Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, B.S. Chemistry, 1974
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, M.S. Chemistry, 1980
  • University of Rennes, France, Ph.D. in Chemistry, 1985

Field of Specialization:

Chemistry, Natural products chemistry


Garcia, C.P., Sumera, F.C., Toia, R.F., (1988) Discarine A from Antidesma fructiferum ELM. Acta Manilana Volume 77:

Sumera, F.C., Giron, O., (1988) A chemical toxicant from a mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum. Philippine Journal of Science Volume 117:

Sumera, F.C., (1987) On equivalent synthetiquede la triforayls triazine. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry Volume 24:

Sumera, F.C., Ogata, N., (1993) Electrochemical synthesis of electronic and ionic conductive polymer composite polyaniline PEO Network. Kimika Volume 9:

Sumera, F., CariƱo, S., (1993) Analytical applications of polyaniline conducting polymer. NSRI (UP) Technical Report No.5

Carino, S., Ordonez, I., Sumera, F., (1997) Preparation and photoelectrochemical characterization of polyaniline doped with copper phtalocyanine tetrasulphonate. Kimika Volume 13(2):

Sumera, F.C. , (1989) Biologically active cyclopeptide from Antidesma fructiferum. Kimika Volume 5:


  • Faculty Fellowship, UPD, 1978-1980
  • PhD (Tres. Honorable), University of Rennes, 1985
  • Faculty Grant (UP Diamond Jubilee Grant), University of the Philippine Diliman, 1989
  • Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Chemistry), NAST-DOST, 1991