
Article title: Microbial quality, safety, sensory acceptability, and proximate composition of a fermented nixtamalized maize (Zea mays L.) beverage
Authors: Patricia Isabel K. Ramos, Arvin Paul P. Tuaño, Clarissa B. Juanico
Publication title: Journal of Cereal Science 107:103521, September 2022

Consumption of maize and maize-based snacks in the Philippines is limited despite the high maize production. This study aimed to develop a fermented nixtamalized maize beverage (FNMB) and evaluate the microbial quality, safety, sensory characteristics, acceptability, and proximate composition of the formulated product. Different ratio of maize milk and cow milk were mixed [0:100 (control), 50:50, 70:30, 80:20]. Ecological nixtamalization (using CaCO3) was employed to produce the maize milk and fermentation using L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus was applied. Results showed that the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) count of the fermented treatments reached the minimum required level for fermented beverages. The most acceptable formulation was that of 50:50 maize milk:cow milk ratio, and was selected for further studies. The FNMB did not exhibit E. coli, Salmonella, and S. aureus. Nixtamalization increased the moisture and protein contents and decreased the carbohydrate and ash levels of the fermented beverage (p < 0.05). Fermentation decreased the amount of moisture and carbohydrate and increased the crude protein and ash contents of the nixtamalized samples (p < 0.05). The FNMB exhibited higher protein, carbohydrate, and lower fat than commercial yogurt. The FNMB is a healthy snack alternative which can promote maize consumption and utilization in the Philippines.
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Article title: Nutrient Composition, Starch Microstructure and Thermal Properties, and In Vitro Availability of Selected Minerals of Nixtamalized Philippine Quality Protein Maize Variety IPB Var 6 and the Production of Healthy Loaf Bread using Nixtamalized Corn‐Wheat Flour Blends
Authors: Deborah Christine A. De Leon, Aldrin P. Bonto, Arvin Paul P. Tuaño, Clarissa B. Juanico
Publication title: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 46(6), April 2022

Corn is one of the most important food crops globally providing at least 30% of the food calories in developing countries. This study aimed to determine the nutritional content and starch properties of nixtamalized Philippine quality protein maize variety (QPM) variety and its potential as a flour substitute in loaf bread production. The nixtamalized Philippine QPM flour had a significant increase in moisture and calcium contents. In vitro availability of calcium, iron and zinc was relatively lower and associated with phytate content. The developed loaf bread utilizing the optimum nixtamalized corn‐wheat flour blend had improved nutritional value and had no significant difference in sensory characteristics compared with the control loaf bread made from wheat flour. The use of nixtamalized IPB Var 6 flour as an ingredient in loaf bread‐making improved its crude fiber, calcium, and iron levels and can be a nutritious potential substitute ingredient for baked products.
Full text available upon request to the author/s.

Article title: Development and characterization of the nutritional profile and microbial safety of rice-nixtamalized corn grits blends as potential alternative staple for household consumption
Authors: Jessica A. Hernandez, Arvin Paul P. Tuaño, Clarissa B. Juanico
Publication title: Future Foods 5:100127, June 2022

The nutritional composition of corn is relatively insufficient to sustain human growth and development. This study developed and characterized rice-nixtamalized corn blends to enhance the nutritional quality of rice-corn composites geared towards household consumption. Corn kernels of two Philippine corn varieties, IPB Var 6 (VK) and Lagkitan (LK), were nixtamalized using ecological method, processed into corn grits, and blended with locally available rice Sinandomeng. Out of the six rice-nixtamalized corn grits blends developed, three blends (30% VK, 70% LK, and 50% VK) were considered most acceptable based on sensory evaluation of consumer panelists. The blends required 210−290 mL cooking water and 20−25 minutes of cooking time. Microbial analysis showed that the blends had <1.0 × 103 cfu/g yeast and mold count (YMC) after two months of storage in a dry place at ambient conditions, indicating food safety upon common short-term storage in a typical Filipino household. Both the IPB Var 6 and Lagkitan blends exhibited significant increase in calcium (2- to 3-folds), iron (4- to 7-folds), zinc, (1- to 2-folds), and phosphorus (1- to 2-folds) as compared to rice alone. Consuming 100 grams of the developed rice-nixtamalized corn grits blends can achieve an average healthy adult's daily calcium requirement by 4%, iron requirement by 7%, and as high as 35% zinc requirement.
Full text available upon request to the author/s.

Article title: Dietary diversity and nutritional status of 2 to 5 years old children in households with and without home gardens in selected districts in Siem Reap province, Cambodia
Authors: Liny S.E.K., Aimee A. Sheree Barrion, Clarissa B. Juanico, Josefina T.
Dizon2 & Hurtada A. Wilma
Publication title: Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 27(2), July 2021

There is a high prevalence of malnutrition in Cambodia during the past 10 years. One of the programmes implemented to secure household food security in order to alleviate malnutrition was home gardening. This study aimed to compare the nutritional status of 2 to 5 years old children in households with and without home gardens. Methods: Twenty-five households with home gardens and 60 households without home gardens were sampled. Results: The households sampled had a mixed type of home garden with three to five crop varieties occupying 20 to 200 square meters area. The purpose of the garden was to increase vegetable consumption and produce additional income. Results showed that 72% and 65% of the children resided in households with and without home gardens, respectively. Majority had medium dietary diversity score, i.e. consumed four to five different food groups per day. Except for stunting, higher prevalences of undernutrition (32%) and wasting (8%) were observed among children residing in households with home gardens compared to children in households without home gardens. Conclusion: There were no associations for dietary diversity score and nutritional status of children from households with and without home gardens. Among the sociodemographic and economic factors, age, sex, family size, and vegetable consumption were significantly associated with dietary diversity score and nutritional status of the children.
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Article title: Acculturation-Related Factors of Dietary Pattern Changes among Indigenous Adolescents in Mt. Arayat, Philippines
Authors: Mark Spencer K. Barcena, Anna Teresa O. Orillo, Clarissa B. Juanico, Arvin Paul P. Tuaño
Publication title: Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 16(1): 21-30, March 2021

This study aimed to determine the levels of dietary acculturation and factors affecting acculturation-related changes in dietary patterns of 15 adolescents in an indigenous community in Mt. Arayat, Central Luzon, Philippines displaced after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. Mixed-methods sequential explanatory design (using modified scales) was employed to measure dietary acculturation; index analyses to evaluate dietary patterns; and focus group discussion to determine factors leading to dietary acculturation. Majority was found to be bicultural (93.33%) and the mean dietary pattern index score was 69.40 implying a need for dietary improvement. Moderate to high levels of dietary acculturation were observed on the traditional food block, while low to moderate levels were observed towards the dominant food block. Various psychosocial factors driving dietary choices cumulatively affect dietary patterns of adolescents experiencing acculturation in this study, including but not limited to: 1) the neighboring communities’ ethnocultural composition facilitates acculturation primarily through language fluency; 2) prevalence of discrimination exerts an external pressure to adopt host culture for social acceptance; 3) economic need for integration to sustain day-to-day activities exists; 4) religious feasts and gatherings centered on foods previously unknown to them have been introduced; 5) food selection behavior shifts due to acquired experiences of food whether sensory or cognitive; and 6) their attitudes towards assimilation majorly characterizes the gradual internalization of host culture.
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Article title: Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Nixtamalized Quality Protein Maize Flour and its Potential as Substitute in Philippine Salt Bread
Authors: Dianne Jane A. Sunico, Felicito M. Rodriguez, Arvin Paul P. Tuaño, Lotis E. Mopera, Liezl M. Atienza, and Clarissa B. Juanico
Publication title: Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 20(2), March 2021

Nixtamalization is an ancient method of processing corn that is said to enhance the nutritional value of maize by improving protein quality, increasing calcium and niacin bioavailability, and reducing phytic acid levels, thus increasing iron digestibility and biovailability. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of different nixtamalization processes on the physicochemical and nutritional properties of quality protein maize (QPM) flour and evaluate its potential and acceptability as a flour substitute in Philippine salt bread baking, determined through sensory analysis. Three processes of nixtamalization were employed, namely, traditional, classic, and ecological. Nixtamalized QPM flours, combined with wheat flour in 30:70 ratio, were used in the product development and sensory evaluation of Philippine salt bread. Results revealed that nixtamalization contributed significantly in the pH, color, and particle size of nixtamalized QPM flours. There was a significant increase (P ≤0.05) in the moisture, crude protein, crude fiber, crude ash, calcium, iron, niacin, lysine, tryptophan, total starch, amylose, amylopectin, resistant starch, and soluble fiber contents and a significant decrease in the crude fat, nitrogen-free extract (NFE), phytate, and insoluble fiber contents of QPM flours after nixtamalization. No significant difference was found in the zinc and total dietary fiber contents among the samples. The Philippine salt bread produced using nixtamalized QPM flours had a high overall acceptability based on two-step sensory analysis. QPM is greatly improved by the ancient technology of nixtamalization and nixtamalized QPM flour showed desirable contributions in terms of the nutritional value and sensory attributes of Philippine salt bread when used as a flour substitute or blend.
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Article title: Nutritional Status of Children and Maternal Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries in Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines
Authors: Ma-Ann Zarsuelo, Wilma Hurtada, Madeline Suva, Clarissa Juanico
Publication title: International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering 86, 2015

The study evaluated the impact of Philippine CCT adopted as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) on health key outcomes focused on maternal knowledge, attitudes, and practices and maternal and child's (6 mos. to 5 y/o) nutritional status. Data from 91 respondents in each group of 4Ps and non beneficiaries showed that 4Ps had significantly higher maternal education. In knowledge score, non beneficiaries were 3.3% significantly lower than the 4Ps average score of 73.1%. Main source of information was health center lectures. In attitude items, both groups had positive perceptions on health and nutrition. The 4Ps mothers/guardians had better practices on maternal and child care. Nutritional status of non beneficiary children had higher prevalence of underweight (24.2%), stunting (47.3%), wasting (8.8%), and overweight (5.5%). The same applies to non beneficiary mothers/guardians, having higher prevalence of CED (17.6%), overweight (23.1%), and obesity (7.7%). Findings showed that the program is successful in investing in human capital through good health. However, malnutrition prevalence is still considerably high.
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Article title: Household Characteristics, Housing Profile and Diet Diversity of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Beneficiaries and Non-beneficiaries in Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines
Authors: Ma-Ann M. Zarsuelo, Madeline M. Suva, Clarissa B. Juanico, Wilma A. Hurtada
Publication title: Acta Medica Philippina 52(5), February 2020

Background. The Philippines adopted the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program as the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) that serves as the government’s flagship social assistance program for the poor. This provides short-term income support to poor families while investing on health and education to overcome future poverty.

Objective. This study aimed to characterize the beneficiary and non-beneficiary households and evaluate the impact of 4Ps program on housing facilities and diet diversity.

Methods. Quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate survey outcomes between 91 randomly sampled beneficiaries and 91 completely enumerated non-beneficiaries (incoming grantees). FANTA Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) was used as an indicator for dietary diversity while structured questionnaire on housing profile was based on BIDANI and CEM-UPLB tools.

Results. The 4Ps beneficiaries had significantly higher maternal education, household size (ρ=0.038), and improved water source (ρ=0.004) than non-beneficiaries. Cash transfer among 4Ps households provided 11% increase in the average monthly income of P7,324 pre-transfer. Diet diversity using FANTA scoring (0-12) showed that nonbeneficiaries were significantly lower by 0.4 than 4Ps score of 7.9 (ρ=0.003). Maternal education was found to have significant positive correlation with diet diversity. Both groups had high cereals and fats intake (>90%) while low in complex carbohydrates and legumes (<31%).

Conclusion. The 4Ps had positive correlation on housing profile and diet diversity among beneficiaries. Family Development Session should integrate practical methods on improving a variety of foods, specifically, the low consumption food groups. Additionally, a review on the selection criteria based on the provincial poverty threshold vis a vis income of grantees must be implemented to accurately target intended beneficiaries.
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