Dr. Clare Baltazar is recognized for her contributions on the research on Philippine insects. Her discovery of the Philippine-endemic Hymenoptera species is important for biological insect control applications. Dr. Baltazar published a book on Philippine Insects is the first reliable book on Philippine insects. Discoveries of 8 and one subgenus of Hymenoptera and 108 new species of the Philippine parasitic Wasp's are Dr. Baltazar other important contributions to Science. Dr. Baltazar is well renowned here and out of the country. She accepted the Rizal Pro Patria Award in Entomology in 1980.

Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines, College, Laguna, BSA (Summa Cum Laude), 1943-1947
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, MS, 1949-1950
  • N.C. State College and University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, PhD., 1955-1957

Field of Specialization

Entomology, Economic Entomology, Biological Control


Baltazar, C.R., (1966) Generic synonymy and new combinations in some Indo-Australian braconids and eucharitid (Hymenoptera)
Pacific Insects Volume 8, No. (1):

Baltazar, C.R., (1964) Eriostethus Morley and a new polysphinctine genus (Ichneumonidae, Hymenoptera)
Pacific Insects Volume 6

Baltazar, C.R., (1964) New combinations in some Indo-Australian Agathidinae and description of a new genus(Braconidae, Hymenoptera)
Pacific Insects Volume 6, No. (1):

Baltazar, C.R., (1963) New combinations in some Indo-Australian Agathidinae and description of a new genus (Braconidae, Hymenoptera)
Acta Hymenopterologica Volume 2, No. 1

Baltazar, C.R., (1963) A new genus and nine new species of Philippine Braconidae (Hymenoptera)
Pacific Insects Volume 5, No. (3):

Baltazar, C.R., (1962) New pests of wheat in the Philippines
FAO Plant Protection Bulletin Volume 10, No. (6):

Baltazar, C.R., (1965) The rusty plum aphid in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Plant Industry Volume 30, No. (3 & 4):

Baltazar, C.R., (1963) Biological association of three insect species found in a tobacco field
Abstrcats in Plant Industry Digest Volume 26, No. (1 & 2):

Baltazar, C.R., (1962) The genera of parasitic Hymenoptera in the Philippines. Part I
Pacific Insects Volume 4, No. (4);

Baltazar, C.R., (1986) Taxonomy of Philippine Diptera
State of the Art Papers, Biological Sciences. (National Academy of Science and Technology , Metro Manila)

Baltazar, C.R., Gallego, V., (1983) Some Ecological studies on the coconut lefminer, Promecotheca cumingli Baly
Philippine Entomologist Volume 5, No. (5 & 6):

Baltazar. C.R., (1981) Biological control attempts in the Philippines
Philippine Entomologist Volume 4, No. (6):

Baltazar, C.R., (1972) Reclassification of some Indo-Australian and African Braconinae and Regadinae (Braconidae, Hymenoptera)
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 98, No. (3 & 4):

Baltazar, C.R., (1970) The status of insect Taxonomy in the Philippines
Philippine Entomologist Volume 1, No. (6):

Baltazar, C.R., (1969) Supplementary host list and checklist of Philippine plant pests
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 97, No. (2):

Baltazar, C.R., (1964) Import and export of biological control agents in the Philippines (1850-1960)
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 28, No. (1-2):

Baltazar, C.R., (1962) A new chalcid from the Philippines (Perilampidae, Hymenoptera)
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 90

Baltazar, C.R., (1962) Ettchellsia Philippinensis, a new species (Dinaspinae, Megalyridae, Hymenoptera)
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 90

Baltazar. C.R., (1961) New generic synonymy parasitic Hymenoptera
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 90

Baltazar, C.R., (1961) The Philppine species of Chriodes (Ophioninae, Ichneumonidae, Hymenoptera)
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 89

Baltazar, C.R., (1962) Wax scale on caimito.
Plant Industry Digest Volume 25, No. (10-12):

Baltazar, C.R., (1955) The Philippine species of Poemenilinae (Pimplinae, Hymenoptera)
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 83

Baltazar, C.R., (2001) Directions of systematic entomology in the Philippines
25th Anniversary and 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting (Abstracts)

Baltazar, C.R., (1990) Inventory of Philippine Insects

Baltazar, C.R., (1991) Inventory of Philippine Insects II


  • Eminent Educators Award, Pi Lambda Theta Philippines Field Chapter, Manila, 1989
  • L.B. Uichanco Professorial Chair on Pest Management, UPLB, 1988-1989
  • Special Award, Dept. of Entomology, UPCA, 1989
  • Exchange Scientist, DFG, Bonn, West germany and NAST-DOST, 1988
  • Research Fellow, NAST-DOST, 1985-present
  • Certificate of Recognition, Phi Sigma Alpha Chi Chapter, UPD, 1989
  • Exchange Scientist, Royal Society of London and National Academy of Science and Technology, 1984
  • Diamond Jubilee recognition Award as Outstanding Researcher, UPLB-CA, 1984
  • UP Diamond Jubilee Service Award, UPD1983
  • Distinguished Alumnus Award, UPCA Alumni Association, 1981
  • L.B. Uichanco Memorial Award as the Most Outstanding Entomologist, , 1981
  • RP/UPLB-EDP-ITAF Fellow, Smithsonian Institution, Washinton DC, USA, 1981
  • Academician, NAST-DOST, 1981
  • Jose Rizal Pro Patria Award in Entomology, , 1980
  • Achievement Award, National Research Council of the Philippines, 1980
  • Ayala Professorial Chair Award, , 1979-80
  • UP Rural High School Golden Jubilee Award for Academic Excellence, , 1979
  • UP Alumni Certificate Award (for fer invaluable services, , 1979
  • Certificate of Merit, BPI, Manila, 1972
  • John Simon Guggenhelm Fellow to Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. (for Postdoctoral Research), , 1965-1966
  • Special Subsidy Award for the Printing of" A Catalogue of Philippine Hymenoptera", John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, New York
  • Diploma of Recognition, BPI, Manila, 1959
  • University Scholar, University of the Philippines, College of Agriculture, 1947
  • B.M. Gonzales Presidential Pin (Summa Cum Laude), University of the Philippines, 1947
  • Fellow and Flulbright scholar, University of the Philippines, 1950
  • Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Scholarship, University of the Philippines Rural Highschool, 1954
  • Government Pencionado U.S.A, Bureau of Plant Industry Manila, 1957
  • John Simoun Guggenheim Fellow, Smithsnian Institution, Washington D.C., 1958
  • Coferred National Scientist, NAST, 2001