Dr. Victor Amoroso is recognized for his outstanding scientific works in the area of morphology and taxonomy of ferns and fern-allies in Mindanao. Through these accomplishments, he has contributed significantly in the scientific advancement of Philippine pteridological research, especially in economic ferns in Southern Philippines.

Sex: Male


  • Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Bachelor of Science in Biology, 1973
  • University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Master Science in Botany, 1977
  • University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Doctor Of Philosophy in Botany, 1983

Field of Specialization

Botany, Economic Ferns, Histochemical Studies (Medicinal Ferns), Philippine Cycas, Morphology and Taxonomy


Amoroso, V.B. Leano, E., (1990) The ferns of New Calinan, Marilog District, Davao
Bio-Science Bulletin Volume 4(1)

Amoroso, V.B Macabudbud, M., (1990) Three Philippine endemic ferns in Ipol. Marilog District, Calinan Davao
CMU Journal of Science Volume 2(2)

Amoroso, V.B. Macabudbud, F., (1988) A new record of Ophioglossum reticulatum Linn. at Forchacu III, Kalilangan, Bukidnon
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 117, No. 4

Amoroso, V.B. Amoroso, C.B., (1988) Gynophore and pod development in Arachis hypogaea.
CMU Journal of Science Volume 1(1)

Amoroso, V.B., (1989) Some economic eusporangiate ferns in Mindanao
CMU Journal of Science Volume 2(2)

Amoroso, V.B., (1988) Studies on the Medical Ferns of the Family Polypodiaceae.
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 117, No. 1

Amoroso, V.B., (1986) Sporophylls of Philippine Cycas
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 115(3)

Amoroso, V.B., (1984) Handbook on Medical Plants of Musuan, Bukidnon.
Central Mindanao University Printing Press of Musuan Bukidnon Volume 1

Amoroso, V.B., (1984) The identity of the Philippines material of the Genus Tmesipferis Berhn
Central Mindanao University Volume 6, No. 4

Amoroso, V.B., (1978) Two edible ferns at Central Mindanao University
BIOTA Volume 8(1)

Amoroso, V.B., Semitara, A.C., (1999) The morphology and identity of two species of Balanophora in Bukidnon, Philippines
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 128, No. 4

Amoroso, V.B., Amoroso, C.B., (2004) Participatory inventory and conservation studies of endemic, endangered and economically important flora in selected forest of Mindanao
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 26, No. 1

Amoroso V.B., (1993) Terrestrial and Aquatic Vascular Flora in Pulangi IV Hydroelectric Project
CMU Printing Press

Amoroso, V.B., (1990) Ten Edible Ferns
In: Mindanao Phil Journal Science Volume 119(4)

Amoroso, V.B., (1995) Diversity and Economic Vascular Plants in Pulangi Hydro Site in Bukidnon
NOMCARRD Newsletter IV Volume 10

Amoroso, V.B., (2007) Pteridophyte and Gymnosperm Diversity in Musuan, Bukidnon
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology Volume 1(1)

Amoroso, V.B., (1987) Medicinal Ferns of Mindanao.
Central Mindanao University Press.

Amoroso, V.B., Alvarado, C., (1993) Morpho-systematic Studies on Some Pteridophytes in Mt. Kitanglad, Bukidnon
SEAMED BIOTROP Publication Volume 51

Amoroso, V.B., Galo, L., (1993) Some aquatic vascular plants in the Pulangi IV Hydroelectric Project and Vicinities
Bio-Science Bulletin Volume 9

Amoroso, V.B., Acma, F., Pava, H., (1993) Some Endemic Ferns of Mt. Apulang, Bukidnon
Bio-Science Bulletin Volume 9

Amoroso, B.V., Acma, F., (1992) Ecosystematic Studies of the Pteridophytes in Mt. Kitanglad, Bukidnon
Bio-Science Bulletin Volume 8

Amoroso, V.B., Aguilos, M.A., (1992) Comparative Morpho-anatomical Studies of Tapeinidium pinnatum (Cav.) C. chr. and T. gracile B.
The Philippine BIOTA Volume 25, No. 1

Amoroso, V.B., Pava, H.M., (1991) Comparative Morpho-anatomical Studies of Two Endemic Species of Oleandra
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 120(4)

Amoroso, V.B., Macabudbud, F., (1988) A new record of Cphioglossum reticulafum Linn at Forchacu III, Kalilangan, Bukidnon
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 117(4)

Amoroso, V.B., (1989) The Cells and Tissues of Vascular Plants
Bato Balani for Science and Technology Volume 9(3)

Amoroso, V.B., Acma, F., (1994) Diversity, Status and Ecology of Pteridophytes in Three Forests in Mindanao
NOMCARRD Newsletter Volume 16, No. 10

Amoroso, V.B., Caballero, J., (1994) Morpho-anatomical Features of Eguisetum namosissimum.
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 123, No. 3

Amoroso, V.B., Alvarado, C., (1994) Morpho-anatomical Studies of the Plagiogyria in Kitanglad Range National Park in Bukidnon.
The Philippine BIOTA Volume 28, No. 1

Amoroso, V.B., (1993) Valuable Fems in Mindanao
CMU Journal of Science Volume 6(2)

Gruezo, W. SM., Amoroso, V.B., (2004) Conservation status of Philippine Biota Salacca clemensiana Becc.(Arecaceae/Palmae)a Mindanao endemic palm with high commercial and ornamental value
Asia Life Sciences, The Asian International Journal of Life Sciences Volume 13, No. 1 & 2

Amoroso, V.B., Rivera, G. , (2006) Society, environment, and development: The Mt. Malindang Experiences

Arances, J.B., Amoroso, V.B., Gruezo, W.S., Ridsdale, C., Usser, L., Tan, B.C., L.V. Rufila, J.B. Galvezo, G.S. Opiso, R. Comilap, C. Lumaray, C., Comilap, C., Pacut, N., Montimar, B., Sacal, S., (2004) Development of a participatory methodology for Inventory and Assessment of floral resources and their characterization in the Montane Forests of Mt. Malindang
BRP Monograph Series No.4

M.P. Medecillo., Amoroso, (1991) Morpho-anatomical Studies of Sphenomeris chinensis (L.) Maxon and Its proposed variety
CMU Journal of Science Volume 4(2)

Amoroso, V.B., Amoroso, C.V., (2003) Plantlet Production of the Philippine Giant Staghom Fern through Spore Culture
Pteridology in the New Millenium Academic Publishers, Netherlands

De Winter, W.P., Amoroso, V.B. (Editors), (2003) Plant Resources of South-East Asia, Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies
Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands Volume 15, No. 2

Amoroso, V,B., Acma, F.M., Timada, J.A., (2002) Assessment of Plant Diversity in Mt. Musuan, Bukidnon
CMU Joumal of Science Volume 10, No. 2

Amoroso, V.B., Rufila, L.V., Timada, J.A., (2002) Huperzia serrata: A Source of Drugs for Alzheimer's and Other Diseases
The Philippine BIOTA Volume 25, No. 2

Amoroso, V.B., Zamora, P.M., Rufila, L.V., (2001) Morphosystematic study and possible phyllogenetic relationships of primitive Philippine Lycopodium
ASIA Life Sciences Volume 10 , No. 2

Amoroso, C.B., Amoroso, V.B., (1999) Spore Culture of Bird's Nest Fern
CMU Graduate Journal Volume 1, No. 1

Amoroso, V.B., (2000) Biodiversity Research Program for Mindanao
Korean Journal of Ecology Volume 23 , No. 2

Amoroso, V.B. , (2000) Philippine Medicinal Ferns and Fern Allies
22 Karats Printing & Publishing House, Cagayan de Oro City

Amoroso, V.B. , (1997) Ferns of the Philippines.
CMU Printing Press

Budongan, E., Amoroso, V.B., (1996) Morpho-anatomical Studies of the Beivisia Found in Mt. Kitanglad National Park in Bukidnon, Philippines
The Philippine BIOTA Volume 39, No. 1

Dizon, L., Amoroso, V.B., (1995) Sporophyte Morphology of Lemmaphyllum spathulatum and Pyrrosa piloselloides
BIO-Science Bulletin Volume 11

Rufila, L., Amoroso, V.B. , (1998) Ecosystematic and Morphology of Ophioglossum reticuiatum
The Philippine BIOTA Volume 31, No. 2

Gruezo, W.Sm., Amoroso, V.B., (1992) The genus Tmesipteris Bernh ( Psilotaceae)in the Philippines: Revisited.

Amoroso, V. B., (1989) Some Economic Eusporangiate Ferns in Mindanao
CMU Journal of Science Volume 2, No. 2

Amoroso, V. B, (1987) Some endangered economic and endemic ferns of the Philippines
CMU Journal, Food and Nutrition Volume 9(1)

Amoroso, V.B., (1986) Some Medicinal Plants of Bukidnon
Central Mindanao University Printing Press

Amoroso, V.B., (1983) Tmesipferis
Fern Society Bulletin Volume 1(1)

Amoroso, V.B., (1979) The Pteridophyte Flora of Central Mindanao University
CMU Printing Press

Amoroso, V.B., (2011 Jl 13-14) Plant Diversity, Status and Conservation Initiatives in Three Mountain Ecosystems in Mindanao, Philippines
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology. Abstracts of Papers Volume 33, No. 1

Amoroso, V.B., (2009) Species Richness, Assessment and Conservation of Some Economically Important Philippine Lycopods
Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology. Abstracts of Papers Volume 31, No. 1

Opiso, E.M., Quimpang, V.T., Leaño, E.P., Galan, G.L., Acma, F.M., Coritico, F.P., Labadan, A., Forten, R.R., Coquilla, K.L., Bruno, A.G., & Amoroso, V.B., (2014) Assessment of Biodiversity and Water Quality in Association with Land Use in the Alanib River, Mt. Kitanglad Range Park, Philippines
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Volume 5, No. 1

Delima-Baron, E.M., Mohagan, A.B., Leaño, E.P., & Amoroso, V.B., (2019) Philautus (Bush Frogs) Species from Montane Forest of Marilog District, Davao City, Southern Mindanao, Philippines
Environment and Natural Resources Journal Volume 17, No. 2

Mohagan, A.B., Nuñeza, O.M., Alcala, A.C., Escarlos, J.A., Jr., Garcia, A.G., Jr., Selpa, E.C.T., Baguhin, L.J.B., Coritico, F.P., & Amoroso, V.B., (2019) Species richness and endemism of Reptilian Fauna in four Long-Term Ecological Research sites in Mindanao, Philippines
Biodiversity Journal Volume 10, No. 3

Amoroso, V., Mohagan, A., Coritico, F., Laraga, S., Lagunday, N., Domingo, K.L., Colong, R., & Ponce, R., (2019) Status of Mammals in the Expansion Sites of the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Mindanao, Philippines
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Volume 22, No. 2

Mohagan, A.B., Remulta, S.G.B., Mohagan, D.J.B., Mohagan, D.P., Amoroso, V.B., Porquis, H.C., & Escarlos, J.A., Jr., (2018) Species Composition and Status of Butterflies across Vegetation Types in Mt. Pinamantawan Sto. Domingo, Quezon, Bukidnon, Philippines
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Volume 9, No. 1

Amoroso, V.B., Mohagan, A.B., Coritico, F.P., Lagunday, N.E., Yorong, A.P., Colong, R.D., & Ponce, R.G., (2018) Avifaunal Assemblage in the Expansion Sites of the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Mindanao, Philippines
Nature Conservation Research Volume 3, No. Suppl.2

Mohagan, A.B., Tubongbanua, R.M., Jr., Amper, D.O., Hongco, A.L., Coritico, F.P., Gorme, F.S., Jr., Amoroso, V.B., Colong, R.D., & Ponce, R.G., (2019) Species Composition, Endemism and Local Status of Hawkmoths (Heterocera: Sphingidae) in the two proposed expansion sites of Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oriental, Philippines
Biological Forum - An International Journal Volume 11, No. 1

Mohagan, A.B., Nuñeza, O.M., Diesmos, A.C., Escarlos, J.A., Jr., Gracia, A.G., Jr., Selpa, E.C.T., Baguhin, L.J.B., Coritico, F.P., & Amoroso, V.B., (2018) Anuran Species Richness and Endemism in Four Long-Term Ecological Research Sites in Mindanao, Philippines

Papers Presented

Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural park: A potential long-term ecological research site in Mindanao, Philippines, Symposium on the Promotion of long-term Ecological and Biodiversity Studies in the Philippines, CMU, Musuan, Bukidnon

Participatory Inventory and Distribution of Endangered, Endemic and Economically Important Plants in Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oreintal, 29th National Academy of Science and Technology Annual SCientific Meeting, Bicutan, taguig, Metro Manila

Histochemical studies on some medicinal ferns, 3rd Biota Convention, CMU, Musuan, Bukidnon

Selected topics in Plant histology , 4th Annual Biota Convention, CMU, Musuan, Bukidnon

Scientific research, Don Mariano Marcos Polytechnic College, Cagayan de Oro

Preparation of research proposals, CAS, CMU

Morpho-anatomical studies on some lower vascular plants, CMU

Species richness and status of Philippine Pteridophytes, Annual Meeting cum Scientific Forum of the Association of Systematic Biologists of the Philippines, Philippine National Museum, Manila

Diversity of Pteridophytes in Mt hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oriental, Philippines, Farmers Training Center, central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon

Hybrid-GIS-based Comprehensive Characterization of Mt. Musuan and its potential buffer Zone at Maramag, Bukidnon, Annual In House Review of On-going and Completed Researches, Farmers Training Center, Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon


  • Outstanding Young Scientist Award, National Academy of Science and Technology, 1991
  • Scientist II, Scientific Career System, 19 December 1991
  • Pride of Heritage Award, International Press Research Development, 27 October 1990
  • 1st Place In-House Review of Completed Research, Farmers Training Center, 2006 June 6-7
  • Outstanding Alumni in the Field of Education, Saint Agustine Academy, 1987
  • 3rd Place Poster Presentor Award, SEARCA
  • Best Paper Award for Research Category, Northern Mindanao, Consortium for Agriculture and Resources (NOMCARRD), 2007 June 28-29
  • Outstanding Silimanian Award in Botany, Siliman Alumni Association Incoporated, Siliman University, Dumaguete City, 2007 August 28
  • 1st Place Best Paper Award for Research Category, NOMCARRD (Regional Symposium on Research and Development (R & D) Highlights, 2009 August 3-4
  • 3rd Best Poster Paper Award, Diversity of Pteridophytes in Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oriental Philippines, 2007 June 28-29
  • 4th Place Organic Matter Decomposition Experiment, Mt. Musuan, Mindanao (LTER), 2007 June 28-29
  • 2nd Place Best Paper Award for Research Category, Annual In- House Review and Evaluation of On-Going and Completed Researches, 2007 June 28-29
  • 1st Place Best Award for Research Category, Annual In-House Review and Evaluation of On-Going and Completed Researches, 2007 June 28-29
  • 1st Best Paper Award for Research Category, Northern Mindanao, Consortium for Agriculture and Resources (NOMCARRD)
  • 1st Best Paper Award for Research Category, PCARRD & NSARRD, 2007 November 9
  • Outstanding Science Teacher, Science Education Institute, (DOST), 1987
  • Merit and Service Awards, Biology Teachers Association of the Philippines, Inc., 1986-1991 April
  • Most Outstanding Researcher(Biodiversity), Central Mindanao University, 2003 September 25
  • Outstanding Performance during the 1st Semester SY 2004-2005, 40th CAS Foundation Anniversary, 2005 September 15
  • Outstanding Performance during the 2nd Semester SY 2004-2005, CAS Foundation Anniversary, 2005 September 15
  • 4th Place Paper Award for Research Category, NOMCARRD (Regional Symposium on Research and Development ( R&D) Highlights, 2005 August 4-5
  • 1st Place In -House Review of Completed Research, SEARCA, 2005 June 30 & 2005 July 1
  • 2nd Place In-House Review On-Going Research, CEPF, 2005 June 30 & 2005 July 1
  • Plaque of Recognition, Department Of the Science and Technology, 2004 July 30
  • 5th Place In-House Review On-Going Research, SEARCA, 2004 June 28-29
  • 4th Place In-House Review of Completed Research, Biodiversity and Economics of Palm Oil Plantations, 2004 June 28-29
  • The Hamiling Bayawanon Award in the Field of Science and Technology, 3rd Charter Anniversary of Bayawan City, 2003
  • 2nd Place, National Research Paper Award (Agriculture and Natural Resources Category), 31st PCARRD Anniversary, 2003
  • 1st Best Paper Award for Research Category, 15th NOMCARRD (Regional Symposium on Research and Development (R & D) Highlights, 2003
  • 1st Place In-House Review of Completed Research, Commission on Higher Education (CHED), 2003
  • 1st Place In-House Review of On-Going Research, Commission on Higher Education (Philippines), 2002
  • 1st Place In-House Review of Completed Research, Participatory Inventory & Assessment of Flora Resources & Livelihood Development, 2002
  • 2nd Place Regional Symposium on S & T Highlights, Participatory Inventory Assessment of Flora Resources & Livelihood Development, 2002
  • 1st Place In-House review of Completed Research, Assessment of Plant Diversity, 2001
  • 2nd Place Regional Symposium on S & T Highlights, Assessment of Plant Diversity, 2001
  • 1st Place In-House review of Completed Research, Morphosystematic Study and Possible Phyllogenetic Relationships of Primitive Philippine Lycopodium, 2000
  • Outstanding UP Alumni in the Field of Botany, UP Alumni, 1999 June 19
  • 1st Poster Paper, Northern Mindanao. Consortium for Agriculture and Resources (NOMCARRD), 1998 July 30-31
  • 1st Place Technology for Dissemination, Regional Symposium of Research Highlights, 1997 July 18
  • 3rd Place, Scientific Paper, Regional Symposium of Research Highlights, 1996 June
  • 1st Place Scientific Paper, Regional Symposium of Research Highlights, 1994 June
  • 3rd Place Scientific Paper, Regional Symposium of Research Highlights, 1994 June
  • 3rd Place best Poster Paper, NOMCARRD, 1996 June
  • 3rd Best Poster Paper Award, Inventory and Assessment of Pitcher Plants, 2007 June 28-29
  • 1st Place Best Paper Award for Research Category, Northern Mindanao. Consortium for Agriculture and Resources (NOMCARRD), 2006 August 3-4
  • Platycerium Grande Award, Philippine Horticultural Society, 2006 June 28
  • 3rd Place In - House Review of Completed Research, SEARCA, 2006 July 6-7
  • Achiever in Science and Technology, DOST, 1991 June 5
  • Outstanding Alumnus Awards, St. Agustin Academy, 1987