Sex: Female


  • Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, Zambales, Master in Shipping Business and Mangement, 2002
  • Manila Central University, Manila, PhD. in Educational Management (High Distinction), 1999
  • Far Eastern University, Manila, B.S. Chemistry (Cum laude)
  • Far Eastern University, Manila, MBA and EdD

Field of Specialization:

Governmental, Educational and International Policies


Baylon, A., (2010 My 20) MAAP Extension Services Manual
Dept. of Research and Extension Services-MAAP (ISBN-978-971-94289-0-1)

Baylon, A., (2011 My 15) PAEPI Biennial Publication

Baylon, A., (2004 O 15) MAAP Research Journal

Baylon, A., (2010 My 20) MAAP Chemistry Module

Baylon, A., (2006 S 15) MAAP Research Manual
ISBN ongoing
Baylon, A., (2009) Addressing Global Maritime Cris: The Philippine Shipping Market Stand
International Conference Proceedings on Shipping Ports and International Logistics with theme "Maritime Crisis: Opportunities and Challenges, at BEXCO Convention Hall Busan, South Korea on 2009 D 17-18

Baylon, A., (2009) The MAAP Quality Assurance Framework: Supporting Students' Total Development Into Quality Graduates
8th Asia University Presidents Forum Proceedings with theme Quality Assurance In Higher Education, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia on 2009 O 19-21

Baylon, A., (2009 N 2-5) MAAP MET Programs: Ensuring Continous Supply of Competent Seafarers for the Global Fisheries and Maritime Industry
The 8th AMFUF International Conference Proceedings with theme Manning Education and Training,(Secretary General E.E Mitropoulus as GOH and Speaker) held in Korea Maritime University, Busan, Korea on 2009 N 2-5

Baylon, A., (2009) Contributing to the Total Development of Students through Philippines Best MET Practices to Meet the Challenges of the Shipping Industry
Proceedings of the 2009 Asia MET Summit: Meeting the Challenges of the Shipping Industry held at Longemont Hotel, Shanghai, China 2009 Mr 4-5

Papers Presented

  • Addressing Global Maritime Cris: The Philippine Shipping Market Stand 9, International Conference on Shipping Ports and International Logistics with theme "Maritime Crisis: Opportunities and Challenges, at BEXCO Convention Hall, Busan, South Korea
  • Contributing to the Total Development of Students Through Best MET Practices and Services: A Key to Competent Seafarers for Maritime Safety, 17th International Maritime Leaders' Association Conference (IMLA) with theme: MET: The Key to Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, La Palm Beach Royal Hotel, Accra Ghana Africa
  • Contributing to the Total Development of Students through Philippines, Best MET Practices to Meet the Challenges of the Shipping Industry, First Asia MET Summit, Longemont Hotel, Shanghai, China
  • Addressing Climate Change Concerns in Bataan Province and Manila Bay Through Private-Public Partnerships: The Bataan Coastal Care Foundation Experience (BCCFI), 2009 East Asian Congress with theme "Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good Practices and Subtheme Natural and Man Made Hazard Prevention and Management, Philippine International Convention Center, Manila Philippines
  • The MAAP Nominees for the UNAP - OYLA: The Students' Achievement in Academics, Innovation Leadership and Innovation, 10th International Youth Day Celebration and Youth and Educators Summit for the Millennium Development Goals (YES 4 MDGs!): Sustainability for Millennium Development Goals at the University of Makati, Philippines
  • Integrating MDGs in Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of PAEPI Extension Services Programs, 10th International Youth Day Celebration and Youth and Educators Summit for the Millennium Development Goals (YES 4 MDGs!):Sustainability for Millennium Development Goals at the University of Makati,Philippines
  • The MAAP Quality Assurance Framework: Supporting Students' Total Development Into Quality Graduates, 8th Asia University Presidents Forum on Quality Assurance In Higher Education held at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta Indonesisa
  • Impact of the Seafaring Lifestyle on Family: MAAP Seafarers Viewpoints, Marco Polo Plaza Hotel
  • Challenges in Philippine MET, International Conference: Innovative Research in a Changing and Challenging World IRCCW),Graceland Park and Spa Resort, Phuket Thailand
  • The Global Seafaring Challenges, Opportunities and Threats from the Philippine Maritime Stakeholders Viewpoints, BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Ocean 2012 with theme : New Wave of World Marine Economy, Bohai Sea Green Pearl Cruise Ship and World Expo Center in Dalian, China