Dr. Benjamin Cabrera has more than a hundred scientific publications concerning medical parasitology and public health. For his work on filariasis, Dr. Cabrera received the Philippine Legion of Honor, a Presidential Award in 1966. With the elucidation of the epidemiology and life cycles of filarial parasites, preventive measures in the form of drug treatment of human cases as well as measures against mosquito vectors can be implemented. Dr. Cabrera also worked on the control of ascariasis. With the model he proposed, hazards produced by these soil-transmitted helminths can be reduced.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, M.D., 1945
  • Tulane University, New Orleans, USA, M.P.H. (T.M.), 1950
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Post Doctoral Fellow, 1962

Field of Specialization:

Medical Parasitology


Cabrera, B., (1980) Clinical field trials of broad spectrum anthelminthics against soil -transmitted helminthiasis.
SEA Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volume 11, No. (4):

Cabrera, B., (1980) Clinical trial of of mebendazole on soil transmitted helminthiasis in rural communities.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 16, No. (1):

Cabrera, B., (1980) Clinical trial of Oxantel-pyrantel (Quantrel) against trichuriasis.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 16, No. (2):

Cabrera, B.D., (1982) A laboratory manual in medical parasitology
(Manual), 1st edition

Cabrera, B.D., (1980) Comparison of the blood film, millipore filter and nuclepore filter technique for the detection of microfilaremia in a field survey in the Philippines.
Japan Journal of Experimental Medicine Volume 50

Cabrera, B.D., (1982) Barrio Calaccad of Tabuk Town revisited: Present status of filariasis in the area.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 18, No. (3):

Cabrera, B.D., (1981) Low density microfilaremia of Wuchereria bancrofti infections in pre and post treatment phases in the Philippines.
Japn Journal of Experimental Medicine Volume 51, No. 2

Cabrera, B.D., (1983) An epidemiological study of filariasis in Sorsogan Province, Republc of the Philippines with notes on experimental mosquito infection.
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 86

Cabrera, B.D. (Co-author), (1981) A study of lung fluke from the Philippines.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 12

Cabrera, B.D., (1985) Vector mosquitoes of Wuchereria bancrofti at Bicol Region in the Philippines.
Japan Journal of Experimental Medicine Volume 52, No. (2):

Cabrera, B.D., (1984) Development and survival of immatue mosquitos (Diptrea: Culicidae) in the Philippine rice fields,
Journal of Medical Entomology Volume 21, No. (3):

Cabrera, B., (1981) Species determination of human hookworm using the polyethylene tube culture technique in selected areas in the Philippines.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 12, No. (1):

Cabrera, B.D., (1983) Survey of intestinal parasites at the Iwahig prison and Penal Farm, Palawan, Republic of the Philippines.
Acta medica Philippina Volume 19, No. 2:

Cabrera, B.D., (1981) Prevalence of strongyloides stercoralis infection in selected areas in the Philippines using modified Harada-Mori culture techniques.
Acta Medica Phlippinna Volume 17, No. (3):

Cabrera, B.D., (Jl 1982) Common helminthic infections.
S.E Asian Clinics, Medical Progress

Cabrera, B.D., (1984) Cathaemasiasis: A new parasitic disease entity in man.
Acta Mdica Philippina Volume 20, No. (4):

Cabrera, B.D., (S 1984) Cathaemasia cabrerai sp. N. (Tramatode: Cathaemaciidae) A new parasite of man in the Philippines.
SEA Journal of Tropical Medicine. P.H. Volume 15, No. (3):

Cabrera, B.D., (1980) Clinical trial of oxantel-pyrantl (quantrel) against trichuriasis.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 16, No. (2):

Cabrera, B.D., (1980) Clinical trial of mebendazole on soil-transmitted helminthiasis in rural communities.
Acta Medica Philippina Volume 16, No. (1):

Cabrera, B.D., (1980) Clinical field trials of broad spectrum antheheminthics against soil-transmitted helminthiasis.
SEA Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volume 11, No. (4):

Cabrera, B.D., (1982) The problem of soil-transmitted helminths, sanitation and health education in the Philippines (editorial)
Acta medica Philippina Volume 18, No. (3):

Cabrera, B.D., (1982) It's time we start moving (Editorial )
Acta medica Philippina Volume 17, No. (1):

Cabrera, B.D., (1980) Inter-relationship between ascariasis and nutritional status.
The Proceedings of the Seminar on parasite Control in the Prevention of Maltnutrition , WHO, UNICEF, JOICFP JAPC, 1-5 D 1980

Cabrera, B.D., (1980) The reinfection rate of soil-transmitted helminths in the pilot areas after treatment.
Collected Papers on the Control of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiases. Volume 1

Cabrera, B.D., (1983) Species determination of human hookworm using the polyethylene-tube culture techniques in selected areas in the Philippines.
Collected Papers on the Control of Siol-Transmitted Helminthiasis Volume 2

Cabrera, B.D., (1984) Reinfection and infection rates of ascariasis and trichuriasis among school children in relation to seasonal variation in the Philippines.
SEA Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volume 15(3)

Cabrera, B.D., (1989) An attempt to eradicate trichuriasis and hhokworm infection in an island in Sorsogon,Philippines for a 3-year period.
Collected papers on the Control of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis Volume 4

Cabrera, B.D., (1983) A comparative study on the effect of mass treatment of the entire community and selective treatment of children in the total prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiaeses in two communities, Mindoro, Philippines
CollectedPapers on the Control of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiases Volume 2

Cabrera, B.D., (1984) Effect of treatment regimen on reinfection of soil-transmitted helminthiases in the Philippines.
Acta medica Philippina Volume 20, No. (1):

Cabrera, B.D., (1985) Parasites: Treatment and prevention of infestation.

Cabrera, B.D., (1989) Control of ascariasis through targetted chemotherapy.
Ascariasis and its Prevention and Control DWT Crompton et al. ( eds.)

Cabrera, B.D., (1984) Ascariasis: Most Popular Worm
World Health

Cabrera, B.D., (1977) Studies on the Paragonimus and paragonimiasis in the Philippines. II. Prevalence of pulmonary paragonimiasis in wild rats, Rattus norvegicus in Jaro, Leyte, Philippines.
International Journal of Zoonoses Volume 4

Cabrera, B.D. Fevidal, P.M., (1974) Studies on Paragonimus and paragonimiasis in the Philippines. III. Prevalence and treatment of human paragonimiasis with bithionol in Jaro, Leyte, Philippines.
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine & Public Health Volume 5;

Cabrera, B.D. Monzon, R.B. Sripawit, A., (1986) Epidemiological aspects of human cathaemasiasis in the Philippines ( a newly discovered parasitic infection ).
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 8

Marcos Tubangui, (March 15, 1949) Studies on filariasis in the Philippines, I. Results of a survey in the Province of Sorsogon and in the New Bilibid Prison at Muntinglupa, Rizal
Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume v. 36, No. no. 3

Marcos Tubangui, (Oct.-Dec. 1948) Studies of filariasis in the Philippines, I. Results of a survey in the Province of Sorsogon and in the New Bilibid Prison at Muntinglupa, Rizal
Acta Medica Philippina Volume v. 5, No. no. 2

Marcos Tubangui, (Aug. 15, 1949) Studies on filariasis in the Philippines, I. Results of a survey in the Province of Sorsogon and in the New Bilibid Prison at Muntinglupa, Rizal
Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume v. 36, No. no. 8

Marcos A. Tubangui, (July-Sept. 1949) Studies on filariasis in the Philippine, II. Treatment of bancroftian filariasis with Hetrazan
Acta Medica Philippina Volume v. 6, No. no. 1

Marcos A. Tubangui, Mariano G. Yogore Jr., (April-June 1950) Studies on the life cycle of the human lung fluke (Paragonimus) in the Philippines: a preliminary report
Acta Medica Philippina Volume v. 6, No. no. 4

Marcos A. Tubangui, (Jan. - March 1951) Studies on filariasis in the Philippines, III. Aedes (Finlaya) poicillus (Theobald) the mosquito intermediate host of Wuchereria bancrofil in the Bicol region
Acta Medica Philippina Volume v. 7, No. no. 3

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (March 1956) Filariasis in the Philippine Islands
American Journal of Hygiene Volume v. 63, No. no. 2

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (Dec. 1956) The flies of the genus Musca in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Science Volume v. 85, No. no. 4

Mariano G. Yogore Jr., Glenn A. Noble, (March 1957) Studies on paragonimiasis, II. THe morphology of some of the larval stages of Paragonimus in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Science Volume v. 86, No. no. 1

Mariano G. Yogore, Jr., Glenn A. Noble, (Sept. 1958) Studies on paragonimiasis, IV. A survey in Casiguran, Sorsogon, Philippines
Philippine Journal of Science Volume v. 87, No. no. 3

Ernesto D. Valdez, Horacio R. Estrada, Mariano G. Yogore Jr., (Jan.-March 1959) In vitro and in vivo studies on Telmid, a wide spectrum anthelmintic
Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume v. 46, No. nos. 1-3

Mariano C. Yogore Jr. Trinita P. Araullo, Ernesto F. Cabalteja, (March 1959) Studies on paragonimiasis, VIII. On the excystation of Paragonimus metacercariae
Philippine Journal of Science Volume v. 88, No. no. 1

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1960) Treatment of ascariasis with piperazine
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 36, No. no. 12

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, Nonette L. Juecon, (Feb. 1961) Treatment of ascariasis with piperazine
MD Journal Volume v. 10, No. no. 2

Mariano G. Yogore Jr., (June 1961) Expulsion of Taenia saginata and Taenia solium by Quinacrine (atabrine) treatment
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 37, No. no. 6

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, Nonette L. Jueco, (April 1961) Reinfection rates of successfully treated cases of ascariasis
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 37, No. no. 4

Lee M. Howard, (Aug. 25, 1961) Simian malaria in the Philippines
Science Volume v. 134, No. no. 3478

Trinita A. Cruz, N. P. Salazar, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobliasis in the Philippines. I. Frequency of enterobiasis among children in the City of Manila
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association, part II Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, II. THe occurrence of Enterobius ova in the finger nails of infected school children
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association, part II Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, N.P. Salazar, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, III. Observations on the egg-laying habits of Enterobius vermicularis
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, IV. A Simple technic for mounting Enterobius vermicularis ova
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, N. P. Salazar, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, V. Experience with a short course of treatment of enterobiasis with piperazine
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. garcia, Trinita A. cruz, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, VI. Reinfection of successfully treated cases of enterobiasis
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. Garcia, Trinita A. Cruz, Nonette L. Jueco, (Dec. 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, VII. The frequency of Enterobius vermicularis ova in the stools of infected children
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association, part II Volume v. 37, No. no. 12

Edito G. GArcia, (April 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, VIII. Experience with pyrivinium pamoate (Vanquin) in the treatment of enterobiasis
MD Journal Volume v. 10, No. no. 4

Edito G. Garcia, (July 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, VIII. Experience with pyrivinium pamoate (Vanquin) in the treatment of enterobiasis
MD Journal Volume v. 10, No. no. 7

Edito G. Garcia, (May-June 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, VIII. Experience with pyrivinium pamoate (Vanquin) in the treatment of enterobiasis
Journal of Surgery and Surgical Specialties Volume v. 16, No. no. 3

Edito G. Garcia, (Jan.-March 1961) Studies on enterobiasis in the Philippines, VIII. Experience with pyrivinium pamoate (Vanquin) in the treatment of enterobiasis
Philippine Journal of Pediatrics Volume v. 10, No. no. 1

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (Nov. 30, 1963) Transmission of filariasis int he Philippine Islands by Anopacles minimus flavirostris Ludlow
Nature Volume v. 200, No. no. 4909

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (1964) Filariasis in Mountain Province, Luzon
Journal of Medical Entomology Volume v. 1, No. no. 1

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (Jan.- March 1965) Filariasis in Mountain Province
Acta Medica Philippina Volume ser. 2, No. no. 3

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (May 16, 1964) Filariasis in Palawan, Philippines
Nature Volume v. 202, No. no. 4933

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (March 1965) Filariasis caused by Brugia malayi in the Republic of the Philippines
American Journal of Epidemiology Volume v. 81, No. no. 2

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (March 1965) Filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti in Palawan, Republic of the Philippines
American Journal of Epidemiology Volume v. 81, No. no. 2

(Jan-March 1965) Multiple infection with adult Taenia solium (case report)
Acta Medica Philippina, ser. 2 Volume v. 1, No. no. 3Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (Jan.-March 1965) The occurrence of Dirofilaria magnilarvatum Price and Brugia sp. in Philippine monkeys
Acta Medica Philippina, ser. 2 Volume v. 1, No. no. 3

Lloyd E. Rozeboom, (March 19, 1965) The periodicity characteristics of filaria parasites of man in the Republic of the Philippines
American Journal of Epidemiology Volume v. 81, No. no. 2