Dr. Dindo M. Campilan is recognized for his outstanding contribution to the development of the newly emerging field of participatory research as a significant “value-added” to conventional science. His innovative initiatives have made a difference in the efforts to translate the concepts of participation, partnership and user’s perspectives into empirical, interdisciplinary real-life activities. Dr. Campilan has also endeavored to make field-based research, household livelihood systems, participatory monitoring and evaluation, essential features of the effort to put “users” at the center of agricultural research.

Sex: Male


  • Visayas State College of Agriculture (VISCA), Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, BSADE Development Communication (magna cum laude), 1985
  • University of the Philippines at Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines, MS Development Communication/Rural Sociology, 1988
  • Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Doctor of Philosophy in Communication and Innovation Studies, 1995

Field of Specialization:

Communication and Innovation Studies, Participatory Research - concepts, approaches, experiences and issues, Sustainable rootcrop livelihood-participatory technology development of technologies and other innovations in rootcrop agriculture and food systems., Monitoring and evaluation-roles, contributions and methods of monitoring and evaluation in agricultural research, including participatory approaches., R&D networking (Philosophy, strategies and practices in establishing/managing networks for Agr.R&D)


Bagalanon, C. Campilan, D., (1998) Use of participatory approaches in Agricultural R&D: the UPWARD experience.
In: Farmer Participatory Research on Coconut Diversity: Methods and Field Protocols. Rome: IPGRI-COGENT.

Campilan, D., (1997) User participation in agricultural R&D: turning the principle into practice.
In: Local R&D, Institutionalizing Innovations in Rootcrop Agriculture. Los Ba?os:CIP-UPWARD

Campilan, D., (1996) User participatory R&D: does it really work?
UPWARD Fieldnotes Volume 5, No. (1):

Campilan, D., (1995) Enhancing the user-oriented diagnostic framework through knowledge systems thinking.
In: Taking Root, Proceedings of the Third UPWARD Review and Planning Workshop, Los Ba?os: CIP-UPWARD

Campilan, D. Prain, G., (2000) Self-assessment as an approach to evaluating participatory research: an Asian experience.
In: Assessing the Impact of Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (N. Liljia, J. Ashby and L. Sperling, eds) CGIAR SWP-PRGA

Campilan, D. Prain, G., (1997) Integrated pest management, the view frorm below: the role of users perspectives and participation in agricultural research.
In: Managing Bacterial Wilt of Potato in the Hills of Nepal (J. Elphingstone and P. Pradhanang, eds.), Lumle:LARC

Campilan, D., (1999) Conceptual tools in tracking change: emerging issues and challenges.
In: Learning from Change: Issues and Experiences in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (M. Estrella et al, eds.) London: Intermediate Technology Publications

Campilan, D., (1999) Making participatory monitoring and evaluation work: thirteen vignettes from the field.
In: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Readings and Resources for Community Based Natural Resource Management Researchers (R. Vernoy, ed.) Ottawa:IDRC. Volume 8(B-7)

Campilan, D., (1998) Monitoring and evaluating social change.
The Diliman Review

Conghua, X. Campilan, D. Chujoy, E. Wang, Y., (1999) Assessing farmer management of potato diseases in Southwest China.
UPWARD Fieldnotes Volume 8(1)

Campilan, D. Buenavist, G., (1997) Interfacing monitoring and evaluation with the agricultural research and development process
In: Self -Assessment, Participatory Dimension oof Project Monitoring and Evaluation , Los Ba?os: CIP-UPWARD

Campilan, D., (1999) Evaluation from the inside participatory evaluation of agricultural research in the Philippines.
International Journal on Knowledge, Technology and Policy. Volume 11(4)

Estrella, M. Blauert, J. Campilan, D. Gaventa, J. Gonsalves, J. Gujit, I. Johnson, D. Ricafort, R. (eds.), (1999) Learning from Change: Issues and Experiences in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
Intermediate Technology Publications, London

Boncodin, R.D. Campilan, D. Prain, G., (2000) Dynamics in tropical homegardens.
Urban Agriculture Volume 1(1)

Campilan, D., (In press) Participatory potato technology development:CIP experiences in Asia.
In:Potato Research and Development in the World, Delhi:IPA-CPRI-ICAR

Campilan, D., (1999) Introducing a livelihood systems framework for participatory research.
In: Learning to Manage Livelihoods, New perspectives in Rootcrops R &D, Los Ba?os:CIP UPWARD

Campilan, D., (1996) The hanging role of users in sustainable agriculture: a second look at UPWARD's second program phase.
In: Into Action Research, Partnerships in Asian Rootcrop Research and Development, Los Ba?os: CIP-UPWARD

Campilan, D., (1995) Learning to change, changing to learn: Managing natural resources for sustainable agriculture in the Philippine uplands.
Published PhD Thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen

Campilan, D., (1992) Sustainable agriculture: a knowledge system's view.
In: Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development in the Philippines, Silang, IIRR

Escalada, M. Campilan, D. Cagasan, E., (1998) Diffusion mechanisms for improved sweetpotato varieties in upland communities.
In: Integrated Rootcrops Research and Development in the Philippines, Baybay:IDRC-IRCP/VISCA

Prain, G. Campilan, D., (1999) Farmer maintenance of sweetpotato diversity in Asia: dominant cultivars and implications for in situ conservation.
Impact on a Changing World, CIP 1997-98, Lima.

Tulin, A. Asic, V. Pardales, J. Campilan, D., (1999) Establishing nutrient deficiency symptoms in sweetpotato.
UPWARD Fieldnotes Volume 8(1)

Campilan, D. Prain, G. Bagalanon, C., (1998) Networking for capacity building in participatory research and development.
In: Sustainable Livelihood for Rural Households, Contributions from Rootcrops Agriculture, Los Ba?os:CIP-UPWARD

Castillo. G. Campilan, D., (1999) Nurturing a network: Lessons in the evolution of the UPWARD program.
Househols in an Interdisciplinary Perspective (A. Niehof and P. Terpstra, eds.), I & C Publication Series No. 2, Wageningen:WU

Campilan, D. Roa, J., (1999) UPWARD strategies for improving intra-and inter-networking practice.
In: Learning to Mange Livelihoods, New Perspectives in Rootcrop R&D, Los Ba?os:CIP-UPWARD.


  • Outstanding Basic Research, Visayas Consortium for Agriculture and Resource Program /Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, 2000
  • CIP Most Promising Young Scientist Award, CIP(Nominee to the CGIAR-level competition), 2000
  • Outstanding Basic Research, Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development/Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, 1999
  • Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Communication and Innovation Studies), National Academy Science and Technology-Department of Science and Technology, 2001