Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines, M. D., 1934

Field of Specialization:



(April 1948) Bacteriological control of ice cream and ice drops in the City of Manila
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 24, No. no. 4

(1951) A brief history of the Public Health Laboratory
Health Department

(July 1951) The public health laboratory of the Manila Health Department
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 2, No. no. 2

Reynaldo Sta. Ana, (Oct. 1952) Bacteriological examination of sandwiches
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume 3, No. 3

(1952) Evaluation of the results of sanitary bacteriological examination of public eating places
Manila Health Department Bulletin

Reynaldo Sta. Ana, Lurline M. Edejer, (Oct. 1952) Types of coliform organisms found in halo-halo
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 3, No. no. 3

(1952) Viability of coliform organisms in bagoong and the effect of the addition of acetic acid
Manila Health Department Bulletin

(July 1953) Fish procedures for the collection of various samples for bacteriological examinations
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 4, No. no. 3

(Jan. - April 1953) The sanitary standards of foods
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 4, No. nos. 1-2

(July 1953) Signs of spoilage of canned food and their significance
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 4, No. no. 3

Abelardo Nebalasca, Reynaldo Sta. Ana, (Jan. - April 1953) Viability of Escherichia coli in citric acid solution in soft drinks
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 4, No. nos. 1-2

(April 1954) Examination for the presence of food poisoning staphylococci in cooked foods sold in public eating places
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 30, No. no. 4

(Jan. 1955) The nutrition problem in the Philippines
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 6, No. no. 1

(July - Sept. 1958) Phage typing as an aid in the epidemiological study of typhoid fever
Manila Health Department Bulletin Volume v. 30, No. no. 3

(Oct. - Dec. 1958) Preservation of fish with antibiotics
Health Messenger Volume v. 7, No. no. 2

(Nov. 1958) Progress of the Public HEalth Laboratory Service
Manila Health Department Bulletin

(April 1960) History of the Division of Public Health laboratory, Manila Health Department
Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Journal Volume v. 9, No. no. 7

Alfredo Pio de Roda, F. E. Catanjal, (April 1960) Influenza. I. Hemagglutination-inhibition titres in normal individuals
Journal of the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Volume v. 9, No. no. 7

(March 1962) The El Tor Vibrio and its Manila outbreak
Bulletin of the V. Luna General Hospital Volume v. 3, No. no. 3

(Feb. 10, 1963) The laboratory (Medical Technologist) in a team approach to a comprehensive medical care
Symposium FEU

A. P. de Roda, F. M. Reyes, (May 1963) Observations and studies on thepathogenic serotypes of Escherichia coli and their relationship with diarrhea enteritis
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association Volume v. 39, No. no. 5 


  • Valedictorian, Tarlac Provincial High School, 1927
  • Gold Medal, In-service training for supervisors, Office of the Mayor, Manila, 1954
  • Certificate as Outstanding Chief of Section, Manila Health Dept., 1958
  • Certificate of Merit (Isolation of El Tor Vibrio), City Hall Press Club, 1961