Bactrocera umbrosa Fabr. (Trypetidae, Diptera)
Eighth PAcific Science Congress, Diliman, Philippines

Cendana, S.M.,, (1954 Ja) Bionomics of Eustalodes anthivora Clarke (Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera)
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 37, No. 8

Cendana, S.M., (1954 Ap-My) Observations on the relative susceptibility of some double crosses and inbred strains of corn to the earworm and stalk borer
Plant Industry Digest Volume 11, No. 4-5

Cendena, S.M.,, (1956 Jl) Organic insecticides in the control of citrus rind borer
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 40, No. 2

Cendana, S.M.,, (1956) Organic insecticides in the control of citrus rind borer
College of Agriculture Monthly Bulletin Volume 21, No. 5

Cendana, S.M.,, (1957) Recent findigs in the control of citrus pests
Philippine Citrus Growers Annual Conventio

Cendana, S.M., (1962 Je) Control of sugarcane insect pests
Philippine Sugar Institute Quarterly Volume 8