Dr. Allan Benedict Bernardo is a cognitive psychologist and educational psychologist.His research interests are broad—ranging from cognitive psychology topics such as representation of number information among bilinguals, development of problem solving schemas, and factors affecting the components of mathematical problem solving to educational psychology topics such as the role of language, motivation, and non-cognitive variables on learning and achievement, and cognitive consequences of literacy practices. His most recent research interests relate to the role of culturally-rooted cognitions and beliefs on learning and achievement. His work in psychology has been recognized in the Philippines. Most notably, the 2002 Achievement Award for Research by the National Research Council of the Philippines, and the 2003 The Outstanding Young Men Award for his work in Psychology and Education. He was also awarded the Spencer Fellowship by the National Academy of Education (U.S.A.) and the International Award for Literacy Research by the UNESCO Institute for Education, both in 1996. In 2007, he was elected into the Philippines’ National Academy of Science and Technology, becoming the first psychologist elected into the prestigious group.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines -Diliman, Quezon City, Bachelor Arts in Psychology, 1987
  • Yale University, USA, Medical Science Cognitive Psychology, 1990
  • Yale University, USA, M. Phil. (Cognitive Psychology), 1991\
  • Yale University, USA, Doctor of Philisophy in Cognitive Psychology, 1992

Fiel of Specialization

Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology, Mathematical Learning and Problem Solving, Bilingual Cognition, Cognition in Education, Learning and Cognitive Development, Language and Thinking, Intelligence


Bernardo, A. B. I., (1996) Task specificity in the use of words in mathematics: Insights from bilingual word problem solvers.
International Journal of Psychology Volume 31, No. (1):

Bernardo, A. B. I., (1996) Language and understanding in mathematical problem solving.
Philippine Journal of Educational measurement Volume 7

Bernardo, A .B. I., (1995) The culture of learning in and out of schools.
Edukasyon Volume 1, No. (1):
Testing, testing, testing for food, fuels, and fertilizers, (1995) Ang kultura ng pagkatuto sa loob at labas ng paaralan.
Edukasyon Volume 1, No. (1):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1995) Paggamit ng wika at paglipat ng kaalaman sa paglutas-problema sa matematika: Pagbabalik tanaw sa Whorfian Hypothesis at pagbibigay- alaman sa usaping wika ng pagtuturo.
Edukasyon Volume 1, No. (1):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1994) Problem specific information and the development of problem type schemata
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition Volume 20

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1994) Roles of symbolic knowledge and problem-information context in solving word problems.
Journal of Educational Psychology Volume 86

Bernardo, A.B.I. Gering, R.J., (1994) Readers as problem solvers in the experience of suspense.
Poetics Volume 22

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1994) Language use and transfer in mathematical problem solving: Revisiting the Whorfian Hypothesis apprisng the medium of instruction issue.
Philippine Technology Journal Volume 19, No. (1):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1993) The use of analogies in learning scientific concepts in psychology.
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 26, No. (2):

Bernardo, A.B.I. Conaco, M.C.G., (1993) A knowledge based taxonomy of decison problems and decision stategies.
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 26, No. (1):

Bernardo, A.B.I. Ampil-Antonio A. et al., (1993) The tonque-twister effect: Subvocal articulation in silent reading.
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 26, No. (1):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1992) Defining constraints on the effects of framing on risky decisions
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 25(2)

Bartolome, A.M.S. Caluma, M.D.J. Felizardo, M.D.R. Guevarra, M.C.I. Bernardo, A.B.I., (1992) The visual and semantic components of memory for pictures
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 25, No. (2):

Pedron, D.G.E. De Guzman, A.L. Hidalgo, M.C.G. Jacinto, M.J.L. Bernardo, A.B.I., (1992) Misleading information and memory for major and minor details about events: Evidence for the memory impairment hypothesis.
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 25, No. (2):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1991) Contextual reference domains and verification: What is relevant and what is not in sentence verification.
Journal of Memory and Language Volume 30

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1995) The cognitive consequences of literacy: Studies o thinking in five Philippine communities. (Book)

Bernardo, A.B.I., (2001) Analogical problem construction and transfer in mathematical problem solving
Educational Psychology Volume 2, No. (21):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (2000) Contextualizing the effect of technology on higher education larning teaching: The social and human dimensions of educational change
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review Volume 2, No. (1):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (2000) Intellectualizing Philippine discourse on teaching and teacher development: A review of 'The joys teaching'
The Asia-Pacific Education Research , No. (9):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (2000) On defining and developing literacy across communities
International Review of Education Volume 5, No. (46):

Zhang, L.-F., Bernardo, A.B.I., (2000) Validity of the learning process questionnaire wiht student of lower academic attainment
Psychological Report , No. (87):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1999) L'alphabetisation et la pensee: Contextes et effets cognitifs de l'alphabetisme.
Paris: L'Harmattan and Institute de l'UNESCO l' Education

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1999) Overcoming obstacles to understanding and solving word prblems in mathematics
Educational Phychology Volume 19, No. (2):

Bernardo, A.B.I., Y. Tabata & Griek, (1999) The striving and the struggle for teacher dvelopment: The contexts, issues, trends, and opportunities in in-service teacher training in the Philippines. Ensuirng opportunities for the professional development of teachers
Hiroshima University UNESCO-APIED Associated Centre

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1998) Literacy and the mind: The contexts and cognitive consequences of literacy practice
UNESCO Institute for Education/Luzac Oriental Press

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1998) Languages format and analogical transfer among bilingual problem solvers in the Philippine
International Jouranl of Phychology Volume 1, No. (33):

Bernardo, A.B.I., F.H. Hornedo, V. A. Miralao, & F.P. Sta. Maria, (2000) Frameworks and contents of Philippine basic education textbooks. The social and human science in Philippine basic education: A review of elemantary and high school textbooks
Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council, Inc.

Bernardo, A.B.I., M.L. Baustita, T. Llamzon, & B. Sibayan, (2000) The multifarious effects of language on mathematical learning and performance among bilinguals: A cognitive science perspective on the language of instruction issue. Parangal cang Bro. Andrew: Feschrift for Andrew Gonzales on his 60th Birthday
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philipppines

Bernardo, A.B.I., Clemeña, R., Prudente, M.S., (2000) The contexts and practices of science and mathematics education in the Philippines: Foundations of responsive science and mathematic teacher education programs
Manila: Lasallian Institute for Development and Education Research

Bernardo, A.B.I., Ortigas, C.D., (2000) Building peace: Essays in phychology and the culture of peace
Manila: De La Salle University Press

Gonzales, A., Bernardo, A.B.I., Baustita, M.L.S., Pascasio, E., (2000) The current language situation and policy making in language
Philippine Journal of Linguisyic Volume 2, No. (31):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1999) Cognitive representation of number facts in bilinguals: In sights from an incidental recall task
Philippine Journal of Phychology Volume 1, No. (32):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1999) Literacy, decontextualized thought and the intellectualization of language
Philippine Journal of Linguistic , No. (30):

Bernardo, A.B.I., L. Tech & M.E. Macapagal, (1999) Memory. General phychology, vol.1. Textbook and manual
QC: TWIN A Printing, Inc.

Bernardo, A.B I., (1998) Do you know where you're going? Global trends in mathematics and science education reform and thier implications for Philippine reform efforts
UP-CIDS Chronicle Volume 2, No. (3):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1998) Towards the functional diversification and specialization of Philippine higher education institutes: A one hundred-year propositon for the evolution of Philippine colleges and university
Perspectives Volume 1, No. (18):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1998) Contemporary Phschological therories of intelligence and thier implications for educational assessment
Tanglaw , No. (6):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1998) Language and the learning process: In sights from contemporary Psychology perpecctives
Layag Volume 3

Bernardo, A.B.I., Dayan, N.A., Tan, A.L., (1998) Globalization and the response in Psychology. Understanding Behavior, Bridging Cultures: Reading on an Emerging global Psychology
Manila: De La Salle University Press

Bernardo, A.B.I., Dayan, N.A., Tan, A.L., (1998) Undrestanding Behavior, Bridging Cultures: Reading on an Global Psychology
Manila: De LA Salle University Press

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1997) If the language's lexicon is nonsexist, is the language user also nonesxist? A cognitive psychology study on gendered language and gender stereotyping
Danyag , No. (2):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1997) Changing perspectives on the cognitive competence of young children
Philippine Journal of Educational Measurement , No. (8):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1997) Psychology research in the Philippines: Observations and prospects.
Philippine Journal of Psychology , No. (30):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1997) The Psychology of mathematics learning and performance: Implications for mathematics education
Layag , No. (2):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1997) Toward the rationalization of research on higher education: A survey of higher education research in the Philippine
Education Volume 1, No. (3):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1997) The decontextualization of knowledge in formal education
Tanglaw Volume 2, No. (5):

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1996) Using contemporary psychological perspectives to intensify the involvement of psychologists in Philippine schools.
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 29

Bernardo, A.B.I., (1999) Contemplating a scientific science education reform.
The Manila Journal of Science Volume 2(1)

Bernardo, A.B.I., (2009) Exploring the links between social axioms and the epistemological beliefs
New York Springer Science

Bernardo, A.B.I., (2009) Filipino students' reported parental socialization of academic achievement by socioeconomic groups
ISI Publication

Xin Zhang, Rong Zou, (2021) Perceived Stress, Hope, and Health Outcomes Among Medical Staff in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Frontiers in Psychiatry Volume 11

(2020) Socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between growth mindset and learning in mathematics and science: Evidence from PISA 2018 Philippine data
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology

(2020) Coronavirus Pandemic Anxiety Scale (CPAS-11): development and initial validation
Current Psychology

(2020) Measuring hope during the COVID-19 outbreak in the Philippines: development and validation of the state locus-of-Hope scale short form in Filipino
Current Psychology

(2020) Are higher-order life values antecedents of students’ learning engagement and adaptive learning outcomes? The case of materialistic vs. intrinsic life values
Current Psychology

(2012) Are Three Languages Better than Two? Inhibitory Control in Trilinguals and Bilinguals in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 45, No. 2

(2020) The Blessings of Social-Oriented Virtues: Interpersonal Character Strengths Are Linked to Increased Life Satisfaction and Academic Success Among Filipino High School Students
Social Psychology and Personality Science Volume 11, No. 45

(2019) Perceived Threat of Homosexuals in Indonesia: Construct, Measurement, and Correlates
Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia Volume 23, No. 2

(2019) Personality, Polyculturalism, and Cultural Intelligence: A Cross-Cultural Survey Study
Hubs-Asia Volume 23, No. 2

(2019) Polyculturalism and cultural adjustment of international students: Exploring the moderating role of cultural distance in a quantitative cross-sectional survey study
Cogent Psychology Volume 6, No. 10

(2019) Validating the protean and boundaryless career attitudes scales with Filipino young adults
Cogent Psychology Volume 6, No. 1

(2019) Polyculturalism and perceived effects of globalization in Macau
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal Volume 47, No. 7

(2019) Polyculturalism and Attitudes Toward the Continuing Presence of Former Colonizers in Four Postcolonial Asian Societies
Frontiers inPsychology Volume 10

(2019) Cognitive Empathy in Intercultural Interactions: The Roles of Lay Theories of Multiculturalism and Polyculturalism
Current Psychology Volume 38, No. 1

(2019) Polyculturalism: Viewing Cultures as Dynamically Connected and its Implications for Intercultural Attitudes in Colombia
Avances in Psicologia Latinoamericana Volume 37, No. 1

(2019) Constraints in the meanings of lay theories of culture in a culturally homogeneous society: A mixed-methods study on multiculturalism and polyculturalism in Wonosobo, Indonesia
Cogent Psychology Volume 6, No. 1

(2019) Introduction to the special thematic section: The importance of group identification, context and culture in promoting social action
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 13

(2018) Culturally Relevant Meanings of the Protestant Work Ethic and Attitudes towards Poor Persons – CORRIGENDUM
The Spanish Journal of Psychology Volume 21

(2018) Culturally Relevant Meanings of the Protestant Work Ethic and Attitudes towards Poor Persons
The Spanish Journal of Psychology Volume 21

(2018) The factor structure of the English CBCL DSM-oriented scales in Filipino schoolchildren as reported by bilingual caregivers
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology Volume 7, No. 1

(2018) Socioeconomic status and problem attributions: The mediating role of sense of control
Cogent Psychology Volume 5, No. 1

(2018) Cognitive flexibility and cultural intelligence: Exploring the cognitive aspects of effective functioning in culturally diverse contexts
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Volume 16

(2018) Associations Between Materialism, Gratitude, and Well-Being in Children of Overseas Filipino Workers
Europe's Journal of Psychology Volume 14, No. 3

(2018) Abusive Supervision and Well-Being of Filipino Migrant Workers in Macau: Consequences for Self-Esteem and Heritage Culture Detachment
Social Indicators Research Volume 139, No. 1

(2018) External locus-of-hope, well-being, and coping of students: A cross-cultural examination within Asia
Psychology in the Schools Volume 55, No. 2

(2018) Working for a better future: Social mobility beliefs and expectations of Filipino migrant workers in Macau
Australian Journal of Psychology Volume 70, No. 1

(2018) Internationalization within school and educational psychology: Perspectives about positive indicators, critical considerations, and needs
Psychology in the Schools Volume 55, No. 8

(2018) Individualism-Collectivism Orientations and Coping Styles of Cyberbullying Victims in Chinese Culture
Current Psychology Volume 37, No. 1

(2018) Socially Engaged Social Psychology in Asia: Sustaining Research Progress in Diverse Directions
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 12

(2018) Measuring Two Types of Inhibitory Control in Bilinguals and Trilinguals: Is There a Trilingual Advantage?
Psychological Studies Volume 63, No. 1

(2018) Measuring Two Types of Inhibitory Control in Bilinguals and Trilinguals: Is There a Trilingual Advantage?
Psychological Studies Volume 63, No. 1

(2017) Belief in polyculturalism and cultural intelligence: Individual- and country-level differences
Personality and Individual Differences Volume 119

(2017) Subjective Well-Being of Filipino Women who Experienced Intimate Partner Violence: A Person-Centered Analysis
International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling Volume 39, No. Supplement

(2017) Through the back door: Personality factors predict acceptance of illegal zou hou men among Chinese people
Personality and Individuall Differences Volume 119

(2017) Measuring depression, anxiety, and stress in Macau university students
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry Volume 9, No. 3

(2017) Filipino Adolescents’ Conceptions of Socioeconomic Mobility: a Consensual Qualitative Research
Child Indicators Research Volume 10, No. 1

(2017) Locus-of-Hope and Help-Seeking Intentions of Filipino Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
Current Psychology Volume 36, No. 1

(2016) Pathways from collectivist coping to life satisfaction among Chinese: The roles of locus-of-hope
Personality and Individual Differences Volume 106

(2016) What Personal Value Types are Associated with Beliefs on the Social Value of Religion?
Psychological Studies Volume 61, No. 3

(2016) A motivation in Filipino ESL Learners: Exploring Some Correlates
Porta Linguarum Volume 26, No. 2

(2016) Social axioms as social foundations of locus-of-hope: A study in three Asian cultural groups
Personality and Individual Differences Volume 95

(2016) Posttraumatic growth in survivors of a natural disaster: the role of social axioms of religiosity, reward for application, and social cynicism
The Journal of Positive Psychology

(2016) Social Complexity Beliefs Predict Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of a Natural Disaster
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Volume 8, No. 5

(2016) Contrasting Lay Theories of Polyculturalism and Multiculturalism: Associations With Essentialist Beliefs of Race in Six Asian Cultural Groups
Cross-Cultural Research Volume 50, No. 3

(2016) What Should a Social Psychology for Social Change Look Like in Asia? Reflections on Scientific Research, Aimed at Solving Social Problems and Generating New Knowledge With ‘a Theory of Culture Change at Its Centre’
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 10

(2015) Sharpening Our Understanding of Social Problems in Asian Societies: The Roles of Culture and Theory in Socially Engaged Social Psychology
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 9, No. 2

(2015) Sharpening Our Understanding of Social Problems in Asian Societies: The Roles of Culture and Theory in Socially Engaged Social Psychology
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 9, No. 2

(2015) Sharpening Our Understanding of Social Problems in Asian Societies: The Roles of Culture and Theory in Socially Engaged Social Psychology
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 9, No. 2

(2015) Locus-of-hope and life satisfaction: The mediating roles of personal self-esteem and relational self-esteem
Personality and Individual Differences Volume 83

(2015) Autism spectrum disorder etiology: Lay beliefs and the role of cultural values and social axioms
Autism Volume 20, No. 6

(2015) The Chinese version of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire: Factor structure replication and invariance across sex
Asia-Pacific Psychiatric Volume 8, No. 3

(2015) The use of digit ratios and dextrality to detect atypical neurodevelopment in schizotypy
Asian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 17

(2015) Beyond Math Anxiety: Positive Emotions Predict Mathematics Achievement, Self-Regulation, and Self-Efficacy
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Volume 25, No. 3

(2015) Internal and External Loci-of-Hope Predict Use of Individual and Collaborative Learning Strategies: Evidence from University Students in Four Asian Cities
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Volume 25, No. 3

(2014) Social Psychology for Social Change: Foundations for and Introduction to a Program of Action-Oriented Research
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Volume 8, No. 2

(2014) Describing values of Filipino adolescents: A comparison with pan-cultural norms.
Journal of Tropical Psychology Volume 4, No. e2

(2014) Measuring Hope in the Philippines: Validating the Short Version of the Locus-of-Hope Scale in Filipino
Social Indicators Research Volume 119, No. 3

(2014) The hypervigilant misperception of Duchenne smiles in schizotypy
Psycgological, Social, and Integrative Approaches

(2014) Illusory transparency in bilinguals: Does language of text affect bilingual readers’ perspective taking in reading?
Current Psychology Volume 34, No. 4

(2014) Motivation Gap and Achievement Gap Between Public and Private High Schools in the Philippines
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Volume 24, No. 4

(2014) Hope in early adolescence: Measuring internal and external locus-of-hope
Chil Indicators Research Volume 8, No. 3

Martin Pinquart, (2014) Teaching of psychology in countries with advanced versus developing economies
Psychology Teaching Review Volume 20, No. 26-40

(2014) Teaching of psychology in countries with advanced versus developing economies
Psychology Teaching Review Volume 20

(2014) Exploring social cognitive dimensions of sexual prejudice in Filipinos
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 46, No. 19-48

(2014) Hope grounded in belief: Direct and indirect influence of social axioms on dispositional hope
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology Volume 54

(2013) Are two achievement goals better than one? Filipino students' achievement goals, deep learning strategies and affect
Learning and Individual Differences Volume 27

(2013) Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction The Role of Dialecticism
Social Psychological and Personality Science Volume 4, No. 5

(2013) Negative Emotions Moderate the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Achievement of Filipino Students
Psychological Studies Volume 58, No. 3

(2013) Testing Multiple Goals Theory in an Asian Context: Filipino University Students' Motivation and Academic Achievement
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology Volume 1, No. 1

(2013) Social dominance orientation and attitudes towards the poor: Contrasting lower and higher socioeconomic groups in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Psychology Volume 46

(2013) Positive academic emotions moderate the relationship between self-regulation and academic achievement
British Journal of Educational Psychology Volume 83, No. 2

(2013) Adapting the Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire (FCQ) for Bilingual Filipino Adolescents: Validating English and Filipino Versions
Child Indicators Research Volume 6, No. 2

(2013) Polyculturalism and attitudes toward people from other countries
International Journal of Intercultural Relations Volume 37, No. 3

(2013) Hope and Internal Working Models of the Self and Others: A Correlational Study on Filipino Adolescents
Psychological Studies Volume 58, No. 1

(2013) Validity of Two Language Versions of the Auckland Individualism and Collectivism Scale with Filipino-English Bilinguals
Psychological Studies Volume 58, No. 1

(2012) Perceived legitimacy of parental control over academic behaviors and adolescent students’ academic adjustment
European Journal of Psychology of Education Volume 27, No. 4

(2012) The Acquisition of Case Marking by L1 Chabacano and L1 Cebuano Learners of L2 Filipino: Influence of Actancy Structure on Transfer
Language and Linguistics Volume 13, No. 3

(2012) Testing the Factorial Invariance of the English and Filipino Versions of the Inventory of School Motivation With Bilingual Students in the PhilippinesTesting the Factorial Invariance of the English and Filipino Versions of the Inventory of School Motivation With Bilingual Students in the Philippines
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Volume 30, No. 3

(2012) Talking about Good and Bad Learners: Linguistic Dimension of Implicit Theories of Intelligence
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology Volume 10, No. 1

(2011) Content and Structure of Values in Middle Adolescence: Evidence From Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Volume 42, No. 1

(2010) Extending hope theory: Internal and external locus of trait hope
Personality and Individual Differences Volume 49, No. 8

(2010) Task Specificity in the Use of Words in Mathematics: Evidence from Bilingual Problem Solvers
International Journal of Psychology Volume 1, No. 1

(2010) Language Format and Analogical Transfer among Bilingual Problem Solvers in the Philippines
International Journal of Psychology Volume 1, No. 1

(2010) Social perceptions of achieving students and achievement goals of students in Malaysia and the Philippines
Social Psychology of Education Volume 13, No. 3

(2010) Exploring Filipino adolescents' perceptions of the legitimacy of parental authority over academic behaviors
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Volume 31, No. 4

(2010) Epistemological Beliefs and Theory of Planned Behavior: Examining Beliefs about Knowledge and Knowing as Distal Predictors of Indonesian Tertiary Students’ Intention to Study
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Volume 19, No. 1

(2009) Cultural Factors Relevant to Secondary School Students in Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia: Relative Differences and Congruencies
Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling Volume 19, No. 2

(2009) Filipino Students' Reported Parental Socialization of Academic Achievement by Socioeconomic Group
Psychological Reports Volume 105, No. 2