Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, B.S.A., 1949
  • North Carolina State University, USA, M. S. Entomology, 1957

Field of Specialization



Getulio B. Viado, (July-Sept. 1949) A biological study of the Asiatic palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), Curculionidae, Coleoptera
Philippine Agriculturist Volume v. 33, No. no. 1

(March 1954) The coconut cadang-cadang disease and researches on its cause and control
Plant Industry Digest Volume v. 17, No. no. 3

J. W. Scharpenseel, Sofronio Balce, (1955) Investigation on the etiology of the so-called cadang-cadang disease of coconut trees
Araneta Journal of Agriculture Volume v. 2, No. no. 2

(Sept. 3-5, 1962) Progress report on the insect transmission tests on the coconut disease
Proceedings of the Symposium on Cadang-cadang of coconut

(Sept. 3-10, 1963) Progress report on the systematic selection and breeding program for cadnag-cadang resistant strain or type of coconut
Proceedings of the Symposium on Cadang-cadang of coconut

(1963) Coconut coultures in the Philippines with special reference to cadang-cadang infested areas (Brochure)
Bureau of Plant Industry

Carlos A. Calica, (1st-4th Quarter 1960) Progress report on the occurrence of Tristeza or citrus quick decline in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume v. 25, No. nos. 1-4

F. Q. Otanes, V. J. Madrid, (1951) A preliminary report on sucking insects on coconuts in the Bicol region (Circular No. 2)
Bureau of Plant Industry

(Nov. 24, 1956) Spread of cadang-cadang up: intensify studies
Coco News Volume v. 3, No. no. 63

(1957) Studies on the biology and morphology of Campolete's perdistinctus (Viereck), a parasite of the tobacco budworm (Heliothis viriscens (Linn.) (M.S. Thesis)
North Carolina State College

(Oct. 1963) Toxemic symptoms on some weeds caused by the leafhopper Empoasca formosana in the Philippines
FAO Plant Protection Bulletin Volume v. 11, No. no. 5

W. H. Sill, Jr., R. P. Pacumbaba, (3rd-4th Q. 1964) Incidence of cadang-cadang disease of coconut in trees of different ages and its relationship to practical control
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 29, No. nos. 3-4

Numeriano A. Infante, (3rd-4th Q. 1964) Progress report on selction and breeding progrma for cadang-cadang resistant coconut in the Bicol region
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 29, No. nos. 3-4

N. A. Infante, (July 1, 1964) Selection and breeding for resistant coconut
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 9, No. no. 12

(2nd Q. 1966) Coconut cadang-cadang incidence and replanting in the Philippines
Philippinw Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 31, No. no. 2

W. C. Price, E. P. Rillo, (Feb. 1967) Frond-drop: an unrecorded disease of coconut of unknown etiology in the Bicol region in the Philippines
FAO Plant Protection Bulleting Volume v. 15, No. no. 1

L. V. Moyano, (3rd-4th Q. 1967) Preliminary results on the biology of broadnosed weevil, Metapocyrtus impius (Erichson) (Curculionidae, Coleoptera)
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 32, No. nos. 3-4

W. C. Price, E. P. Rillo, (3rd-4th Q. 1967) Report on the new disease of coconut of unknown etiology on the Bicol region
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 32, No. nos. 3-4

(Dec. 1968) Report on the new coconut disease in Davao
Sugar News Volume v. 44, No. no. 12

(1st-2nd Q. 1969) A progress report on experimental weed control and its relationships with the sread of the coconut cadang-cadang disease
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume v. 34, No. nos. 1-2

D. de Leon, Coconut cadang-cadang disease in the Philippines and experimental control progress (mimeographed)
Bureau of Plant Industry

Destructive insect pests
Philippine Scouting Magazine

Epidemiological studies on the coconut cadang-cadang disease
Bureau of Plant Industry

The menace of the coconut cadang-cadang
Manila Times

The resume of the studies on the coconut cadang-cadang disease of the Bureau of Plant Industry
Proceedings of the Symposium on Cadang-cadang of Coconut

Strange habits in the insect world
Philippine Scouting Magazine

Symptomatology of the yellow mottle decline (cadang-cadang) of codconuts
Bureau of Plant industry

C. A. Calica, The yellow mottle disease of coconut cadang-cadang and researches on its cause and control (Mimographed)
Bureau of Plant Industry